
322 lines
13 KiB

package prog8.intermediate
import prog8.code.Either
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.code.left
import prog8.code.right
fun DataType.typeString(length: Int?): String {
val lengthStr = if(length==0) "" else length.toString()
return when (this) {
DataType.BOOL -> "ubyte" // in IR , a boolean is represented by an ubyte.
DataType.UBYTE -> "ubyte"
DataType.BYTE -> "byte"
DataType.UWORD -> "uword"
DataType.WORD -> "word"
DataType.LONG -> "long"
DataType.FLOAT -> "float"
DataType.STR -> "ubyte[$lengthStr]" // here string doesn't exist as a seperate datatype anymore
DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> "ubyte[$lengthStr]" // in IR , a boolean is represented by an ubyte.
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> "ubyte[$lengthStr]"
DataType.ARRAY_B -> "byte[$lengthStr]"
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> "uword[$lengthStr]"
DataType.ARRAY_W -> "word[$lengthStr]"
DataType.ARRAY_F -> "float[$lengthStr]"
DataType.ARRAY_UW_SPLIT -> "@split uword[$lengthStr]" // should be 2 separate byte arrays by now really
DataType.ARRAY_W_SPLIT -> "@split word[$lengthStr]" // should be 2 separate byte arrays by now really
DataType.UNDEFINED -> throw IllegalArgumentException("wrong dt")
fun convertIRType(typestr: String): IRDataType? {
return when(typestr.lowercase()) {
"" -> null
".b" -> IRDataType.BYTE
".w" -> IRDataType.WORD
".f" -> IRDataType.FLOAT
else -> throw IRParseException("invalid type $typestr")
fun parseIRValue(value: String): Double {
return if(value.startsWith("-"))
else if(value.startsWith('$'))
else if(value.startsWith('%'))
else if(value.startsWith("0x"))
else if(value.startsWith('_'))
throw IRParseException("attempt to parse a label as numeric value")
else if(value.startsWith('&'))
throw IRParseException("address-of should be done with normal LOAD <symbol>")
else if(value.startsWith('@'))
throw IRParseException("address-of @ should have been handled earlier")
return value.toDouble()
private val instructionPattern = Regex("""([a-z]+)(\.b|\.w|\.f)?(.*)""", RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE)
private val labelPattern = Regex("""_([a-zA-Z\d\._]+):""")
fun parseIRCodeLine(line: String): Either<IRInstruction, String> {
val labelmatch = labelPattern.matchEntire(line.trim())
return right(labelmatch.groupValues[1]) // it's a label.
val match = instructionPattern.matchEntire(line)
?: throw IRParseException("invalid IR instruction: $line")
val (instr, typestr, rest) = match.destructured
val opcode = try {
} catch (ax: IllegalArgumentException) {
throw IRParseException("invalid vmasm instruction: $instr")
var type: IRDataType? = convertIRType(typestr)
val formats = instructionFormats.getValue(opcode)
val format: InstructionFormat =
if(type !in formats) {
type = IRDataType.BYTE
if(type !in formats)
} else {
// parse the operands
val operands = if(rest.isBlank()) emptyList() else rest.split(",").map{ it.trim() }.toMutableList()
var reg1: Int? = null
var reg2: Int? = null
var reg3: Int? = null
var fpReg1: Int? = null
var fpReg2: Int? = null
var immediateInt: Int? = null
var immediateFp: Double? = null
var address: Int? = null
var labelSymbol: String? = null
fun parseValueOrPlaceholder(operand: String): Double? {
return if(operand[0].isLetter()) {
} else {
if(format.sysCall) {
val call = parseCall(rest)
val syscallNum = call.address ?: parseIRValue( ?: "").toInt()
