mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 07:33:06 +00:00
253 lines
14 KiB
253 lines
14 KiB
%import syslib
%import textio
%import sprites
%import palette
%import math
; X16 version of a balloon sprites flying over a mountain landscape.
; There is also a C64 version of this in the examples.
main {
sub start() {
ubyte target_height = txt.DEFAULT_HEIGHT - 10
ubyte active_height = txt.DEFAULT_HEIGHT
bool upwards = true
ubyte draw_column = txt.DEFAULT_WIDTH
word moon_x = 640
word balloon_y = 120
; clear the screen (including all the tiles outside of the visible area)
cx16.vaddr(bankof(txt.VERA_TEXTMATRIX), txt.VERA_TEXTMATRIX & $ffff, 0, 1)
repeat 128 * txt.DEFAULT_HEIGHT {
cx16.VERA_DATA0 = sc:' '
cx16.VERA_DATA0 = $00
; activate balloon and moon sprites
sprites.init(1, 0, $0000, sprites.SIZE_32, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.COLORS_16, 1)
sprites.init(2, 0, $0400, sprites.SIZE_32, sprites.SIZE_32, sprites.COLORS_16, 2)
; Scroll!
; Unlike the C64 version, there is no need to copy the whole text matrix 1 character to the left
; every 8 pixels. The X16 has a much larger soft scroll register and the displayed tiles wrap around.
repeat {
if cx16.VERA_L1_HSCROLL & 7 == 0 {
; set balloon pos
if math.rnd() & 1 != 0
sprites.pos(1, 100, balloon_y)
; set moon pos
if moon_x < -64
moon_x = 640
sprites.pos(2, moon_x, 20)
; update slope height
ubyte mountain = 223 ; slope upwards
if active_height < target_height {
upwards = true
} else if active_height > target_height {
mountain = 233 ; slope downwards
upwards = false
} else {
; determine new height for next mountain
ubyte old_height = target_height
if upwards {
mountain = 233
while target_height >= old_height
target_height = 28 + (math.rnd() & 31)
} else {
mountain = 223
while target_height <= old_height
target_height = 28 + (math.rnd() & 31)
; draw new mountain etc.
ubyte yy
for yy in 0 to active_height-1 {
txt.setcc(draw_column, yy, 32, 2) ; clear top of screen
txt.setcc(draw_column, active_height, mountain, 8) ; mountain edge
for yy in active_height+1 to txt.DEFAULT_HEIGHT-1 {
txt.setcc(draw_column, yy, 160, 8) ; draw filled mountain
ubyte clutter = math.rnd()
if clutter > 100 {
; draw a star
txt.setcc(draw_column, clutter % (active_height-1), sc:'.', math.rnd())
if clutter > 200 {
; draw a tree
ubyte tree = sc:'↑'
ubyte treecolor = 5
if clutter & %00010000 != 0
tree = sc:'♣'
else if clutter & %00100000 != 0
tree = sc:'♠'
if math.rnd() > 130
treecolor = 13
txt.setcc(draw_column, active_height, tree, treecolor)
if clutter > 235 {
; draw a camel
txt.setcc(draw_column, active_height, sc:'π', 9)
spritedata {
sub copy_to_vram() {
cx16.vaddr(0, $0000, 0, 1)
for cx16.r0 in 0 to 32*64/2-1
cx16.VERA_DATA0 = @(&balloonsprite + cx16.r0)
cx16.vaddr(0, $0400, 0, 1)
for cx16.r0 in 0 to 32*32/2-1
cx16.VERA_DATA0 = @(&moonsprite + cx16.r0)
for cx16.r1L in 0 to 15 {
palette.set_color(cx16.r1L + 16, balloon_pallette[cx16.r1L])
palette.set_color(cx16.r1L + 32, moon_pallette[cx16.r1L])
uword[] balloon_pallette = [
$f0f, $312, $603, $125,
$717, $721, $332, $a22,
