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Prog8 compiler v10.5 by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net)
Prerelease version from git commit 2954f5f0 in branch master
This software is licensed under the GNU GPL 3.0, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Compiling program import-all-cx16.p8
Compiler target: cx16
bmx {
ubyte bitsperpixel
ubyte border
ubyte compression
uword error_message
ubyte[] header
uword height
ubyte old_drivenumber
uword @shared palette_buffer_ptr
uword palette_entries
ubyte palette_start
ubyte vera_colordepth
uword width
build_header ()
bytes_per_scanline (uword w) -> uword
close ()
continue_load (ubyte vbank, uword vaddr) -> bool
continue_load_only_palette () -> bool
continue_load_stamp (ubyte vbank, uword vaddr, uword screenwidth) -> bool
open (ubyte drivenumber, str filename) -> bool
parse_header () -> bool
read_bitmap (ubyte vbank, uword vaddr) -> bool
read_bitmap_padded (ubyte vbank, uword vaddr, uword screenwidth) -> bool
read_header () -> bool
read_palette () -> bool
read_scanline (uword size)
save (ubyte drivenumber, str filename, ubyte vbank, uword vaddr, uword screenwidth) -> bool
set_bpp (ubyte bpp)
set_vera_colordepth (ubyte depth)
write_bitmap (ubyte vbank, uword vaddr, uword screenwidth) -> bool
write_header () -> bool
write_palette () -> bool
diskio {
const ubyte READ_IO_CHANNEL
const ubyte WRITE_IO_CHANNEL
ubyte @shared drivenumber
bool iteration_in_progress
uword list_blocks
str list_filename
str list_filetype
uword list_pattern
bool list_skip_disk_name
chdir (str path)
curdir () -> uword
delete (uword filenameptr)
directory () -> bool
diskname () -> uword
f_close ()
f_close_w ()
f_open (str filenameptr) -> bool
f_open_w (str filename) -> bool
f_open_w_seek (str filename) -> bool
f_read (uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> uword
f_read_all (uword bufferpointer) -> uword
f_readline (uword bufptr @AY) -> clobbers (X) -> ubyte @Y, ubyte @A
f_seek (uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword)
f_seek_w (uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword)
f_tell () -> uword @R0, uword @R1, uword @R2, uword @R3
f_write (uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> bool
fastmode (ubyte mode) -> bool
internal_f_open_w (str filename, bool open_for_seeks) -> bool
internal_f_tell ()
internal_load_routine (uword filenameptr, uword address_override, bool headerless) -> uword
internal_save_routine (uword filenameptr, uword startaddress, uword savesize, bool headerless) -> bool
lf_end_list ()
lf_next_entry () -> bool
lf_start_list (uword pattern_ptr) -> bool
list_filenames (uword pattern_ptr, uword filenames_buffer, uword filenames_buf_size) -> ubyte
load (uword filenameptr, uword address_override) -> uword
load_raw (uword filenameptr, uword startaddress) -> uword
load_size (ubyte startbank, uword startaddress, uword endaddress) -> uword
mkdir (str name)
relabel (str name)
rename (uword oldfileptr, uword newfileptr)
reset_read_channel ()
reset_write_channel ()
rmdir (str name)
save (uword filenameptr, uword startaddress, uword savesize) -> bool
save_raw (uword filenameptr, uword startaddress, uword savesize) -> bool
send_command (uword commandptr)
status () -> uword
status_code () -> ubyte
vload (str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword startaddress @R1) -> clobbers (X,Y) -> bool @A
vload_raw (str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword startaddress @R1) -> clobbers (X,Y) -> bool @A
txt {
const ubyte DEFAULT_HEIGHT
const ubyte DEFAULT_WIDTH
ubyte[] color_to_charcode
bell ()
chrout (ubyte character @A) = $ffd2
chrout_lit (ubyte character @A)
clear_screen ()
clear_screenchars (ubyte character @A) -> clobbers (X,Y)
clear_screencolors (ubyte color @A) -> clobbers (X,Y)
cls ()
color (ubyte txtcol)
color2 (ubyte txtcol, ubyte bgcol)
column (ubyte col @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
cp437 ()
fill_screen (ubyte character @A, ubyte color @Y) -> clobbers (A,X)
get_column () -> ubyte @Y
get_cursor (uword colptr, uword rowptr)
get_row () -> ubyte @X
getchr (ubyte col @A, ubyte row @Y) -> ubyte @A
getclr (ubyte col @A, ubyte row @Y) -> ubyte @A
height () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A
home ()
input_chars (uword buffer @AY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @Y
iso ()
iso16 ()
iso5 ()
iso_off ()
kata ()
lowercase ()
nl ()
petscii2scr (ubyte petscii_char @A) -> ubyte @A
petscii2scr_str (str petscii_string @AY)
plot (ubyte col @Y, ubyte row @X)
print (str text @AY) -> clobbers (A,Y)
print_b (byte value @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_bool (bool value)
print_lit (str text @AY) -> clobbers (A,Y)
print_ub (ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_ub0 (ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_ubbin (ubyte value @A, bool prefix @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_ubhex (ubyte value @A, bool prefix @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_uw (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_uw0 (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_uwbin (uword value @AY, bool prefix @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_uwhex (uword value @AY, bool prefix @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
print_w (word value @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
row (ubyte rownum @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
scroll_down () -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
scroll_left () -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
