Irmen de Jong 6d343bd75d moved
2018-09-30 23:13:35 +02:00

762 lines
31 KiB

Simplistic 8/16 bit Virtual Machine to execute a stack based instruction language.
This is the VM itself (execution engine)
Written by Irmen de Jong ( - license: GNU GPL 3.0
# 8/16 bit virtual machine
# machine specs:
# MEMORY: 64K bytes, treated as one single array, indexed per byte, ONLY DATA - NO CODE
# elements addressable as one of three elementary data types:
# 8-bit byte (singed and unsigned),
# 16-bit words (two 8-bit bytes, signed and unsigned) (stored in LSB order),
# 5-byte MFLPT floating point
# addressing is possible via byte index (for the $0000-$00ff range) or via an unsigned word.
# there is NO memory management at all; all of the mem is globally shared and always available in full.
# certain blocks of memory can be marked as read-only (write attempts will then crash the vm)
# MEMORY ACCESS: via explicit load and store instructions,
# to put a value onto the stack or store the value on the top of the stack,
# or in one of the dynamic variables.
# I/O: either via programmed I/O routines:
# write [byte/bytearray to text output/screen] : syscall_printstr / syscall_printchr,
# read [byte/bytearray from keyboard] : syscall_input / syscall_getchr (both blocking)
# or via memory-mapped I/O (text screen matrix, keyboard scan register)
# CPU: single threaded, stack based execution,
# no registers, but unlimited dynamic variables (v0, v1, ...) that have a value and a type.
# types:
# 1-bit boolean,
# 8-bit byte (singed and unsigned),
# 16-bit words (two 8-bit bytes, signed and unsigned),
# floating point,
# array of bytes (signed and unsigned),
# array of words (signed and unsigned),
# matrix (2-dimensional array) of bytes (signed and unsigned).
# all of these can have the flag CONST as well which means they cannot be modified.
# stack manipulation mainly:
# nop
# push var / push2 var1, var2
# pop var / pop2 var1, var2
# various arithmetic operations, logical operations, boolean test and comparison operations
# jump label
# jump_if_true label, jump_if_false label
# jump_if_status_XX label special system dependent status register conditional check such as carry bit or overflow bit)
# call function (arguments are on stack)
# return (return values on stack)
# syscall function (special system dependent implementation)
# TIMER 'INTERRUPT': triggered around each 1/60th of a second.
# executes on a DIFFERENT stack and with a different PROGRAM LIST,
# but with access to ALL THE SAME DYNAMIC VARIABLES.
# This suspends the main program until the timer program RETURNs!
import time
import itertools
import collections
import array
import threading
import pprint
import tkinter
import tkinter.font
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, no_type_check
from .program import Instruction, Variable, Block, Program, Opcode, Value
from .core import Memory, DataType, TerminateExecution, ExecutionError
class CallFrameMarker:
__slots__ = ["returninstruction"]
def __init__(self, instruction: Instruction) -> None:
self.returninstruction = instruction
def __str__(self) -> str:
return repr(self)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<CallFrameMarker returninstruction={:s}>".format(str(self.returninstruction))
StackValueType = Union[Value, CallFrameMarker]
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.stack = []
self.pop_history = collections.deque(maxlen=10)
def debug_peek(self, size: int) -> List[StackValueType]:
return self.stack[-size:]
def size(self) -> int:
return len(self.stack)
