mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 11:29:24 +00:00
407 lines
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407 lines
11 KiB
Prog8 compiler v10.5 by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net)
Prerelease version from git commit 2954f5f0 in branch master
This software is licensed under the GNU GPL 3.0, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Compiling program import-all-virtual.p8
Compiler target: virtual
conv {
str hex_digits
str string_out
any2uword (str string) -> uword
bin2uword (str string) -> uword
hex2uword (str string) -> uword
internal_str_ub (ubyte value, uword out_ptr)
internal_str_uw (uword value, uword out_ptr)
str2byte (str string) -> byte
str2ubyte (str string) -> ubyte
str2uword (str string) -> uword
str2word (str string) -> word
str_b (byte value) -> str
str_ub (ubyte value) -> str
str_ub0 (ubyte value) -> str
str_ubbin (ubyte value) -> str
str_ubhex (ubyte value) -> str
str_uw (uword value) -> str
str_uw0 (uword value) -> str
str_uwbin (uword value) -> str
str_uwhex (uword value) -> str
str_w (word value) -> str
cx16logo {
uword[] logo_lines
logo ()
logo_at (ubyte column, ubyte row)
txt {
bell ()
chrout (ubyte char)
clear_screen ()
cls ()
column (ubyte col)
height () -> ubyte
home ()
input_chars (uword buffer) -> ubyte
lowercase ()
nl ()
petscii2scr (ubyte petscii_char) -> ubyte
petscii2scr_str (str petscii_string)
plot (ubyte col, ubyte row)
print (str text)
print_b (byte value)
print_bool (bool value)
print_ub (ubyte value)
print_ub0 (ubyte value)
print_ubbin (ubyte value, bool prefix)
print_ubhex (ubyte value, bool prefix)
print_uw (uword value)
print_uw0 (uword value)
print_uwbin (uword value, bool prefix)
print_uwhex (uword value, bool prefix)
print_w (word value)
setchr (ubyte col, ubyte row, ubyte char)
spc ()
uppercase ()
width () -> ubyte
diskio {
chdir (str path)
curdir () -> uword
delete (uword filenameptr)
directory () -> bool
f_close ()
f_close_w ()
f_open (uword filenameptr) -> bool
f_open_w (uword filenameptr) -> bool
f_read (uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> uword
f_read_all (uword bufferpointer) -> uword
f_readline (uword bufptr) -> ubyte
f_write (uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> bool
lf_end_list ()
lf_next_entry () -> bool
lf_start_list (uword pattern_ptr) -> bool
list_filenames (uword pattern_ptr, uword filenames_buffer, uword filenames_buf_size) -> ubyte
load (uword filenameptr, uword address_override) -> uword
load_raw (uword filenameptr, uword start_address) -> uword
mkdir (str name)
rename (uword oldfileptr, uword newfileptr)
rmdir (str name)
save (uword filenameptr, uword start_address, uword savesize) -> bool
save_raw (uword filenameptr, uword startaddress, uword savesize) -> bool
status () -> str
status_code () -> ubyte
sys {
const ubyte target
clear_carry ()
clear_irqd ()
disable_caseswitch ()
enable_caseswitch ()
exit (ubyte returnvalue)
gfx_clear (ubyte color)
gfx_enable (ubyte mode)
gfx_getpixel (uword xx, uword yy) -> ubyte
gfx_plot (uword xx, uword yy, ubyte color)
internal_stringcopy (uword source, uword tgt)
memcopy (uword source, uword tgt, uword count)
memset (uword mem, uword numbytes, ubyte value)
memsetw (uword mem, uword numwords, uword value)
pop () -> ubyte
popw () -> uword
push (ubyte b)
pushw (uword w)
read_flags () -> ubyte
reset_system ()
restore_prog8_internals ()
save_prog8_internals ()
set_carry ()
set_irqd ()
wait (uword jiffies)
waitvsync ()
cx16 {
&uword r0
&ubyte r0H
&ubyte r0L
&word r0s
&byte r0sH
&byte r0sL
&uword r1
&uword r10
&ubyte r10H
&ubyte r10L
&word r10s
&byte r10sH
&byte r10sL
&uword r11
&ubyte r11H
&ubyte r11L
&word r11s
&byte r11sH
&byte r11sL
&uword r12
&ubyte r12H
&ubyte r12L
&word r12s
&byte r12sH
&byte r12sL
&uword r13
&ubyte r13H
&ubyte r13L
&word r13s
&byte r13sH
&byte r13sL
&uword r14
&ubyte r14H
&ubyte r14L
&word r14s
&byte r14sH
&byte r14sL
&uword r15
&ubyte r15H
&ubyte r15L
&word r15s
&byte r15sH
&byte r15sL
&ubyte r1H
&ubyte r1L
&word r1s
&byte r1sH
&byte r1sL
&uword r2
&ubyte r2H
&ubyte r2L
&word r2s
&byte r2sH
&byte r2sL
&uword r3
&ubyte r3H
&ubyte r3L
&word r3s
&byte r3sH
&byte r3sL
&uword r4
&ubyte r4H
&ubyte r4L
&word r4s
&byte r4sH
&byte r4sL
&uword r5
&ubyte r5H
&ubyte r5L
&word r5s
&byte r5sH
&byte r5sL
&uword r6
&ubyte r6H
&ubyte r6L
&word r6s
&byte r6sH
&byte r6sL
&uword r7