scroll_right () -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
scroll_up () -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
setcc (ubyte col, ubyte row, ubyte character, ubyte charcolor)
setcc2 (ubyte col, ubyte row, ubyte character, ubyte colors)
setchr (ubyte col @X, ubyte row @Y, ubyte character @A) -> clobbers (A)
setclr (ubyte col @X, ubyte row @Y, ubyte color @A) -> clobbers (A)
spc ()
uppercase ()
waitkey () -> ubyte @A
width () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A
cbm {
&uword CBINV
&uword CINV
&uword IBASIN
&uword IBSOUT
&uword ICHKIN
&uword ICKOUT
&uword ICLALL
&uword ICLOSE
&uword ICLRCH
&uword ICRNCH
&uword IERROR
&uword IEVAL
&uword IGETIN
&uword IGONE
&uword ILOAD
&uword IMAIN
&uword IOPEN
&uword IQPLOP
&uword IRQ_VEC
&uword ISAVE
&uword ISTOP
&uword NMINV
&uword NMI_VEC
&uword RESET_VEC
&ubyte SAREG
&ubyte SPREG
&ubyte SXREG
&ubyte SYREG
&uword USRADD
ACPTR () -> ubyte @A = $ffa5
CHKIN (ubyte logical @X) -> clobbers (A,X) -> bool @Pc = $ffc6
CHKOUT (ubyte logical @X) -> clobbers (A,X) = $ffc9
CHRIN () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A = $ffcf
CHROUT (ubyte character @A) = $ffd2
CINT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff81
CIOUT (ubyte databyte @A) = $ffa8
CLALL () -> clobbers (A,X) = $ffe7
CLOSE (ubyte logical @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ffc3
CLRCHN () -> clobbers (A,X) = $ffcc
GETIN () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> bool @Pc, ubyte @A = $ffe4
GETIN2 () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A
IOBASE () -> uword @XY = $fff3
IOINIT () -> clobbers (A,X) = $ff84
LISTEN (ubyte device @A) -> clobbers (A) = $ffb1
LOAD (ubyte verify @A, uword address @XY) -> bool @Pc, ubyte @A, uword @XY = $ffd5
MEMBOT (uword address @XY, bool dir @Pc) -> uword @XY = $ff9c
MEMTOP (uword address @XY, bool dir @Pc) -> uword @XY, ubyte @A = $ff99
OPEN () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> bool @Pc, ubyte @A = $ffc0
PLOT (ubyte col @Y, ubyte row @X, bool dir @Pc) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y = $fff0
RAMTAS () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff87
RDTIM () -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y = $ffde
RDTIM16 () -> clobbers (X) -> uword @AY
RDTIM_safe () -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
READST () -> ubyte @A = $ffb7
RESTOR () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff8a
SAVE (ubyte zp_startaddr @A, uword endaddr @XY) -> clobbers (X,Y) -> bool @Pc, ubyte @A = $ffd8
SCNKEY () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff9f
SCREEN () -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y = $ffed
SECOND (ubyte address @A) -> clobbers (A) = $ff93
SETLFS (ubyte logical @A, ubyte device @X, ubyte secondary @Y) = $ffba
SETMSG (ubyte value @A) = $ff90
SETNAM (ubyte namelen @A, str filename @XY) = $ffbd
SETTIM (ubyte low @A, ubyte middle @X, ubyte high @Y) = $ffdb
SETTMO (ubyte timeout @A) = $ffa2
STOP () -> clobbers (X) -> bool @Pz, ubyte @A = $ffe1
STOP2 () -> clobbers (A,X) -> bool @Pz
TALK (ubyte device @A) -> clobbers (A) = $ffb4
TKSA (ubyte address @A) -> clobbers (A) = $ff96
UDTIM () -> clobbers (A,X) = $ffea
UNLSN () -> clobbers (A) = $ffae
UNTLK () -> clobbers (A) = $ffab
VECTOR (uword userptr @XY, bool dir @Pc) -> clobbers (A,Y) = $ff8d
kbdbuf_clear ()
cx16 {
const ubyte EXTAPI16_stack_enter_kernal_stack
const ubyte EXTAPI16_stack_leave_kernal_stack
const ubyte EXTAPI16_stack_pop
const ubyte EXTAPI16_stack_push
const ubyte EXTAPI16_test
const ubyte EXTAPI_clear_status
const ubyte EXTAPI_cursor_blink
const ubyte EXTAPI_getlfs
const ubyte EXTAPI_iso_cursor_char
const ubyte EXTAPI_joystick_ps2_keycodes
const ubyte EXTAPI_kbd_leds
const ubyte EXTAPI_led_update
const ubyte EXTAPI_mouse_set_position
const ubyte EXTAPI_mouse_sprite_offset
const ubyte EXTAPI_pfkey
const ubyte EXTAPI_ps2data_fetch
const ubyte EXTAPI_ps2data_raw
const ubyte EXTAPI_ps2kbd_typematic
const ubyte EXTAPI_scnsiz
&uword KEYHDL
&uword VERA_ADDR
&ubyte VERA_ADDR_H
&ubyte VERA_ADDR_L
&ubyte VERA_ADDR_M
const uword VERA_BASE
&ubyte VERA_CTRL
&ubyte VERA_DATA0
&ubyte VERA_DATA1
&ubyte VERA_DC_VER0
&ubyte VERA_DC_VER1
&ubyte VERA_DC_VER2
&ubyte VERA_DC_VER3
&uword VERA_FX_X_POS
&ubyte VERA_FX_X_POS_H
&ubyte VERA_FX_X_POS_L
&ubyte VERA_FX_X_POS_S
&uword VERA_FX_Y_POS
&ubyte VERA_FX_Y_POS_H
&ubyte VERA_FX_Y_POS_L
&ubyte VERA_FX_Y_POS_S
&ubyte VERA_IEN
&ubyte VERA_ISR
const uword VIA1_BASE
const uword VIA2_BASE
&ubyte YM_DATA
&ubyte edkeybk
&uword edkeyvec
const uword extdev
&uword r0
&ubyte r0H
&ubyte r0L
&word r0s
&byte r0sH
&byte r0sL
&uword r1
&uword r10
&ubyte r10H
&ubyte r10L
&word r10s
&byte r10sH
&byte r10sL
&uword r11
&ubyte r11H
&ubyte r11L
&word r11s
&byte r11sH
&byte r11sL
&uword r12
&ubyte r12H
&ubyte r12L
&word r12s
&byte r12sH
&byte r12sL
&uword r13
&ubyte r13H
&ubyte r13L
&word r13s
&byte r13sH
&byte r13sL
&uword r14
&ubyte r14H
&ubyte r14L
&word r14s
&byte r14sH
&byte r14sL
&uword r15
&ubyte r15H
&ubyte r15L
&word r15s
&byte r15sH
&byte r15sL
&ubyte r1H
&ubyte r1L
&word r1s
&byte r1sH
&byte r1sL
&uword r2
&ubyte r2H
&ubyte r2L
&word r2s
&byte r2sH
&byte r2sL
&uword r3
&ubyte r3H
&ubyte r3L
&word r3s
&byte r3sH
&byte r3sL
&uword r4
&ubyte r4H
&ubyte r4L
&word r4s
&byte r4sH
&byte r4sL
&uword r5
&ubyte r5H
&ubyte r5L
&word r5s
&byte r5sH
&byte r5sL
&uword r6
&ubyte r6H
&ubyte r6L
&word r6s
&byte r6sH
&byte r6sL
&uword r7
&ubyte r7H
&ubyte r7L
&word r7s
&byte r7sH
&byte r7sL
&uword r8
&ubyte r8H
&ubyte r8L
&word r8s
&byte r8sH
&byte r8sL
&uword r9
&ubyte r9H
&ubyte r9L
&word r9s
&byte r9sH
&byte r9sL