def pop(self) -> StackValueType:
x = self.stack.pop()
return x
def pop2(self) -> Tuple[StackValueType, StackValueType]:
x, y = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
return x, y
def pop3(self) -> Tuple[StackValueType, StackValueType, StackValueType]:
x, y, z = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
return x, y, z
def pop_under(self, number: int) -> StackValueType:
return self.stack.pop(-1-number)
def push(self, item: StackValueType) -> None:
def push2(self, first: StackValueType, second: StackValueType) -> None:
def push3(self, first: StackValueType, second: StackValueType, third: StackValueType) -> None:
self.stack.extend([first, second, third])
def push_under(self, number: int, value: StackValueType) -> None:
self.stack.insert(-number, value)
def peek(self) -> StackValueType:
return self.stack[-1] if self.stack else None
def swap(self) -> None:
x = self.stack[-1]
self.stack[-1] = self.stack[-2]
self.stack[-2] = x
def _typecheck(self, value: StackValueType):
if not isinstance(value, (Value, CallFrameMarker)):
raise TypeError("invalid item type pushed", value)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
class VM:
str_encoding = "iso-8859-15"
str_alt_encoding = "iso-8859-15"
readonly_mem_ranges = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, int]]
timer_irq_resolution = 1/30
charout_address = 0xd000
charin_address = 0xd001
def __init__(self, program: Program, timerprogram: Program=None) -> None:
for opcode in Opcode:
if opcode not in self.dispatch_table:
raise NotImplementedError("missing opcode dispatch for " +
for oc in Opcode:
if oc not in self.dispatch_table:
raise NotImplementedError("no dispatch entry in table for " +
self.memory = Memory()
self.memory.memmapped_io_charout(self.charout_address, self.memmapped_charout)
self.memory.memmapped_io_charin(self.charin_address, self.memmapped_charin)
for start, end in self.readonly_mem_ranges:
self.memory.mark_readonly(start, end)
self.main_stack = Stack()
self.timer_stack = Stack()
self.main_program, self.timer_program, self.variables, self.labels = self.flatten_programs(program, timerprogram or Program([]))
self.program = self.main_program
self.stack = self.main_stack
self.pc = None # type: Instruction
self.charscreen_address = 0
self.charscreen_width = 0
self.charscreen_height = 0
self.keyboard_scancode = 0
self.system = System(self)
assert all( for i in self.main_program
if i.opcode != Opcode.TERMINATE), "main: all instrs next must be set"
assert all( for i in self.timer_program
if i.opcode not in (Opcode.TERMINATE, Opcode.RETURN)), "timer: all instrs next must be set"
assert all(i.alt_next for i in self.main_program
if i.opcode in (Opcode.CALL, Opcode.JUMP_IF_FALSE, Opcode.JUMP_IF_TRUE)), "main: alt_nexts must be set"
assert all(i.alt_next for i in self.timer_program
if i.opcode in (Opcode.CALL, Opcode.JUMP_IF_FALSE, Opcode.JUMP_IF_TRUE)), "timer: alt_nexts must be set"
print("[TinyVM starting up.]")
def enable_charscreen(self, screen_address: int, width: int, height: int) -> None:
self.charscreen_address = screen_address
self.charscreen_width, self.charscreen_height = width, height
def flatten_programs(self, main: Program, timer: Program) \
-> Tuple[List[Instruction], List[Instruction], Dict[str, Variable], Dict[str, Instruction]]:
variables = {} # type: Dict[str, Variable]
labels = {} # type: Dict[str, Instruction]
instructions_main = [] # type: List[Instruction]
instructions_timer = [] # type: List[Instruction]
for block in main.blocks:
flat = self.flatten(block, variables, labels)