$268, $d31, $764, $488,
$d71, $997, $ba7, $eb3
uword[] moon_pallette = [
$f0f, $444, $444, $555,
$555, $555, $555, $666,
$777, $777, $888, $888,
$999, $aaa, $bbb, $ccc
%asm {{
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $60, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $05, $99, $92, $55, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $05, $ac, $fc, $cf, $c9, $95, $e3, $25, $11, $40, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $08, $3c, $ff, $cf, $ff, $c9, $9c, $c8, $37, $21, $33, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $6b, $af, $ec, $ff, $ff, $9c, $9c, $fa, $33, $97, $23, $30, $00, $00
.byte $00, $08, $bd, $ef, $fc, $ff, $fc, $99, $99, $fc, $33, $27, $72, $33, $30, $00
.byte $00, $0b, $be, $ff, $cf, $ef, $fc, $9c, $99, $cf, $23, $32, $77, $13, $30, $00
.byte $00, $6b, $ee, $ff, $9f, $ef, $fc, $c9, $97, $cf, $d3, $32, $29, $73, $31, $00
.byte $00, $f8, $fe, $fc, $ff, $ef, $f9, $9c, $99, $ff, $d8, $31, $27, $72, $33, $00
.byte $3b, $fd, $ee, $fc, $ff, $ef, $f9, $9c, $99, $fe, $d3, $32, $24, $72, $33, $40
.byte $8b, $bd, $fe, $fc, $ff, $ef, $c7, $c7, $97, $ce, $d8, $33, $22, $72, $33, $30
.byte $b8, $bd, $ee, $d7, $db, $b8, $2d, $88, $32, $2b, $83, $33, $33, $33, $33, $10
.byte $18, $b8, $bb, $b8, $be, $bb, $3b, $b8, $38, $bb, $b8, $83, $33, $33, $33, $34
.byte $1b, $8b, $bb, $8b, $eb, $83, $3b, $b8, $33, $bb, $88, $33, $33, $33, $33, $33
.byte $8b, $b8, $8b, $88, $be, $88, $38, $88, $38, $8b, $b8, $33, $33, $33, $33, $33
.byte $8b, $88, $88, $8b, $b8, $83, $38, $88, $38, $8b, $88, $33, $33, $33, $33, $33
.byte $88, $83, $88, $88, $88, $83, $38, $83, $38, $8b, $83, $33, $33, $33, $33, $33
.byte $3b, $b8, $88, $88, $bb, $83, $38, $83, $38, $bb, $83, $33, $33, $33, $33, $33
.byte $6b, $bb, $88, $33, $bb, $b3, $38, $33, $33, $8b, $83, $33, $33, $33, $33, $30
.byte $1b, $b3, $73, $37, $78, $83, $27, $92, $42, $75, $83, $11, $33, $33, $33, $30
.byte $0c, $ff, $79, $97, $9f, $f9, $79, $92, $42, $79, $72, $12, $22, $11, $13, $10
.byte $04, $9c, $c9, $97, $9f, $fc, $79, $97, $44, $c7, $72, $12, $12, $12, $22, $00
.byte $00, $9c, $c9, $99, $59, $c9, $97, $92, $42, $7c, $21, $21, $22, $12, $21, $00
.byte $00, $59, $cc, $99, $59, $9c, $79, $97, $22, $75, $21, $41, $22, $14, $10, $00
.byte $00, $19, $cc, $99, $99, $9c, $97, $94, $22, $97, $21, $12, $11, $22, $10, $00
.byte $00, $01, $cc, $c9, $95, $99, $97, $77, $47, $92, $11, $22, $12, $21, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $79, $cc, $97, $7c, $c7, $99, $47, $72, $22, $11, $12, $14, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $07, $cc, $99, $7c, $fc, $99, $42, $91, $14, $21, $22, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $01, $7c, $c9, $97, $cc, $79, $27, $72, $21, $12, $10, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $1a, $c5, $95, $fc, $77, $44, $22, $21, $21, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $04, $a7, $5c, $fe, $f7, $9c, $55, $52, $20, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $01, $57, $fe, $f9, $9c, $c5, $21, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $01, $5e, $c9, $95, $11, $10, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
