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synced 2025-02-27 18:29:00 +00:00
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81 lines
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%target cx16
%import graphics
%import diskio
%import c64colors
koala_module {
const uword load_location = $6000
sub show_image(uword filenameptr) -> ubyte {
ubyte load_ok=false
if diskio.f_open(8, filenameptr) {
uword size = diskio.f_read(load_location, 2) ; skip the first 2 bytes (load address)
if size==2 {
diskio.f_read_exact(load_location, 10001)
; set a better C64 color palette, the Cx16's default is too saturated
load_ok = true
return load_ok
sub convert_koalapic() {
ubyte cy
ubyte @zp cx
uword @zp cy_times_forty = 0
ubyte @zp d
uword bitmap_ptr = load_location
; theoretically you could put the 8-pixel array in zeropage to squeeze out another tiny bit of performance
ubyte[8] pixels
graphics.clear_screen(1, 0)
for cy in 0 to 24*8 step 8 {
for cx in 0 to 39 {
for d in 0 to 7 {
cx16.FB_cursor_position(cx as uword * 8, cy as uword + d)
cx16.FB_set_pixels(pixels, 8)
cy_times_forty += 40
sub get_8_pixels() {
ubyte bm = @(bitmap_ptr)
ubyte @zp m = mcol(bm)
pixels[7] = m
pixels[6] = m
bm >>= 2
m = mcol(bm)
pixels[5] = m
pixels[4] = m
bm >>= 2
m = mcol(bm)
pixels[3] = m
pixels[2] = m
bm >>= 2
m = mcol(bm)
pixels[1] = m
pixels[0] = m
sub mcol(ubyte b) -> ubyte {
ubyte @zp color
when b & 3 {
0 -> color = @(load_location + 8000 + 1000 + 1000) & 15
1 -> color = @(load_location + 8000 + cy_times_forty + cx) >>4
2 -> color = @(load_location + 8000 + cy_times_forty + cx) & 15
else -> color = @(load_location + 8000 + 1000 + cy_times_forty + cx) & 15
return color