&ubyte stavec
&ubyte via1acr
&ubyte via1ddra
&ubyte via1ddrb
&ubyte via1ier
&ubyte via1ifr
&ubyte via1ora
&ubyte via1pcr
&ubyte via1pra
&ubyte via1prb
&ubyte via1sr
&ubyte via1t1h
&ubyte via1t1l
&ubyte via1t1lh
&ubyte via1t1ll
&ubyte via1t2h
&ubyte via1t2l
&ubyte via2acr
&ubyte via2ddra
&ubyte via2ddrb
&ubyte via2ier
&ubyte via2ifr
&ubyte via2ora
&ubyte via2pcr
&ubyte via2pra
&ubyte via2prb
&ubyte via2sr
&ubyte via2t1h
&ubyte via2t1l
&ubyte via2t1lh
&ubyte via2t1ll
&ubyte via2t2h
&ubyte via2t2l
BSAVE (ubyte zp_startaddr @A, uword endaddr @XY) -> clobbers (X,Y) -> bool @Pc, ubyte @A = $feba
CLOSE_ALL (ubyte device @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff4a
FB_cursor_next_line (uword x @R0) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff02
FB_cursor_position (uword x @R0, uword y @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $feff
FB_fill_pixels (uword count @R0, uword pstep @R1, ubyte color @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff17
FB_filter_pixels (uword pointer @R0, uword count @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff1a
FB_get_info () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> byte @A, uword @R0, uword @R1 = $fef9
FB_get_pixel () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A = $ff05
FB_get_pixels (uword pointer @R0, uword count @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff08
FB_init () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fef6
FB_move_pixels (uword sx @R0, uword sy @R1, uword tx @R2, uword ty @R3, uword count @R4) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff1d
FB_set_8_pixels (ubyte pattern @A, ubyte color @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff11
FB_set_8_pixels_opaque (ubyte pattern @R0, ubyte mask @A, ubyte color1 @X, ubyte color2 @Y) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff14
FB_set_palette (uword pointer @R0, ubyte index @A, ubyte colorcount @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fefc
FB_set_pixel (ubyte color @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff0b
FB_set_pixels (uword pointer @R0, uword count @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff0e
GRAPH_clear () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff23
GRAPH_draw_image (uword x @R0, uword y @R1, uword ptr @R2, uword width @R3, uword height @R4) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff38
GRAPH_draw_line (uword x1 @R0, uword y1 @R1, uword x2 @R2, uword y2 @R3) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff2c
GRAPH_draw_oval (uword x @R0, uword y @R1, uword width @R2, uword height @R3, bool fill @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff35
GRAPH_draw_rect (uword x @R0, uword y @R1, uword width @R2, uword height @R3, uword cornerradius @R4, bool fill @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff2f
GRAPH_get_char_size (ubyte baseline @A, ubyte width @X, ubyte height_or_style @Y, bool is_control @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff3e
GRAPH_init (uword vectors @R0) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff20
GRAPH_move_rect (uword sx @R0, uword sy @R1, uword tx @R2, uword ty @R3, uword width @R4, uword height @R5) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff32
GRAPH_put_char (uword x @R0, uword y @R1, ubyte character @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff41
GRAPH_put_next_char (ubyte character @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff41
GRAPH_set_colors (ubyte stroke @A, ubyte fill @X, ubyte background @Y) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff29
GRAPH_set_font (uword fontptr @R0) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff3b
GRAPH_set_window (uword x @R0, uword y @R1, uword width @R2, uword height @R3) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff26
JSRFAR () = $ff6e
LKUPLA (ubyte la @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff59
LKUPSA (ubyte sa @Y) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff5c
MACPTR (ubyte length @A, uword buffer @XY, bool dontAdvance @Pc) -> clobbers (A) -> bool @Pc, uword @XY = $ff44
MCIOUT (ubyte length @A, uword buffer @XY, bool dontAdvance @Pc) -> clobbers (A) -> bool @Pc, uword @XY = $feb1
PRIMM () = $ff7d
audio_init () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c09f
bas_fmchordstring (ubyte length @A, str string @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c08d
bas_fmfreq (ubyte channel @A, uword freq @XY, bool noretrigger @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c000
bas_fmnote (ubyte channel @A, ubyte note @X, ubyte fracsemitone @Y, bool noretrigger @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c003
bas_fmplaystring (ubyte length @A, str string @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c006
bas_fmvib (ubyte speed @A, ubyte depth @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c009
bas_playstringvoice (ubyte channel @A) -> clobbers (Y) = $c00c
bas_psgchordstring (ubyte length @A, str string @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c090
bas_psgfreq (ubyte voice @A, uword freq @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c00f
bas_psgnote (ubyte voice @A, ubyte note @X, ubyte fracsemitone @Y) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c012
bas_psgplaystring (ubyte length @A, str string @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c018
bas_psgwav (ubyte voice @A, ubyte waveform @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c015
clock_get_date_time () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> uword @R0, uword @R1, uword @R2, uword @R3 = $ff50