instructions_main.append(Instruction(Opcode.TERMINATE, [], None, None))
for block in timer.blocks:
flat = self.flatten(block, variables, labels)
return instructions_main, instructions_timer, variables, labels
def flatten(self, block: Block, variables: Dict[str, Variable], labels: Dict[str, Instruction]) -> List[Instruction]:
def block_prefix(b: Block) -> str:
if b.parent:
return block_prefix(b.parent) + "." +
prefix = block_prefix(block)
instructions = block.instructions
for ins in instructions:
if ins.opcode == Opcode.SYSCALL:
if ins.args:
newargs = [] # type: List[Union[str, int, Value]]
for a in ins.args:
if isinstance(a, str):
newargs.append(prefix + "." + a)
newargs.append(a) # type: ignore
ins.args = newargs
for vardef in block.variables:
vname = prefix + "." +
assert vname not in variables
variables[vname] = vardef
for name, instr in block.labels.items():
name = prefix + "." + name
assert name not in labels
labels[name] = instr
for subblock in block.blocks:
instructions.extend(self.flatten(subblock, variables, labels))
del block.instructions
del block.variables
del block.labels
return instructions
def connect_instruction_pointers(self, instructions: List[Instruction]) -> None:
i1, i2 = itertools.tee(instructions)
next(i2, None)
for i, nexti in itertools.zip_longest(i1, i2):
if i.opcode in (Opcode.JUMP_IF_TRUE, Opcode.JUMP_IF_FALSE): = nexti # normal flow target
i.alt_next = self.labels[i.args[0]] # conditional jump target
elif i.opcode == Opcode.JUMP: = self.labels[i.args[0]] # jump target
elif i.opcode == Opcode.CALL: = self.labels[i.args[1]] # call target
i.alt_next = nexti # return instruction
else: = nexti
def run(self) -> None:
if self.charscreen_address:
args=(self, self.charscreen_address, self.charscreen_width, self.charscreen_height),
name="screenviewer", daemon=True).start()
self.pc = self.program[0] # first instruction of the main program
self.stack.push(CallFrameMarker(None)) # enter the call frame so the timer program can end with a RETURN
counter = 0
previous_timer_irq = time.perf_counter()
while self.pc is not None:
next_pc = self.dispatch_table[self.pc.opcode](self, self.pc)
if next_pc:
self.pc =
counter += 1
if self.charscreen_address and counter % 1000 == 0:
time.sleep(0.001) # allow the tkinter window to update
time_since_irq = time.perf_counter() - previous_timer_irq
if time_since_irq > 1/60:
previous_timer_irq = time.perf_counter()
except TerminateExecution as x:
why = str(x)
print("[TinyVM execution terminated{:s}]\n".format(": "+why if why else "."))
except Exception as x:
print("[TinyVM execution ended.]")
def timer_irq(self) -> None:
# This is the timer 'irq' handler. It is called to run the timer program at a certain interval.
# During the execution the main program is halted
if self.timer_program:
previous_pc = self.pc
previous_program = self.program
previous_stack = self.stack
self.stack = self.timer_stack
self.program = self.timer_program
self.pc = self.program[0]
self.stack.push(CallFrameMarker(None)) # enter the call frame so the timer program can end with a RETURN
while self.pc is not None:
next_pc = self.dispatch_table[self.pc.opcode](self, self.pc)
if next_pc:
self.pc =
self.pc = previous_pc
self.program = previous_program
self.stack = previous_stack
def debug_stack(self, size: int=5) -> None:
stack = self.stack.debug_peek(size)
if len(stack) > 0:
print("** stack (top {:d}):".format(size))
for i, value in enumerate(reversed(stack), start=1):
print(" {:d}. {:s} {:s}".format(i, type(value).__name__, str(value)))
print("** stack is empty.")
