
73 lines
2.1 KiB

%output prg
~ main {
sub start() -> () {
str name = "?" * 20
str guess = "?" * 20
byte secretnumber = 0
byte attempts_left = 10
; greeting
_vm_write_str("Enter your name: ")
; _vm_input_str(name)
_vm_write_str("Hello, ")
; ; create a secret random number from 1-100
; c64.RNDA(0) ; fac = rnd(0)
; c64.MUL10() ; fac *= 10
; c64.MUL10() ; .. and now *100
; c64.FADDH() ; add 0.5..
; c64.FADDH() ; and again, so +1 total
; AY = c64flt.GETADRAY()
; secretnumber = A
; ;A=math.randbyte()
; ;A+=c64.RASTER
; ;A-=c64.TIME_LO
; ;X,secretnumber=math.divmod_bytes(A, 99)
; c64scr.print_string("I am thinking of a number from 1 to 100!You'll have to guess it!\n")
; c64scr.print_string("\nYou have ")
; c64scr.print_byte_decimal(attempts_left)
; c64scr.print_string(" guess")
; if(attempts_left>0) c64scr.print_string("es")
; c64scr.print_string(" left.\nWhat is your next guess? ")
; Y = c64scr.input_chars(guess)
; c64.CHROUT("\n")
; freadstr_arg = guess
; AY = c64flt.GETADRAY()
; if(A==secretnumber) {
; c64scr.print_string("\nThat's my number, impressive!\n")
; goto goodbye
; }
; c64scr.print_string("That is too ")
; if(A > secretnumber)
; c64scr.print_string("low!\n")
; else
; c64scr.print_string("high!\n")
; attempts_left--
; if(attempts_left>0) goto ask_guess
; ; more efficient: if_nz goto ask_guess
; ; game over.
; c64scr.print_string("\nToo bad! It was: ")
; c64scr.print_byte_decimal(secretnumber)
; c64.CHROUT("\n")
; c64scr.print_string("\nThanks for playing. Bye!\n")
; return