return left(IRInstruction(Opcode.SYSCALL, immediate = syscallNum, fcallArgs = FunctionCallArgs(call.args, call.returns)))
} else if (format.funcCall) {
val call = parseCall(rest)
return left(IRInstruction(Opcode.CALL, address = call.address, labelSymbol =, fcallArgs = FunctionCallArgs(call.args, call.returns)))
} else {
operands.forEach { oper ->
if (oper[0] == '&')
throw IRParseException("address-of should be done with normal LOAD <symbol>")
else if (oper[0] in "rR") {
if (reg1 == null) reg1 = oper.substring(1).toInt()
else if (reg2 == null) reg2 = oper.substring(1).toInt()
else if (reg3 == null) reg3 = oper.substring(1).toInt()
else throw IRParseException("too many register operands")
} else if (oper[0] in "fF" && oper[1] in "rR") {
if (fpReg1 == null) fpReg1 = oper.substring(2).toInt()
else if (fpReg2 == null) fpReg2 = oper.substring(2).toInt()
else throw IRParseException("too many fp register operands")
} else if (oper[0].isDigit() || oper[0] == '$' || oper[0] == '%' || oper[0] == '-' || oper.startsWith("0x")) {
val value = parseIRValue(oper)
if (format.immediate) {
if (immediateInt == null && immediateFp == null) {
if (type == IRDataType.FLOAT)
immediateFp = value
immediateInt = value.toInt()
} else {
address = value.toInt()
} else {
address = value.toInt()
} else {
if (!oper[0].isLetter())
throw IRParseException("expected symbol name: $oper")
labelSymbol = oper
val value = parseValueOrPlaceholder(oper)
if (value != null)
address = value.toInt()
if(type!=null && type !in formats)
throw IRParseException("invalid type code for $line")
if(format.reg1!=OperandDirection.UNUSED && reg1==null)
throw IRParseException("needs reg1 for $line")
if(format.reg2!=OperandDirection.UNUSED && reg2==null)
throw IRParseException("needs reg2 for $line")
if(format.reg3!=OperandDirection.UNUSED && reg3==null)
throw IRParseException("needs reg3 for $line")
if(format.fpReg1!=OperandDirection.UNUSED && fpReg1==null)
throw IRParseException("needs fpReg1 for $line")
if(format.fpReg2!=OperandDirection.UNUSED && fpReg2==null)
throw IRParseException("needs fpReg2 for $line")
if(format.address!=OperandDirection.UNUSED && address==null && labelSymbol==null)
throw IRParseException("needs address or symbol for $line")
if(format.reg1==OperandDirection.UNUSED && reg1!=null)
throw IRParseException("invalid reg1 for $line")
if(format.reg2==OperandDirection.UNUSED && reg2!=null)
throw IRParseException("invalid reg2 for $line")
if(format.reg3==OperandDirection.UNUSED && reg3!=null)
throw IRParseException("invalid reg3 for $line")
if(format.fpReg1==OperandDirection.UNUSED && fpReg1!=null)
throw IRParseException("invalid fpReg1 for $line")
if(format.fpReg2==OperandDirection.UNUSED && fpReg2!=null)
throw IRParseException("invalid fpReg2 for $line")
if(format.immediate && opcode!=Opcode.SYSCALL) {
if(immediateInt==null && immediateFp==null && labelSymbol==null)
throw IRParseException("needs value or symbol for $line")
when (type) {
IRDataType.BYTE -> {
if (immediateInt!=null && (immediateInt!! < -128 || immediateInt!! > 255))
throw IRParseException("immediate value out of range for byte: $immediateInt")
IRDataType.WORD -> {
if (immediateInt!=null && (immediateInt!! < -32768 || immediateInt!! > 65535))
throw IRParseException("immediate value out of range for word: $immediateInt")
IRDataType.FLOAT -> {}
null -> {}
if(format.address!=OperandDirection.UNUSED && address==null && labelSymbol==null)