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%asm {{
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $78, $88, $87, $50, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $ba, $99, $9a, $a9, $88, $76, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $b9, $99, $77, $67, $79, $78, $89, $93, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $76, $69, $ca, $bc, $3b, $99, $78, $66, $99, $60, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $04, $46, $cb, $64, $67, $77, $cb, $bb, $97, $99, $96, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $62, $39, $93, $33, $36, $67, $ac, $cc, $79, $99, $98, $60, $00, $00
.byte $00, $06, $23, $47, $63, $43, $46, $79, $9b, $c6, $97, $96, $aa, $86, $00, $00
.byte $00, $06, $34, $36, $63, $43, $67, $37, $a9, $64, $46, $87, $ba, $98, $30, $00
.byte $00, $62, $46, $47, $76, $63, $66, $b7, $c9, $73, $46, $3a, $bc, $c9, $60, $00
.byte $00, $13, $39, $73, $33, $74, $36, $99, $b9, $34, $43, $67, $cb, $87, $44, $00
.byte $06, $43, $36, $37, $96, $76, $76, $3b, $d7, $34, $63, $48, $9a, $b9, $22, $00
.byte $03, $22, $63, $83, $79, $78, $99, $9a, $77, $77, $96, $33, $62, $9c, $22, $10
.byte $a3, $32, $36, $77, $bb, $ca, $a7, $63, $63, $97, $92, $33, $22, $9c, $22, $20
.byte $a6, $32, $37, $a7, $7b, $eb, $a7, $79, $b7, $7c, $93, $23, $22, $38, $86, $10
.byte $cb, $33, $37, $a7, $9b, $99, $33, $7a, $9d, $dc, $93, $33, $23, $36, $67, $10
.byte $cb, $23, $33, $77, $79, $99, $67, $76, $8e, $ee, $b7, $33, $63, $43, $22, $10
.byte $99, $33, $23, $36, $37, $39, $79, $ca, $bd, $dd, $dd, $a4, $a9, $62, $22, $20
.byte $b6, $72, $73, $37, $a7, $99, $7d, $ce, $de, $dd, $df, $97, $ca, $42, $22, $20
.byte $bb, $93, $33, $33, $b3, $6b, $37, $d9, $dd, $ed, $df, $c9, $bc, $92, $26, $30
.byte $0d, $d7, $39, $33, $73, $77, $77, $9b, $cd, $de, $ed, $ec, $96, $aa, $44, $10
.byte $0c, $cb, $9a, $b3, $39, $67, $76, $bc, $dd, $ee, $dd, $fb, $76, $77, $32, $00
.byte $0b, $dc, $cb, $33, $ca, $a7, $83, $dd, $cd, $dd, $dd, $dd, $a8, $a7, $a3, $00
.byte $00, $de, $dc, $73, $76, $73, $37, $ac, $ed, $ed, $dd, $ec, $bc, $b9, $63, $00
.byte $00, $bd, $ed, $b7, $b9, $c7, $99, $ee, $fd, $ec, $de, $ed, $cc, $cb, $70, $00
.byte $00, $0c, $ce, $d9, $c7, $9e, $ef, $ff, $ff, $ed, $ed, $db, $ca, $db, $30, $00
.byte $00, $0b, $9c, $c7, $cd, $de, $ef, $ff, $fe, $ed, $cc, $bc, $ba, $a7, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $bd, $9d, $dd, $de, $ff, $ff, $fe, $ee, $ec, $cc, $c9, $60, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $0b, $ca, $ac, $ee, $ff, $ff, $fe, $cc, $cd, $cd, $96, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $ba, $9d, $cc, $fe, $ff, $fd, $cc, $cc, $97, $60, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $9c, $da, $dd, $dc, $cd, $db, $a9, $83, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $08, $aa, $bd, $dc, $ac, $a9, $96, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $59, $7b, $99, $60, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00