clock_set_date_time (uword yearmonth @R0, uword dayhours @R1, uword minsecs @R2, uword jiffiesweekday @R3) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff4d
console_get_char () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A = $fee1
console_init (uword x @R0, uword y @R1, uword width @R2, uword height @R3) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fedb
console_put_char (ubyte character @A, bool wrapping @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fede
console_put_image (uword pointer @R0, uword width @R1, uword height @R2) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fed8
console_set_paging_message (uword msgptr @R0) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fed5
cpu_is_65816 () -> bool @A
disable_irq_handlers ()
disable_irqs () -> clobbers (A)
enable_irq_handlers (bool disable_all_irq_sources @Pc) -> clobbers (A,Y)
enter_basic (bool cold_or_warm @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff47
entropy_get () -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y = $fecf
extapi (ubyte callnumber @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $feab
fetch (ubyte zp_startaddr @A, ubyte bank @X, ubyte index @Y) -> clobbers (X) -> ubyte @A = $ff74
get_chrin_keyhandler () -> ubyte @R0, uword @R1
get_program_args (uword buffer @R0, ubyte buf_size @R1, bool binary @Pc)
get_screen_mode () -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
getlfs () -> ubyte @X, ubyte @A, ubyte @Y
getrambank () -> ubyte @A
getrombank () -> ubyte @A
i2c_batch_read (ubyte device @X, uword buffer @R0, uword length @R1, bool advance @Pc) -> clobbers (A,Y) -> bool @Pc = $feb4
i2c_batch_write (ubyte device @X, uword buffer @R0, uword length @R1, bool advance @Pc) -> clobbers (A,Y) -> bool @Pc = $feb7
i2c_read_byte (ubyte device @X, ubyte offset @Y) -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A, bool @Pc = $fec6
i2c_write_byte (ubyte device @X, ubyte offset @Y, ubyte data @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $fec9
iso_cursor_char (ubyte character @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
joystick_get (ubyte joynr @A) -> uword @AX, bool @Y = $ff56
joystick_scan () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff53
kbdbuf_get_modifiers () -> ubyte @A = $fec0
kbdbuf_peek () -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X = $febd
kbdbuf_put (ubyte key @A) -> clobbers (X) = $fec3
keymap (uword identifier @XY, bool read @Pc) -> bool @Pc = $fed2
memory_copy (uword source @R0, uword target @R1, uword num_bytes @R2) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fee7
memory_crc (uword address @R0, uword num_bytes @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> uword @R2 = $feea
memory_decompress (uword input @R0, uword output @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> uword @R1 = $feed
memory_fill (uword address @R0, uword num_bytes @R1, ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fee4
monitor () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fecc
mouse_config (byte shape @A, ubyte resX @X, ubyte resY @Y) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff68
mouse_config2 (byte shape @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
mouse_get (ubyte zdataptr @X) -> ubyte @A, byte @X = $ff6b
mouse_get_sprite_offset () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> word @R0, word @R1
mouse_pos () -> ubyte @A, uword @R0, uword @R1, byte @X
mouse_present () -> bool
mouse_scan () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff71
mouse_set_pos (uword xpos @R0, uword ypos @R1) -> clobbers (X)
mouse_set_sprite_offset (word xoffset @R0, word yoffset @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
notecon_bas2fm (ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, bool @Pc = $c01b
notecon_bas2midi (ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, bool @Pc = $c01e
notecon_bas2psg (ubyte note @X, ubyte fracsemitone @Y) -> clobbers (A) -> uword @XY, bool @Pc = $c021
notecon_fm2bas (ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, bool @Pc = $c024
notecon_fm2midi (ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, bool @Pc = $c027
notecon_fm2psg (ubyte note @X, ubyte fracsemitone @Y) -> clobbers (A) -> uword @XY, bool @Pc = $c02a
notecon_freq2bas (uword freqHz @XY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y, bool @Pc = $c02d
notecon_freq2fm (uword freqHz @XY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y, bool @Pc = $c030
notecon_freq2midi (uword freqHz @XY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y, bool @Pc = $c033
notecon_freq2psg (uword freqHz @XY) -> clobbers (A) -> uword @XY, bool @Pc = $c036
notecon_midi2bas (ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, bool @Pc = $c039
notecon_midi2fm (ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, bool @Pc = $c03c
notecon_midi2psg (ubyte note @X, ubyte fracsemitone @Y) -> clobbers (A) -> uword @XY, bool @Pc = $c03f
notecon_psg2bas (uword freq @XY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y, bool @Pc = $c042
notecon_psg2fm (uword freq @XY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y, bool @Pc = $c045
notecon_psg2midi (uword freq @XY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @X, ubyte @Y, bool @Pc = $c048
numbanks () -> clobbers (X) -> uword @AY
poweroff_system ()
psg_getatten (ubyte voice @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @X = $c093
psg_getpan (ubyte voice @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @X = $c096
psg_init () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c04b