throw IRParseException("requires address or symbol for $line")
var offset: Int? = null
if(labelSymbol!=null) {
if (labelSymbol!![0] == 'r' && labelSymbol!![1].isDigit())
throw IRParseException("labelsymbol confused with register?: $labelSymbol")
if('+' in labelSymbol!!) {
val offsetStr = labelSymbol!!.substringAfterLast('+')
if (offsetStr.isNotEmpty()) {
offset = offsetStr.toInt()
labelSymbol = labelSymbol!!.substringBeforeLast('+')
return left(IRInstruction(opcode, type, reg1, reg2, reg3, fpReg1, fpReg2, immediateInt, immediateFp, address, labelSymbol = labelSymbol, symbolOffset = offset))
private class ParsedCall(
val target: String?,
val address: Int?,
val args: List<FunctionCallArgs.ArgumentSpec>,
val returns: List<FunctionCallArgs.RegSpec>
private fun parseCall(rest: String): ParsedCall {
fun parseRegspec(reg: String): FunctionCallArgs.RegSpec {
val pattern = Regex("f?r([0-9]+)\\.(.)(@.{1,2})?$")
val match = pattern.matchEntire(reg) ?: throw IRParseException("invalid regspec $reg")
val num = match.groups[1]!!.value.toInt()
val type = when(match.groups[2]!!.value) {
"b" -> IRDataType.BYTE
"w" -> IRDataType.WORD
"f" -> IRDataType.FLOAT
else -> throw IRParseException("invalid type spec in $reg")
val cpuRegister: RegisterOrStatusflag? =
if(match.groups[3]!=null) {
val cpuRegStr = match.groups[3]!!.value.drop(1)
} else null
return FunctionCallArgs.RegSpec(type, num, cpuRegister)
fun parseReturnRegspec(regs: String?): List<FunctionCallArgs.RegSpec> {
return emptyList()
return regs.split(',').map { reg->
if (reg.startsWith('@')) {
FunctionCallArgs.RegSpec(IRDataType.BYTE, -1, parseRegisterOrStatusflag(reg.drop(1)))
} else {
fun parseArgs(args: String): List<FunctionCallArgs.ArgumentSpec> {
return emptyList()
return args.split(',').map {
if(it.contains('=')) {
val (argVar, argReg) = it.split('=')
FunctionCallArgs.ArgumentSpec(argVar, null, parseRegspec(argReg)) // address will be set later
} else {
FunctionCallArgs.ArgumentSpec("", null, parseRegspec(it)) // address will be set later
val pattern = Regex("(?<target>.+?)\\((?<arglist>.*?)\\)(:(?<returns>.+?))?")
val match = pattern.matchEntire(rest.replace(" ","")) ?: throw IRParseException("invalid call spec $rest")
val target = match.groups["target"]!!.value
val args = match.groups["arglist"]!!.value
val arguments = parseArgs(args)
val returns = match.groups["returns"]?.value
var address: Int? = null
var actualTarget: String? = target
if(target.startsWith('$') || target[0].isDigit()) {
address = parseIRValue(target).toInt()
actualTarget = null
return ParsedCall(
internal fun parseRegisterOrStatusflag(sourceregs: String): RegisterOrStatusflag {
var reg: RegisterOrPair? = null
var sf: Statusflag? = null
val regs = if(sourceregs.endsWith(".b") || sourceregs.endsWith(".w") || sourceregs.endsWith(".f"))
sourceregs.dropLast(2) else sourceregs
try {
reg = RegisterOrPair.valueOf(regs)
} catch (x: IllegalArgumentException) {
try {
sf = Statusflag.valueOf(regs)
} catch(x: IllegalArgumentException) {
throw IRParseException("invalid IR register or statusflag: $regs")
return RegisterOrStatusflag(reg, sf)
fun irType(type: DataType): IRDataType {
return when(type) {
DataType.BYTE -> IRDataType.BYTE
DataType.WORD -> IRDataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> IRDataType.FLOAT
in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> IRDataType.WORD
else -> throw AssemblyError("no IR datatype for $type")