2021-02-01 22:03:10 +01:00

32 lines
870 B

%import textio
%import palette
%import syslib
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
sub start() {
uword screencolorRGB
uword drawcolorRGB
ubyte ll
ubyte hh
cx16.vpoke(1, mkword(hh, ll), lsb(screencolorRGB))
cx16.vpoke(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0, cbits4) ; TODO r0 is alreay in r0, avoid bogus assignment here
cbits4 &= gfx2.plot.mask4c[lower2_x_bits] ; TODO why lda..and instead of and mask,y?
cbits4 |= colorbits[lower2_x_bits] ; TODO why lda..ora instead of ora mask,y?
; ubyte value
; ubyte bb1
; value = cx16.vpeek(lsb(cx16.r0), mkword(value, bb1))
; value = cx16.vpeek(lsb(cx16.r0), mkword(value, bb1))
; ubyte lx = lsb(cx16.r0)
; value = cx16.vpeek(lx, mkword(value, bb1))
; value = cx16.vpeek(lx, mkword(value, bb1))