psg_playfreq (ubyte voice @A, uword freq @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c04e
psg_read (ubyte offset @X, bool cookedVol @Pc) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A = $c051
psg_setatten (ubyte voice @A, ubyte attenuation @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c054
psg_setfreq (ubyte voice @A, uword freq @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c057
psg_setpan (ubyte voice @A, ubyte panning @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c05a
psg_setvol (ubyte voice @A, ubyte volume @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c05d
psg_write (ubyte value @A, ubyte offset @X) -> clobbers (Y) = $c060
psg_write_fast (ubyte value @A, ubyte offset @X) -> clobbers (Y) = $c0a2
rambank (ubyte bank @A)
reset_system ()
restore_vera_context () -> clobbers (A)
restore_virtual_registers () -> clobbers (A,Y)
rom_version () -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A, bool @Pc
rombank (ubyte bank @A)
save_vera_context () -> clobbers (A)
save_virtual_registers () -> clobbers (A,Y)
scnsiz (ubyte width @X, ubyte heigth @Y) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
screen_mode (ubyte mode @A, bool getCurrent @Pc) -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y, bool @Pc = $ff5f
screen_set_charset (ubyte charset @A, uword charsetptr @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $ff62
search_x16edit () -> ubyte
set_aflow_irq_handler (uword address @AY) -> clobbers (A)
set_chrin_keyhandler (ubyte handlerbank @A, uword handler @XY) -> clobbers (A)
set_led_state (bool on)
set_line_irq_handler (uword rasterline @R0, uword address @AY) -> clobbers (A,Y)
set_program_args (uword args_ptr, ubyte args_size)
set_screen_mode (ubyte mode @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc
set_sprcol_irq_handler (uword address @AY) -> clobbers (A)
set_vsync_irq_handler (uword address @AY) -> clobbers (A)
sprite_set_image (uword pixels @R0, uword mask @R1, ubyte bpp @R2, ubyte number @A, ubyte width @X, ubyte height @Y, bool apply_mask @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $fef0
sprite_set_position (uword x @R0, uword y @R1, ubyte number @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fef3
stash (ubyte data @A, ubyte bank @X, ubyte index @Y) -> clobbers (X) = $ff77
vaddr (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte addrsel @R1, byte autoIncrOrDecrByOne @Y) -> clobbers (A)
vaddr_autodecr (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte addrsel @R1, uword autoDecrAmount @R2) -> clobbers (A,Y)
vaddr_autoincr (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte addrsel @R1, uword autoIncrAmount @R2) -> clobbers (A,Y)
vaddr_clone (ubyte port @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
vpeek (ubyte bank @A, uword address @XY) -> ubyte @A
vpoke (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) -> clobbers (A)
vpoke_and (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) -> clobbers (A)
vpoke_mask (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte mask @X, ubyte value @Y) -> clobbers (A)
vpoke_or (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) -> clobbers (A)
vpoke_xor (ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) -> clobbers (A)
x16edit_default () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c000
x16edit_loadfile (ubyte firstbank @X, ubyte lastbank @Y, str filename @R0, ubyte filenameLength @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c003
x16edit_loadfile_options (ubyte firstbank @X, ubyte lastbank @Y, str filename @R0, uword filenameLengthAndOptions @R1, uword tabstopAndWordwrap @R2, uword disknumberAndColors @R3, uword headerAndStatusColors @R4) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c006
ym_get_chip_type () -> clobbers (X) -> ubyte @A = $c0a5
ym_getatten (ubyte channel @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @X = $c099
ym_getpan (ubyte channel @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @X = $c09c
ym_init () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c063
ym_loaddefpatches () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c066
ym_loadpatch (ubyte channel @A, uword patchOrAddress @XY, bool what @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $c069
ym_loadpatchlfn (ubyte channel @A, ubyte lfn @X) -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A, bool @Pc = $c06c
ym_playdrum (ubyte channel @A, ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c06f
ym_playnote (ubyte channel @A, ubyte kc @X, ubyte kf @Y, bool notrigger @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c072
ym_read (ubyte register @X, bool cooked @Pc) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A, bool @Pc = $c081
ym_release (ubyte channel @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c084
ym_setatten (ubyte channel @A, ubyte attenuation @X) -> clobbers (Y) -> bool @Pc = $c075
ym_setdrum (ubyte channel @A, ubyte note @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c078
ym_setnote (ubyte channel @A, ubyte kc @X, ubyte kf @Y) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c07b
ym_setpan (ubyte channel @A, ubyte panning @X) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c07e
ym_trigger (ubyte channel @A, bool noRelease @Pc) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> bool @Pc = $c087
ym_write (ubyte value @A, ubyte register @X) -> clobbers (Y) -> bool @Pc = $c08a
sys {
const ubyte target
cleanup_at_exit ()
clear_carry ()
clear_irqd ()
disable_caseswitch ()
enable_caseswitch ()
exit (ubyte returnvalue @A)
exit2 (ubyte resulta @A, ubyte resultx @X, ubyte resulty @Y)
