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package prog8tests
import com.github.michaelbull.result.getErrorOrElse
import com.github.michaelbull.result.getOrElse
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.internedStringsModuleName
import prog8.compiler.ModuleImporter
import prog8.compilerinterface.IErrorReporter
import prog8.parser.ParseError
import prog8.parser.SourceCode
import kotlin.io.path.*
import io.kotest.assertions.fail
import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow
import io.kotest.assertions.withClue
import io.kotest.core.spec.style.FunSpec
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeIn
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
import prog8tests.helpers.*
import prog8tests.helpers.DummyFunctions
import prog8tests.helpers.DummyMemsizer
import prog8tests.helpers.DummyStringEncoder
import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests
class TestModuleImporter: FunSpec({
val count = listOf("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th")
lateinit var program: Program
beforeTest {
program = Program("foo", DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
fun makeImporter(errors: IErrorReporter? = null, searchIn: Iterable<String>) =
ModuleImporter(program, "blah", errors ?: ErrorReporterForTests(false), searchIn.toList())
fun makeImporter(errors: IErrorReporter?, vararg searchIn: String): ModuleImporter {
return makeImporter(errors, searchIn.asList())
context("ImportModule") {
context("WithInvalidPath") {
test("testNonexisting") {
val dirRel = assumeDirectory(".", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, dirRel.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val srcPathRel = assumeNotExists(dirRel, "i_do_not_exist")
val srcPathAbs = srcPathRel.absolute()
val error1 = importer.importModule(srcPathRel).getErrorOrElse { fail("should have import error") }
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${error1.file}" shouldBe "${error1.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
error1.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
val error2 = importer.importModule(srcPathAbs).getErrorOrElse { fail("should have import error") }
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${error2.file}" shouldBe "${error2.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
error2.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
test("testDirectory") {
val srcPathRel = assumeDirectory(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val srcPathAbs = srcPathRel.absolute()
val searchIn = Path(".", "$srcPathRel").invariantSeparatorsPathString
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
shouldThrow<AccessDeniedException> { importer.importModule(srcPathRel) }
.let {
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${it.file}" shouldBe "${it.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
it.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
shouldThrow<AccessDeniedException> { importer.importModule(srcPathAbs) }
.let {
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${it.file}" shouldBe "${it.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
it.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
context("WithValidPath") {
test("testAbsolute") {
val searchIn = listOf(
Path(".").div(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)), // we do want a dot "." in front
).map { it.invariantSeparatorsPathString }
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
val fileName = "ast_simple_main.p8"
val path = assumeReadableFile(searchIn[0], fileName)
val module = importer.importModule(path.absolute()).getOrElse { throw it }
program.modules.size shouldBe 2
module shouldBeIn program.modules
module.program shouldBe program
test("testRelativeToWorkingDir") {
val searchIn = listOf(
Path(".").div(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)), // we do want a dot "." in front
).map { it.invariantSeparatorsPathString }
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
val fileName = "ast_simple_main.p8"
val path = assumeReadableFile(searchIn[0], fileName)
withClue("sanity check: path should NOT be absolute") {
path.isAbsolute shouldBe false
val module = importer.importModule(path).getOrElse { throw it }
program.modules.size shouldBe 2
module shouldBeIn program.modules
module.program shouldBe program
test("testRelativeTo1stDirInSearchList") {
val searchIn = Path(".")
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
val fileName = "ast_simple_main.p8"
val path = Path(".", fileName)
assumeReadableFile(searchIn, path)
val module = importer.importModule(path).getOrElse { throw it }
program.modules.size shouldBe 2
module shouldBeIn program.modules
module.program shouldBe program
context("WithBadFile") {
test("testWithSyntaxError") {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val srcPath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "ast_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val act = { importer.importModule(srcPath) }
repeat(2) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
shouldThrow<ParseError>() { act() }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(srcPath).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
fun doTestImportingFileWithSyntaxError(repetitions: Int) {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val importing = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "import_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val imported = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val act = { importer.importModule(importing) }
repeat(repetitions) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
shouldThrow<ParseError> { act() }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(imported).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("imported module with error in it should not be present") { program.modules.size shouldBe 1 }
program.modules[0].name shouldBe internedStringsModuleName
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_once") {
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_twice") {
context("ImportLibraryModule") {
context("WithInvalidName") {
test("testWithNonExistingName") {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests(false)
val importer = makeImporter(errors, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val filenameNoExt = assumeNotExists(fixturesDir, "i_do_not_exist").name
val filenameWithExt = assumeNotExists(fixturesDir, "i_do_not_exist.p8").name
repeat(2) { n ->
val result = importer.importLibraryModule(filenameNoExt)
withClue(count[n] + " call / NO .p8 extension") { result shouldBe null }
withClue(count[n] + " call / NO .p8 extension") { errors.noErrors() shouldBe false }
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0) no module found with name i_do_not_exist"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
val result2 = importer.importLibraryModule(filenameWithExt)
withClue(count[n] + " call / with .p8 extension") { result2 shouldBe null }
withClue(count[n] + " call / with .p8 extension") { importer.errors.noErrors() shouldBe false }
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0) no module found with name i_do_not_exist.p8"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
context("WithValidName") {
context("WithBadFile") {
test("testWithSyntaxError") {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val srcPath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "ast_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
repeat(2) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
importer.importLibraryModule(srcPath.nameWithoutExtension) }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(srcPath).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
fun doTestImportingFileWithSyntaxError(repetitions: Int) {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val importing = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "import_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val imported = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val act = { importer.importLibraryModule(importing.nameWithoutExtension) }
repeat(repetitions) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
shouldThrow<ParseError>() {
act() }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(imported).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("imported module with error in it should not be present") { program.modules.size shouldBe 1 }
program.modules[0].name shouldBe internedStringsModuleName
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_once") {
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_twice") {