if self.stack.pop_history:
print("** last {:d} values popped from stack (most recent on top):".format(self.stack.pop_history.maxlen))
pprint.pprint(list(reversed(self.stack.pop_history)), indent=2, compact=True, width=20) # type: ignore
if self.pc is not None:
print("* instruction:", self.pc)
def memmapped_charout(self, value: int) -> None:
string = self.system.decodestr(bytearray([value]))
print(string, end="")
def memmapped_charin(self) -> int:
return self.keyboard_scancode
def assign_variable(self, variable: Variable, value: Value) -> None:
assert not variable.const, "cannot modify a const"
assert isinstance(value, Value)
variable.value = value
def opcode_NOP(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
# do nothing
return True
def opcode_TERMINATE(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
raise TerminateExecution()
def opcode_PUSH(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
value = self.variables[instruction.args[0]].value # type: ignore
return True
def opcode_DUP(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
return True
def opcode_DUP2(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
x = self.stack.peek()
return True
def opcode_SWAP(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
value2, value1 = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push2(value2, value1)
return True
def opcode_PUSH2(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
value1 = self.variables[instruction.args[0]].value
value2 = self.variables[instruction.args[1]].value
self.stack.push2(value1, value2)
return True
def opcode_PUSH3(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
value1 = self.variables[instruction.args[0]].value
value2 = self.variables[instruction.args[1]].value
value3 = self.variables[instruction.args[2]].value
self.stack.push3(value1, value2, value3)
return True
def opcode_POP(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
value = self.stack.pop()
variable = self.variables[instruction.args[0]]
self.assign_variable(variable, value)
return True
def opcode_POP2(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
value1, value2 = self.stack.pop2()
variable = self.variables[instruction.args[0]]
self.assign_variable(variable, value1)
variable = self.variables[instruction.args[1]]
self.assign_variable(variable, value2)
return True
def opcode_POP3(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
value1, value2, value3 = self.stack.pop3()
variable = self.variables[instruction.args[0]]
self.assign_variable(variable, value1)
variable = self.variables[instruction.args[1]]
self.assign_variable(variable, value2)
variable = self.variables[instruction.args[2]]
self.assign_variable(variable, value3)
return True
def opcode_ADD(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first + second)
return True
def opcode_SUB(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first - second)
return True
def opcode_MUL(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first * second)
return True
def opcode_DIV(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first / second)
return True
def opcode_AND(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first and second)
return True
def opcode_OR(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first or second)
return True
def opcode_XOR(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
ifirst = 1 if first else 0
isecond = 1 if second else 0
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, bool(ifirst ^ isecond)))
return True
def opcode_NOT(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, not self.stack.pop()))
return True
def opcode_TEST(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, bool(self.stack.pop())))
return True
def opcode_CMP_EQ(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, first == second))
return True
def opcode_CMP_LT(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, first < second))
return True
def opcode_CMP_GT(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, first > second))
return True
def opcode_CMP_LTE(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, first <= second))
return True
def opcode_CMP_GTE(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(Value(DataType.BOOL, first >= second))