exit3 (ubyte resulta @A, ubyte resultx @X, ubyte resulty @Y, bool carry @Pc)
init_system ()
init_system_phase2 ()
internal_stringcopy (uword source @R0, uword target @AY) -> clobbers (A,Y)
irqsafe_clear_irqd ()
irqsafe_set_irqd ()
memcopy (uword source @R0, uword target @R1, uword count @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
memset (uword mem @R0, uword numbytes @R1, ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
memsetw (uword mem @R0, uword numwords @R1, uword value @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
pop () -> ubyte @A
popw () -> uword @AY
poweroff_system ()
progend () -> uword @AY
push (ubyte value @A)
pushw (uword value @AY)
read_flags () -> ubyte @A
reset_system ()
restore_irq () -> clobbers (A)
restore_prog8_internals ()
save_prog8_internals ()
set_carry ()
set_irq (uword handler @AY) -> clobbers (A)
set_irqd ()
set_rasterirq (uword handler @AY, uword rasterpos @R0) -> clobbers (A)
set_rasterline (uword line @AY)
wait (uword jiffies @AY) -> clobbers (X)
waitvsync ()
conv {
str @shared string_out
any2uword (str string @AY) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
bin2uword (str string @AY) -> uword @AY
hex2uword (str string @AY) -> uword @AY
internal_byte2decimal (byte value @A) -> ubyte @Y, ubyte @A, ubyte @X
internal_ubyte2decimal (ubyte value @A) -> ubyte @Y, ubyte @X, ubyte @A
internal_ubyte2hex (ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (X) -> ubyte @A, ubyte @Y
internal_uword2decimal (uword value @AY) -> ubyte @Y, ubyte @A, ubyte @X
internal_uword2hex (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (A,Y)
str2byte (str string @AY) -> clobbers (Y) -> byte @A
str2ubyte (str string @AY) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
str2uword (str string @AY) -> uword @AY
str2word (str string @AY) -> word @AY
str_b (byte value @A) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_ub (ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_ub0 (ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_ubbin (ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_ubhex (ubyte value @A) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_uw (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_uw0 (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_uwbin (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
str_uwhex (uword value @AY) -> str @AY
str_w (word value @AY) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
string {
append (uword target @R0, uword suffix @R1) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
compare (uword string1 @R0, uword string2 @AY) -> clobbers (Y) -> byte @A
contains (uword string @AY, ubyte character @X) -> bool @Pc
copy (uword source @R0, uword target @AY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @Y
endswith (str st, str suffix) -> bool
find (uword string @AY, ubyte character @X) -> ubyte @A, bool @Pc
findstr (str haystack, str needle) -> ubyte
hash (str string @R0) -> ubyte @A
isdigit (ubyte petsciichar @A) -> bool @Pc
isletter (ubyte petsciichar @A) -> bool @Pc
islower (ubyte petsciichar @A) -> bool @Pc
isprint (ubyte petsciichar @A) -> bool @Pc
isspace (ubyte petsciichar @A) -> bool @Pc
isupper (ubyte petsciichar @A) -> bool @Pc
left (uword source @AX, ubyte length @Y, uword target @R1) -> clobbers (A,Y)
length (uword string @AY) -> clobbers (A) -> ubyte @Y
lower (uword st @AY) -> ubyte @Y
lowerchar (ubyte character @A) -> ubyte @A
lstrip (str s)
lstripped (str s) -> str
ltrim (str s)
ltrimmed (str s) -> str
pattern_match (str string @AY, str pattern @R0) -> clobbers (Y) -> bool @A
rfind (uword string @AY, ubyte character @X) -> ubyte @A, bool @Pc
right (uword source @AY, ubyte length @X, uword target @R1) -> clobbers (A,Y)
rstrip (str s)
rtrim (str s)
slice (uword source @R0, ubyte start @A, ubyte length @Y, uword target @R1) -> clobbers (A,Y)
startswith (str st, str prefix) -> bool
strip (str s)
trim (str s)
upper (uword st @AY) -> ubyte @Y
upperchar (ubyte character @A) -> ubyte @A
cx16logo {
uword[] logo_lines
logo ()
logo_at (ubyte column, ubyte row)
emudbg {
const uword EMU_BASE
&ubyte EMU_DBGOUT1
&ubyte EMU_DBGOUT2
console_chrout (ubyte char)
console_value1 (ubyte value)
console_value2 (ubyte value)
console_write (str isoString)
cpu_cycles () -> uword @R0, uword @R1
is_emulator () -> bool
reset_cpu_cycles ()
floats {
&uword AYINT_facmo
const float PI
const float TWOPI
const float π
ABS () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe4e
ATN () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe48
AYINT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe00
CONUPK (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe5a
COS () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe3f
DIV10 () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe7e
EXP () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe3c
FADD (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe18
FADDH () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe6f
FADDT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe1b
FCOMP (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A = $fe54
FDIV (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe24
FDIVT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe27
FINLOG (byte value @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe90
FLOAT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe87
FLOATC () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe0f
FLOATS () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe8a
FMULT (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe1e
