2024-03-06 20:10:10 +01:00

537 lines
28 KiB

package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.IFunctionCall
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.*
import kotlin.math.sign
class TypecastsAdder(val program: Program, val options: CompilationOptions, val errors: IErrorReporter) : AstWalker() {
* Make sure any value assignments get the proper type casts if needed to cast them into the target variable's type.
* (this includes function call arguments)
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val declValue = decl.value
if(decl.type== VarDeclType.VAR && declValue!=null) {
val valueDt = declValue.inferType(program)
if(valueDt isnot decl.datatype) {
if(decl.isArray && !options.strictBool) {
if(tryConvertBooleanArrays(decl, declValue, parent))
return noModifications
if(valueDt.isInteger && decl.isArray) {
if(decl.datatype == DataType.ARRAY_BOOL) {
val integer = declValue.constValue(program)?.number
if(integer!=null) {
val num = NumericLiteral(DataType.BOOL, if(integer==0.0) 0.0 else 1.0, declValue.position)
num.parent = decl
decl.value = num
} else {
return noModifications
// don't add a typecast if the initializer value is inherently not assignable
if(valueDt isNotAssignableTo decl.datatype)
return noModifications
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, declValue, decl.datatype, decl)
return modifications
return noModifications
private fun tryConvertBooleanArrays(decl: VarDecl, declValue: Expression, parent: Node): Boolean {
val valueNumber = declValue.constValue(program)
val valueArray = declValue as? ArrayLiteral
when (decl.datatype) {
DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> {
if(valueNumber!=null) {
decl.value = NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(valueNumber.number!=0.0, declValue.position)
return true
} else if(valueArray!=null) {
val newArray = {
if(it.inferType(program).isBytes) {
TypecastExpression(it, DataType.BOOL, false, it.position)
} else {
decl.value = ArrayLiteral(InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_BOOL), newArray.toTypedArray(), valueArray.position)
return true
DataType.ARRAY_B -> {
if(valueNumber!=null) {
decl.value = NumericLiteral(DataType.BYTE, if(valueNumber.asBooleanValue) 1.0 else 0.0, declValue.position)
return true
} else if(valueArray!=null) {
val newArray = {
if(it.inferType(program).isBool) {
TypecastExpression(it, DataType.BYTE, false, it.position)
} else {
decl.value = ArrayLiteral(InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_B), newArray.toTypedArray(), valueArray.position)
return true
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> {
if(valueNumber!=null) {
decl.value = NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, if(valueNumber.asBooleanValue) 1.0 else 0.0, declValue.position)
return true
} else if(valueArray!=null) {
val newArray = {
if(it.inferType(program).isBool) {
TypecastExpression(it, DataType.UBYTE, false, it.position)
} else {
decl.value = ArrayLiteral(InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_UB), newArray.toTypedArray(), valueArray.position)
return true
else -> { /* no casting possible */ }
return false
override fun after(expr: BinaryExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val leftDt = expr.left.inferType(program)
val rightDt = expr.right.inferType(program)
val leftCv = expr.left.constValue(program)
val rightCv = expr.right.constValue(program)
if(leftDt.isKnown && rightDt.isKnown) {
if(expr.operator=="<<" && leftDt.isBytes) {
// uword ww = 1 << shift --> make the '1' a word constant
val leftConst = expr.left.constValue(program)
if(leftConst!=null) {
val leftConstAsWord =
NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, leftConst.number, leftConst.position)
NumericLiteral(DataType.WORD, leftConst.number, leftConst.position)
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
if (parent is Assignment) {
if ( {
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.left, leftConstAsWord, expr)
// if(rightDt.isBytes)
// modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, TypecastExpression(expr.right, leftConstAsWord.type, true, expr.right.position), expr)
} else if (parent is TypecastExpression && parent.type == DataType.UWORD && parent.parent is Assignment) {
val assign = parent.parent as Assignment
if ( {
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.left, leftConstAsWord, expr)
// if(rightDt.isBytes)
// modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, TypecastExpression(expr.right, leftConstAsWord.type, true, expr.right.position), expr)
return modifications
if(leftDt!=rightDt) {
if(!options.strictBool) {
if (expr.operator in LogicalOperators) {
if (leftDt.isBool) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.right, DataType.BOOL, false, expr.right.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, cast, expr))
} else {
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.left, DataType.BOOL, false, expr.left.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.left, cast, expr))
} else {
if(leftDt.isBool && rightDt.isBytes) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.left, rightDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), false, expr.left.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.left, cast, expr))
} else if(rightDt.isBool && leftDt.isBytes) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.right, leftDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), false, expr.right.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, cast, expr))