return True
def opcode_CALL(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
# arguments are already on the stack
num_args = instruction.args[0]
assert isinstance(num_args, int)
self.stack.push_under(num_args, CallFrameMarker(instruction.alt_next))
return True
def opcode_RETURN(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
num_returnvalues = instruction.args[0]
assert isinstance(num_returnvalues, int)
callframe = self.stack.pop_under(num_returnvalues)
assert isinstance(callframe, CallFrameMarker), callframe
self.pc = callframe.returninstruction
return False
def opcode_SYSCALL(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
syscall = instruction.args[0]
assert isinstance(syscall, str)
call = getattr(self.system, "syscall_" + syscall, None)
if call:
return call()
raise RuntimeError("no syscall method for " + syscall)
def opcode_JUMP(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
return True # jump simply points to the next instruction elsewhere
def opcode_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
result = self.stack.pop()
assert isinstance(result, Value)
if result.value:
self.pc = self.pc.alt_next # alternative next instruction
return False
return True
def opcode_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
result = self.stack.pop()
if result.value: # type: ignore
return True
self.pc = self.pc.alt_next # alternative next instruction
return False
def opcode_JUMP_IF_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
raise ExecutionError("unsupported conditional jump", instruction) # @todo implement hardware specific status register flags
dispatch_table = {
Opcode.NOP: opcode_NOP,
Opcode.PUSH: opcode_PUSH,
Opcode.PUSH2: opcode_PUSH2,
Opcode.PUSH3: opcode_PUSH3,
Opcode.POP: opcode_POP,
Opcode.POP2: opcode_POP2,
Opcode.POP3: opcode_POP3,
Opcode.DUP: opcode_DUP,
Opcode.DUP2: opcode_DUP2,
Opcode.SWAP: opcode_SWAP,
Opcode.ADD: opcode_ADD,
Opcode.SUB: opcode_SUB,
Opcode.MUL: opcode_MUL,
Opcode.DIV: opcode_DIV,
Opcode.AND: opcode_AND,
Opcode.OR: opcode_OR,
Opcode.XOR: opcode_XOR,
Opcode.NOT: opcode_NOT,
Opcode.TEST: opcode_TEST,
Opcode.CMP_EQ: opcode_CMP_EQ,
Opcode.CMP_LT: opcode_CMP_LT,
Opcode.CMP_GT: opcode_CMP_GT,
Opcode.CMP_LTE: opcode_CMP_LTE,
Opcode.CMP_GTE: opcode_CMP_GTE,
Opcode.CALL: opcode_CALL,
Opcode.RETURN: opcode_RETURN,
Opcode.SYSCALL: opcode_SYSCALL,
Opcode.JUMP: opcode_JUMP,
class System:
def __init__(self, vm: VM) -> None:
self.vm = vm
def encodestr(self, string: str, alt: bool=False) -> bytearray:
return bytearray(string, self.vm.str_alt_encoding if alt else self.vm.str_encoding)
def decodestr(self, bb: Union[bytearray, array.array], alt: bool=False) -> str:
return str(bb, self.vm.str_alt_encoding if alt else self.vm.str_encoding) # type: ignore
def syscall_printstr(self) -> bool:
value = self.vm.stack.pop()
assert isinstance(value, Value)
if value.dtype == DataType.ARRAY_BYTE:
print(self.decodestr(value.value), end="") # type: ignore
return True
raise TypeError("printstr expects bytearray", value)
def syscall_printchr(self) -> bool:
charactervalue = self.vm.stack.pop()
assert isinstance(charactervalue, Value)
if charactervalue.dtype == DataType.BYTE:
print(self.decodestr(bytearray([charactervalue.value])), end="") # type: ignore
return True
raise TypeError("printchr expects BYTE", charactervalue)
def syscall_input(self) -> bool:
self.vm.stack.push(Value(DataType.ARRAY_BYTE, self.encodestr(input())))
return True
def syscall_getchr(self) -> bool:
self.vm.stack.push(Value(DataType.BYTE, self.encodestr(input() + '\n')[0]))
return True
def syscall_decimalstr_signed(self) -> bool:
value = self.vm.stack.pop()
assert isinstance(value, Value)
if value.dtype in (DataType.SBYTE, DataType.SWORD):
self.vm.stack.push(Value(DataType.ARRAY_BYTE, self.encodestr(str(value.value))))
return True
raise TypeError("decimalstr_signed expects signed int", value)
def syscall_decimalstr_unsigned(self) -> bool:
value = self.vm.stack.pop()
assert isinstance(value, Value)
if value.dtype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD):
self.vm.stack.push(Value(DataType.ARRAY_BYTE, self.encodestr(str(value.value))))
return True
raise TypeError("decimalstr_signed expects unsigned int", value)