FMULTT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe21
FOUT () -> clobbers (X) -> uword @AY = $fe06
FPWR (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe36
FPWRT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe39
FREADSA (byte value @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
FREADUY (ubyte value @Y)
FSUB (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe12
FSUBT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe15
GETADR () -> clobbers (X) -> ubyte @Y, ubyte @A = $fe0c
GETADRAY () -> clobbers (X) -> uword @AY
GIVAYF (ubyte lo @Y, ubyte hi @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe03
GIVAYFAY (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
GIVUAYFAY (uword value @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
INT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe2d
LOG () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe2a
MOVAF () -> clobbers (A,X) = $fe6c
MOVEF () -> clobbers (A,X) = $fe81
MOVFA () -> clobbers (A,X) = $fe69
MOVFM (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe63
MOVFRM (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe60
MOVMF (uword mflpt @XY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe66
MUL10 () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe7b
NEGFAC () -> clobbers (A) = $fe78
NEGOP () -> clobbers (A) = $fe33
NORMAL () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe75
QINT () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe8d
RND () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe57
RND_0 () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe57
ROMUPK (uword mflpt @AY) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe5d
ROUND () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe4b
SGN () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe84
SIGN () -> clobbers (X,Y) -> ubyte @A = $fe51
SIN () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe42
SQR () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe30
TAN () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe45
VAL_1 (uword string @XY, ubyte length @A) -> clobbers (A,X,Y) -> float @FAC1 = $fe09
ZEROFC () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $fe72
atan (float value) -> float
atan2 (float y, float x) -> float
ceil (float value) -> float
clampf (float value, float minimum, float maximum) -> float
cos (float angle) -> float
cot (float value) -> float
csc (float value) -> float
deg (float angle) -> float
floor (float value) -> float
ln (float value) -> float
log2 (float value) -> float
maxf (float f1, float f2) -> float
minf (float f1, float f2) -> float
normalize (float value @FAC1) -> float @FAC1
parse (str value @AY) -> float @FAC1
pop () -> float @FAC1
pow (float value, float power) -> float
print (float value @FAC1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
push (float value @FAC1)
rad (float angle) -> float
rnd () -> float
rndseed (float seed)
round (float value) -> float
secant (float value) -> float
sin (float angle) -> float
tan (float value) -> float
tostr (float value @FAC1) -> clobbers (X) -> str @AY
gfx2 {
ubyte active_mode
ubyte bpp
const uword charset_addr
const ubyte charset_bank
uword height
uword width
addr_mul_24_for_highres_4c (uword yy @R2, uword xx @R3) -> clobbers (A,Y) -> uword @R0, uword @R1
addr_mul_24_for_lores_256c (uword yy @R0, uword xx @AY) -> clobbers (A) -> uword @R0, ubyte @R1
circle (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, ubyte color)
clear_screen (ubyte color)
cs_innerloop640 (ubyte color @A) -> clobbers (Y)
disc (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, ubyte color)
fill (uword x, uword y, ubyte new_color)
fillrect (uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, ubyte color)
horizontal_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword length, ubyte color)
init_mode (ubyte mode)
line (uword x1, uword y1, uword x2, uword y2, ubyte color)
next_pixel (ubyte color @A)
next_pixels (uword pixels @AY, uword amount @R0) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
pget (uword xx, uword yy) -> ubyte
plot (uword xx, uword yy, ubyte color)
position (uword xx, uword yy)
position2 (uword xx, uword yy, bool also_port_1)
rect (uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, ubyte color)
safe_circle (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, ubyte color)
safe_disc (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, ubyte color)
safe_horizontal_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword length, ubyte color)
safe_plot (uword xx, uword yy, ubyte color)
screen_mode (ubyte mode)
set_8_pixels_from_bits (ubyte bits @R0, ubyte oncolor @A, ubyte offcolor @Y) -> clobbers (X)
text (uword xx, uword yy, ubyte color, uword sctextptr)
text_charset (ubyte charset)
vertical_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword lheight, ubyte color)
graphics {
const ubyte HEIGHT
const uword WIDTH
ubyte background_color
ubyte stroke_color
FB_cursor_position2 () -> clobbers (A,X,Y) = $feff
circle (uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius)
clear_screen (ubyte pixelcolor, ubyte bgcolor)
colors (ubyte stroke, ubyte fill)
disable_bitmap_mode ()
disc (uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius)
enable_bitmap_mode ()
filled_oval (uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, uword h_radius, ubyte v_radius)
fillrect (uword xx, uword yy, uword width, uword height)
horizontal_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword length)
line (uword x1, ubyte y1, uword x2, ubyte y2)
oval (uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, uword h_radius, ubyte v_radius)