&ubyte r7H
&ubyte r7L
&word r7s
&byte r7sH
&byte r7sL
&uword r8
&ubyte r8H
&ubyte r8L
&word r8s
&byte r8sH
&byte r8sL
&uword r9
&ubyte r9H
&ubyte r9L
&word r9s
&byte r9sH
&byte r9sL
restore_virtual_registers ()
save_virtual_registers ()
emudbg {
console_chrout (ubyte char)
console_value1 (ubyte value)
console_value2 (ubyte value)
console_write (str message)
is_emulator () -> bool
floats {
const float PI
const float TWOPI
const float π
atan (float value) -> float
atan2 (float y, float x) -> float
ceil (float value) -> float
clampf (float value, float minimum, float maximum) -> float
cos (float angle) -> float
cot (float value) -> float
csc (float value) -> float
deg (float angle) -> float
floor (float value) -> float
ln (float value) -> float
log2 (float value) -> float
maxf (float f1, float f2) -> float
minf (float f1, float f2) -> float
normalize (float value) -> float
parse (str value) -> float
pop () -> float
pow (float value, float power) -> float
print (float value)
push (float value)
rad (float angle) -> float
rnd () -> float
rndseed (float seed)
round (float value) -> float
secant (float value) -> float
sin (float angle) -> float
tan (float value) -> float
tostr (float value) -> str
math {
atan2 (ubyte x1, ubyte y1, ubyte x2, ubyte y2) -> ubyte
cos8 (ubyte angle) -> byte
cos8u (ubyte angle) -> ubyte
cosr8 (ubyte radians) -> byte
cosr8u (ubyte radians) -> ubyte
crc16 (uword data, uword length) -> uword
crc16_end () -> uword
crc16_start ()
crc16_update (ubyte value)
crc32 (uword data, uword length)
crc32_end ()
crc32_start ()
crc32_update (ubyte value)
diff (ubyte b1, ubyte b2) -> ubyte
diffw (uword w1, uword w2) -> uword
direction (ubyte x1, ubyte y1, ubyte x2, ubyte y2) -> ubyte
direction_qd (ubyte quadrant, ubyte xdelta, ubyte ydelta) -> ubyte
direction_sc (byte x1, byte y1, byte x2, byte y2) -> ubyte
log2 (ubyte value) -> ubyte
log2w (uword value) -> ubyte
mul16_last_upper () -> uword
randrange (ubyte n) -> ubyte
randrangew (uword n) -> uword
rnd () -> ubyte
rndseed (uword seed1, uword seed2)
rndw () -> uword
sin8 (ubyte angle) -> byte
sin8u (ubyte angle) -> ubyte
sinr8 (ubyte radians) -> byte
sinr8u (ubyte radians) -> ubyte
monogfx {
const ubyte MODE_INVERT
const ubyte MODE_NORMAL
const ubyte MODE_STIPPLE
uword height
ubyte mode
uword width
circle (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
clear_screen (bool draw)
disc (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
drawmode (ubyte dm)
fill (uword x, uword y, bool draw)
fillrect (uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, bool draw)
hires ()
horizontal_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword length, bool draw)
line (uword x1, uword y1, uword x2, uword y2, bool draw)
lores ()
pget (uword xx, uword yy) -> bool
plot (uword xx, uword yy, bool draw)
rect (uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, bool draw)
safe_circle (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
safe_disc (uword xcenter, uword ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw)
safe_horizontal_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword length, bool draw)
safe_plot (uword xx, uword yy, bool draw)
text (uword xx, uword yy, bool draw, str sctextptr)
text_charset (ubyte charset)
textmode ()
vertical_line (uword xx, uword yy, uword lheight, bool draw)
string {
append (str target, str suffix) -> ubyte
compare (str st1, str st2) -> byte
contains (str st, ubyte character) -> bool
copy (str source, str target) -> ubyte
endswith (str st, str suffix) -> bool
find (str st, ubyte character) -> ubyte
findstr (str haystack, str needle) -> ubyte
hash (str st) -> ubyte
isdigit (ubyte character) -> bool
isletter (ubyte character) -> bool
islower (ubyte character) -> bool
isprint (ubyte character) -> bool
isspace (ubyte character) -> bool
isupper (ubyte character) -> bool
left (str source, ubyte slen, str target)
length (str st) -> ubyte
lower (str st) -> ubyte
lowerchar (ubyte char) -> ubyte
lstrip (str s)
lstripped (str s) -> str
ltrim (str s)
ltrimmed (str s) -> str
rfind (uword stringptr, ubyte character) -> ubyte
right (str source, ubyte slen, str target)
rstrip (str s)
rtrim (str s)
slice (str source, ubyte start, ubyte slen, str target)
startswith (str st, str prefix) -> bool
strip (str s)
trim (str s)
upper (str st) -> ubyte
upperchar (ubyte char) -> ubyte
test_stack {
test ()