// convert a negative operand for bitwise operator to the 2's complement positive number instead
if(expr.operator in BitwiseOperators && leftDt.isInteger && rightDt.isInteger) {
if(leftCv!=null && leftCv.number<0) {
val value = if(rightDt.isBytes) 256+leftCv.number else 65536+leftCv.number
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(
NumericLiteral(rightDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), value, expr.left.position),
if(rightCv!=null && rightCv.number<0) {
val value = if(leftDt.isBytes) 256+rightCv.number else 65536+rightCv.number
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(
NumericLiteral(leftDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), value, expr.right.position),
if(leftDt istype DataType.BYTE && rightDt.oneOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD)) {
// cast left to unsigned
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.left, rightDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), true, expr.left.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.left, cast, expr))
if(leftDt istype DataType.WORD && rightDt.oneOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD)) {
// cast left to unsigned word. Cast right to unsigned word if it is ubyte
val mods = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.left, DataType.UWORD, true, expr.left.position)
mods += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.left, cast, expr)
if(rightDt istype DataType.UBYTE) {
mods += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right,
TypecastExpression(expr.right, DataType.UWORD, true, expr.right.position),
return mods
if(rightDt istype DataType.BYTE && leftDt.oneOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD)) {
// cast right to unsigned
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.right, leftDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), true, expr.right.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, cast, expr))
if(rightDt istype DataType.WORD && leftDt.oneOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD)) {
// cast right to unsigned word. Cast left to unsigned word if it is ubyte
val mods = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val cast = TypecastExpression(expr.right, DataType.UWORD, true, expr.right.position)
mods += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, cast, expr)
if(leftDt istype DataType.UBYTE) {
mods += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.left,
TypecastExpression(expr.left, DataType.UWORD, true, expr.left.position),
return mods
if((expr.operator!="<<" && expr.operator!=">>") || !leftDt.isWords || !rightDt.isBytes) {
// determine common datatype and add typecast as required to make left and right equal types
val (commonDt, toFix) = BinaryExpression.commonDatatype(leftDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), rightDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), expr.left, expr.right)
if(toFix!=null) {
if(commonDt==DataType.BOOL) {
// don't automatically cast to bool
errors.err("left and right operands aren't the same type: $leftDt vs $rightDt", expr.position)
} else {
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
when {
toFix===expr.left -> addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, expr.left, commonDt, expr)
toFix===expr.right -> addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, expr.right, commonDt, expr)
else -> throw FatalAstException("confused binary expression side")
return modifications
return noModifications
override fun after(assignment: Assignment, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// see if a typecast is needed to convert the value's type into the proper target type
val valueItype = assignment.value.inferType(program)
val targetItype =
if(targetItype.isKnown && valueItype.isKnown) {
val targettype = targetItype.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
val valuetype = valueItype.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
if (valuetype != targettype) {
if (valuetype isAssignableTo targettype) {
if(valuetype in IterableDatatypes && targettype==DataType.UWORD)
// special case, don't typecast STR/arrays to UWORD, we support those assignments "directly"
return noModifications
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, assignment.value, targettype, assignment)
return modifications
} else {
fun castLiteral(cvalue2: NumericLiteral): List<IAstModification.ReplaceNode> {
val cast = cvalue2.cast(targettype, true)
return if(cast.isValid)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assignment.value, cast.valueOrZero(), assignment))
val cvalue = assignment.value.constValue(program)
if(cvalue!=null) {
val number = cvalue.number
// more complex comparisons if the type is different, but the constant value is compatible
if(!options.strictBool) {
if (targettype == DataType.BOOL && valuetype in ByteDatatypes) {
val cast = NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(number!=0.0, cvalue.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assignment.value, cast, assignment))
if (targettype in ByteDatatypes && valuetype == DataType.BOOL) {
val cast = NumericLiteral(targettype, if(cvalue.asBooleanValue) 1.0 else 0.0, cvalue.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assignment.value, cast, assignment))