def syscall_hexstr_signed(self) -> bool:
value = self.vm.stack.pop()
if type(value) is int:
if value >= 0: # type: ignore
strvalue = "${:x}".format(value)
strvalue = "-${:x}".format(-value) # type: ignore
self.vm.stack.push(Value(DataType.ARRAY_BYTE, self.encodestr(strvalue)))
return True
raise TypeError("hexstr expects int", value)
def syscall_memwrite_byte(self) -> bool:
value, address = self.vm.stack.pop2()
assert isinstance(value, Value) and isinstance(address, Value)
assert value.dtype == DataType.BYTE and address.dtype == DataType.WORD
self.vm.memory.set_byte(address.value, value.value) # type: ignore
return True
def syscall_memwrite_sbyte(self) -> bool:
value, address = self.vm.stack.pop2()
assert isinstance(value, Value) and isinstance(address, Value)
assert value.dtype == DataType.SBYTE and address.dtype == DataType.WORD
self.vm.memory.set_sbyte(address.value, value.value) # type: ignore
return True
def syscall_memwrite_word(self) -> bool:
value, address = self.vm.stack.pop2()
assert isinstance(value, Value) and isinstance(address, Value)
assert value.dtype in (DataType.WORD, DataType.BYTE) and address.dtype == DataType.WORD
self.vm.memory.set_word(address.value, value.value) # type: ignore
return True
def syscall_memwrite_sword(self) -> bool:
value, address = self.vm.stack.pop2()
assert isinstance(value, Value) and isinstance(address, Value)
assert value.dtype in (DataType.SWORD, DataType.SBYTE, DataType.BYTE) and address.dtype == DataType.WORD
self.vm.memory.set_sword(address.value, value.value) # type: ignore
return True
def syscall_memwrite_float(self) -> bool:
value, address = self.vm.stack.pop2()
assert isinstance(value, Value) and isinstance(address, Value)
assert value.dtype == DataType.FLOAT and address.dtype == DataType.WORD
self.vm.memory.set_float(address.value, value.value) # type: ignore
return True
def syscall_memwrite_str(self) -> bool:
strbytes, address = self.vm.stack.pop2()
assert isinstance(strbytes, Value) and isinstance(address, Value)
assert strbytes.dtype == DataType.ARRAY_BYTE and address.dtype == DataType.WORD
for i, b in enumerate(strbytes.value): # type: ignore
self.vm.memory.set_byte(address+i, b) # type: ignore
return True
def syscall_memread_byte(self) -> bool:
address = self.vm.stack.pop()
assert isinstance(address, Value)
assert address.dtype == DataType.WORD
self.vm.stack.push(Value(DataType.BYTE, self.vm.memory.get_byte(address.value))) # type: ignore
return True
def syscall_smalldelay(self) -> bool:
return True
def syscall_delay(self) -> bool:
return True
class ScreenViewer(tkinter.Tk):
def __init__(self, vm: VM, screen_addr: int, screen_width: int, screen_height: int) -> None:
self.title("IL65 tinyvm")
self.fontsize = 16
self.vm = vm
self.address = screen_addr
self.width = screen_width
self.height = screen_height
self.monospace = tkinter.font.Font(self, family="Courier", weight="bold", size=self.fontsize) # type: ignore
cw = self.monospace.measure("x")*self.width+8
self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self, width=cw, height=self.fontsize*self.height+8, bg="blue")
self.bind("<KeyPress>", self.keypress)
self.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.keyrelease)
self.after(10, self.update_screen)
def keypress(self, e) -> None:
key = e.char or e.keysym
if len(key) == 1:
self.vm.keyboard_scancode = self.vm.system.encodestr(key)[0]
elif len(key) > 1:
code = 0
if key == "Up":
code = ord("w")
elif key == "Down":
code = ord("s")
elif key == "Left":
code = ord("a")
elif key == "Right":
code = ord("d")
self.vm.keyboard_scancode = code
self.vm.keyboard_scancode = 0
def keyrelease(self, e) -> None:
self.vm.keyboard_scancode = 0
def update_screen(self) -> None:
lines = []
for y in range(self.height):
line = self.vm.system.decodestr(self.vm.memory.get_bytes(self.address+y*self.width, self.width))
lines.append("".join(c if c.isprintable() else " " for c in line))
for y, line in enumerate(lines):
self.canvas.create_text(4, self.fontsize*y, text=line, fill="white", font=self.monospace, anchor=tkinter.NW)
self.after(30, self.update_screen)
def create(cls, vm: VM, screen_addr: int, screen_width: int, screen_height: int) -> None:
viewer = cls(vm, screen_addr, screen_width, screen_height)