plot (uword plotx @R0, uword ploty @R1) -> clobbers (A,X,Y)
rect (uword xx, uword yy, uword width, uword height)
vertical_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword height)
math {
atan2 (ubyte x1 @R0, ubyte y1 @R1, ubyte x2 @R2, ubyte y2 @R3) -> ubyte @A
cos8 (ubyte angle @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> byte @A
cos8u (ubyte angle @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
cosr8 (ubyte radians @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> byte @A
cosr8u (ubyte radians @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
crc16 (uword data, uword length) -> uword
crc16_end () -> uword
crc16_start ()
crc16_update (ubyte value @A)
crc32 (uword data, uword length)
crc32_end ()
crc32_start ()
crc32_update (ubyte value @A)
diff (ubyte v1 @A, ubyte v2 @Y) -> ubyte @A
diffw (uword w1 @R0, uword w2 @AY) -> uword @AY
direction (ubyte x1, ubyte y1, ubyte x2, ubyte y2) -> ubyte
direction_qd (ubyte quadrant @A, ubyte xdelta @X, ubyte ydelta @Y) -> ubyte @A
direction_sc (byte x1, byte y1, byte x2, byte y2) -> ubyte
log2 (ubyte value @A) -> ubyte @Y
log2w (uword value @AY) -> ubyte @Y
mul16_last_upper () -> uword @AY
randrange (ubyte n) -> ubyte
randrangew (uword n) -> uword
rnd () -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
rndseed (uword seed1 @AY, uword seed2 @R0) -> clobbers (A,Y)
rndw () -> uword @AY
sin8 (ubyte angle @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> byte @A
sin8u (ubyte angle @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
sinr8 (ubyte radians @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> byte @A
sinr8u (ubyte radians @A) -> clobbers (Y) -> ubyte @A
monogfx {
const ubyte MODE_INVERT
const ubyte MODE_NORMAL
const ubyte MODE_STIPPLE
const uword charset_addr
const ubyte charset_bank
uword height
ubyte mode
uword width
circle (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
clear_screen (bool draw)
cs_innerloop640 (bool draw @A) -> clobbers (Y)
disc (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
drawmode (ubyte dm)
fill (uword x, uword y, bool draw)
fillrect (uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, bool draw)
hires ()
horizontal_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword length, bool draw)
line (uword x1, uword y1, uword x2, uword y2, bool draw)
lores ()
pget (uword xx, uword yy) -> bool
plot (uword xx, uword yy, bool draw)
position (uword xx, uword yy)
position2 (uword xx, uword yy, bool also_port_1)
rect (uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, bool draw)
safe_circle (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
safe_disc (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
safe_horizontal_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword length, bool draw)
safe_plot (uword xx, uword yy, bool draw)
text (uword xx, uword yy, bool draw, str sctextptr)
text_charset (ubyte charset)
textmode ()
vertical_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword lheight, bool draw)
palette {
uword vera_palette_ptr
channel8to4 (ubyte channelvalue) -> ubyte
color8to4 (uword colorpointer) -> uword
get_color (ubyte index) -> uword
set_all_black ()
set_all_white ()
set_c64ntsc ()
set_c64pepto ()
set_color (ubyte index, uword color)
set_default16 ()
set_grayscale ()
set_monochrome (uword screencolorRGB, uword drawcolorRGB)
set_rgb (uword palette_words_ptr, uword num_colors)
set_rgb8 (uword palette_bytes_ptr, uword num_colors)
set_rgb_be (uword palette_ptr, uword num_colors)
psg {
const ubyte LEFT
const ubyte NOISE
const ubyte PULSE
const ubyte RIGHT
const ubyte SAWTOOTH
const ubyte TRIANGLE
ubyte[] envelope_attacks
ubyte[] envelope_maxvolumes
ubyte[] envelope_releases
ubyte[] envelope_states
ubyte[] envelope_sustains
@split uword[] envelope_volumes
envelope (ubyte voice_num, ubyte maxvolume, ubyte attack, ubyte sustain, ubyte release)
envelopes_irq () -> bool
freq (ubyte voice_num, uword vera_freq)
pulse_width (ubyte voice_num, ubyte pw)
silent ()
voice (ubyte voice_num, ubyte channel, ubyte vol, ubyte waveform, ubyte pulsewidth)
volume (ubyte voice_num, ubyte vol)
sprites {
const ubyte COLORS_16
const ubyte COLORS_256
const ubyte SIZE_16
const ubyte SIZE_32
const ubyte SIZE_64
const ubyte SIZE_8
uword @zp sprite_reg
data (ubyte spritenum, ubyte bank, uword addr)
flipx (ubyte spritenum, bool flipped)
flipy (ubyte spritenum, bool flipped)
get_data_ptr (ubyte spritenum @A) -> ubyte @R1, uword @R0
get_data_ptr_internal (ubyte spritenum)
getx (ubyte spritenum) -> word
gety (ubyte spritenum) -> word
hide (ubyte spritenum)
init (ubyte spritenum, ubyte databank, uword dataaddr, ubyte width_flag, ubyte height_flag, ubyte colors_flag, ubyte palette_offset)
move (ubyte spritenum, word dx, word dy)
movex (ubyte spritenum, word dx)
movey (ubyte spritenum, word dy)
pos (ubyte spritenum, word xpos, word ypos)
pos_batch (ubyte first_spritenum, ubyte num_sprites, uword xpositions_ptr, uword ypositions_ptr)
set_mousepointer_hand ()
set_mousepointer_image (uword data, bool compressed)
set_palette_offset (ubyte spritenum, ubyte offset)
setx (ubyte spritenum, word xpos)
sety (ubyte spritenum, word ypos)
show (ubyte spritenum)
zdepth (ubyte spritenum, ubyte depth)
test_stack {
test ()
verafx {
available () -> bool
clear (ubyte vbank, uword vaddr, ubyte data, uword num_longwords)
copy (ubyte srcbank, uword srcaddr, ubyte tgtbank, uword tgtaddr, uword num_longwords)
muls (word value1 @R0, word value2 @R1) -> clobbers (X) -> word @AY, word @R0
mult (uword value1 @R0, uword value2 @R1) -> clobbers (X) -> uword @AY, uword @R0
transparency (bool enable)