if (valuetype == DataType.BYTE && targettype == DataType.UBYTE) {
return castLiteral(cvalue)
} else if (valuetype == DataType.WORD && targettype == DataType.UWORD) {
return castLiteral(cvalue)
} else if (valuetype == DataType.UBYTE && targettype == DataType.BYTE) {
return castLiteral(cvalue)
} else if (valuetype == DataType.UWORD && targettype == DataType.WORD) {
return castLiteral(cvalue)
} else {
if(!options.strictBool) {
if (targettype == DataType.BOOL && valuetype in ByteDatatypes) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(assignment.value, targettype, false, assignment.value.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assignment.value, cast, assignment))
if (targettype in ByteDatatypes && valuetype == DataType.BOOL) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(assignment.value, targettype, false, assignment.value.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assignment.value, cast, assignment))
return noModifications
override fun after(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
return afterFunctionCallArgs(functionCallStatement)
override fun after(functionCallExpr: FunctionCallExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
return afterFunctionCallArgs(functionCallExpr)
private fun afterFunctionCallArgs(call: IFunctionCall): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// see if a typecast is needed to convert the arguments into the required parameter type
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val sub =
val params = when(sub) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
is Subroutine -> { FParam(, listOf(it.type).toTypedArray()) }
else -> emptyList()
} {
val targetDt = it.first.possibleDatatypes.first()
val argIdt = it.second.inferType(program)
if (argIdt.isKnown) {
val argDt = argIdt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
if (argDt !in it.first.possibleDatatypes) {
val identifier = it.second as? IdentifierReference
val number = it.second as? NumericLiteral
if(number!=null) {
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, it.second, targetDt, call as Node)
} else if(identifier!=null && targetDt==DataType.UWORD && argDt in PassByReferenceDatatypes) {
if(!identifier.isSubroutineParameter(program)) {
// We allow STR/ARRAY values for UWORD parameters.
// If it's an array (not STR), take the address.
if(argDt != DataType.STR) {
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(
AddressOf(identifier, null, it.second.position),
call as Node
} else if(targetDt==DataType.BOOL) {
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, it.second, DataType.BOOL, call as Node)
} else if(argDt isAssignableTo targetDt) {
if(argDt!=DataType.STR || targetDt!=DataType.UWORD)
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, it.second, targetDt, call as Node)
} else if(!options.strictBool && targetDt in ByteDatatypes && argDt==DataType.BOOL)
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, it.second, targetDt, call as Node)
} else {
val identifier = it.second as? IdentifierReference
if(identifier!=null && targetDt==DataType.UWORD) {
// take the address of the identifier
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(
AddressOf(identifier, null, it.second.position),
call as Node
return modifications
override fun after(typecast: TypecastExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// warn about any implicit type casts to Float, because that may not be intended
if(typecast.implicit && typecast.type.oneOf(DataType.FLOAT, DataType.ARRAY_F)) {
errors.warn("integer implicitly converted to float. Suggestion: use float literals, add an explicit cast, or revert to integer arithmetic", typecast.position)
errors.err("integer implicitly converted to float but floating point is not enabled via options", typecast.position)
return noModifications
override fun after(memread: DirectMemoryRead, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// make sure the memory address is an uword
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val dt = memread.addressExpression.inferType(program)
if(dt.isKnown && dt.getOr(DataType.UWORD)!=DataType.UWORD) {
val castedValue = (memread.addressExpression as? NumericLiteral)?.cast(DataType.UWORD, true)?.valueOrZero()
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(memread.addressExpression, castedValue, memread)
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, memread.addressExpression, DataType.UWORD, memread)
return modifications
override fun after(memwrite: DirectMemoryWrite, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// make sure the memory address is an uword
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val dt = memwrite.addressExpression.inferType(program)
if(dt.isKnown && dt.getOr(DataType.UWORD)!=DataType.UWORD) {
val castedValue = (memwrite.addressExpression as? NumericLiteral)?.cast(DataType.UWORD, true)?.valueOrZero()
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(memwrite.addressExpression, castedValue, memwrite)
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, memwrite.addressExpression, DataType.UWORD, memwrite)
return modifications
override fun after(returnStmt: Return, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// add a typecast to the return type if it doesn't match the subroutine's signature
// but only if no data loss occurs
val returnValue = returnStmt.value
if(returnValue!=null) {
val subroutine = returnStmt.definingSubroutine!!
