Irmen de Jong de06353194 auto select correct library to import based on target, instead of having c64- and cx16- prefix variants
some programs are now 100% source compatible between C64 and Cx16 targets!
import libraries have been rena;med
2020-09-21 00:50:09 +02:00

40 lines
912 B

%target c64
%import syslib
main {
sub start() {
c64.SCROLY &= %11101111 ; blank the screen
c64.set_rasterirq_excl(40) ; register exclusive raster irq handler
repeat {
; enjoy the moving bars :)
irq {
const ubyte barheight = 4 ; should be big enough to re-trigger the Raster irq properly.
ubyte[] colors = [6,2,4,5,15,7,1,13,3,12,8,11,9]
ubyte color = 0
ubyte yanim = 0
sub irq() {
if color!=len(colors) {
c64.EXTCOL = colors[color]
c64.RASTER += barheight ; next raster Irq for next color
else {
c64.EXTCOL = 0
color = 0
yanim += 2
c64.RASTER = sin8u(yanim)/2+30 ; new start of raster Irq
c64.SCROLY &= $7f ; set high bit of the raster pos to zero