if(subroutine.returntypes.size==1) {
val subReturnType = subroutine.returntypes.first()
val returnDt = returnValue.inferType(program)
if(!options.strictBool) {
if(subReturnType==DataType.BOOL && returnDt.isBytes) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(returnValue, DataType.BOOL, false, returnValue.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(returnValue, cast, returnStmt))
if(subReturnType in ByteDatatypes && returnDt.isBool) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(returnValue, subReturnType, false, returnValue.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(returnValue, cast, returnStmt))
if (returnDt istype subReturnType or returnDt.isNotAssignableTo(subReturnType))
return noModifications
if (returnValue is NumericLiteral) {
val cast = returnValue.cast(subReturnType, true)
returnStmt.value = cast.valueOrZero()
} else {
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, returnValue, subReturnType, returnStmt)
return modifications
return noModifications
override fun after(whenChoice: WhenChoice, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val conditionDt = (whenChoice.parent as When).condition.inferType(program)
val values = whenChoice.values
values?.toTypedArray()?.withIndex()?.forEach { (index, value) ->
val valueDt = value.inferType(program)
if(valueDt!=conditionDt) {
val castedValue = value.typecastTo(conditionDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), valueDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), true)
if(castedValue.first) {
values[index] = castedValue.second
return noModifications
override fun after(range: RangeExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val fromDt = range.from.inferType(program).getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
val toDt =
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val (commonDt, toChange) = BinaryExpression.commonDatatype(fromDt, toDt, range.from,
addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(modifications, toChange, commonDt, range)
return modifications
override fun after(ifElse: IfElse, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(!options.strictBool && ifElse.condition.inferType(program).isBytes) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(ifElse.condition, DataType.BOOL, false, ifElse.condition.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.condition, cast, ifElse))
return noModifications
private fun addTypecastOrCastedValueModification(
modifications: MutableList<IAstModification>,
expressionToCast: Expression,
requiredType: DataType,
parent: Node
) {
val sourceDt = expressionToCast.inferType(program).getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
if(sourceDt == requiredType)
if(!options.strictBool) {
if(requiredType==DataType.BOOL && sourceDt in ByteDatatypes) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(expressionToCast, DataType.BOOL, false, expressionToCast.position)
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expressionToCast, cast, parent))
if(requiredType in ByteDatatypes && sourceDt==DataType.BOOL) {
val cast = TypecastExpression(expressionToCast, requiredType, false, expressionToCast.position)
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expressionToCast, cast, parent))
if(requiredType==DataType.BOOL) {
if(expressionToCast is NumericLiteral && expressionToCast.type!=DataType.FLOAT) { // refuse to automatically truncate floats
val castedValue = expressionToCast.cast(requiredType, true)
if (castedValue.isValid) {
val signOriginal = sign(expressionToCast.number)
val signCasted = sign(castedValue.valueOrZero().number)
if(signOriginal==signCasted) {
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expressionToCast, castedValue.valueOrZero(), parent)
val cast = TypecastExpression(expressionToCast, requiredType, true, expressionToCast.position)
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expressionToCast, cast, parent)