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273 lines
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Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors
This is the compiler of the IL65 code, that prepares the parse tree for code generation.
Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net)
License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE
import re
import os
import sys
import linecache
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Set, Dict, Any, List
from .plyparser import parse_file, Module, Directive, Block, Subroutine, Scope, \
SubCall, Goto, Return, Assignment, InlineAssembly, Register, Expression, TargetRegisters
from .plylexer import SourceRef, print_bold
from .optimizer import optimize
class ParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str, sourcetext: Optional[str], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.sourceref = sourceref
self.msg = message
self.sourcetext = sourcetext
def __str__(self):
return "{} {:s}".format(self.sourceref, self.msg)
class PlyParser:
def __init__(self, parsing_import: bool=False) -> None:
self.parse_errors = 0
self.parsing_import = parsing_import
def parse_file(self, filename: str) -> Module:
print("parsing:", filename)
module = parse_file(filename, self.lexer_error)
if not self.parsing_import:
except ParseError as x:
if self.parse_errors:
print_bold("\nNo output; there were {:d} errors.\n".format(self.parse_errors))
raise SystemExit(1)
return module
def lexer_error(self, sourceref: SourceRef, fmtstring: str, *args: str) -> None:
self.parse_errors += 1
print_bold("ERROR: {}: {}".format(sourceref, fmtstring.format(*args)))
def create_multiassigns(self, module: Module) -> None:
# create multi-assign statements from nested assignments (A=B=C=5),
# and optimize TargetRegisters down to single Register if it's just one register.
def simplify_targetregisters(targets: List[Any]) -> List[Any]:
new_targets = []
for t in targets:
if isinstance(t, TargetRegisters) and len(t.registers) == 1:
t = t.registers[0]
return new_targets
def reduce_right(assign: Assignment) -> Assignment:
if isinstance(assign.right, Assignment):
right = reduce_right(assign.right)
targets = simplify_targetregisters(right.left)
assign.right = right.right
return assign
for mnode, parent in module.all_scopes():
if mnode.scope:
for node in mnode.scope.nodes:
if isinstance(node, Assignment):
node.left = simplify_targetregisters(node.left)
if isinstance(node.right, Assignment):
multi = reduce_right(node)
assert multi is node and len(multi.left) > 1 and not isinstance(multi.right, Assignment)
def determine_subroutine_usage(self, module: Module) -> None:
for mnode, parent in module.all_scopes():
if mnode.scope:
for node in mnode.scope.nodes:
if isinstance(node, InlineAssembly):
self._parse_asm_for_subroutine_usage(module.subroutine_usage, node, mnode.scope)
elif isinstance(node, SubCall):
self._parse_subcall_for_subroutine_usages(module.subroutine_usage, node, mnode.scope)
elif isinstance(node, Goto):
self._parse_goto_for_subroutine_usages(module.subroutine_usage, node, mnode.scope)
elif isinstance(node, Return):
self._parse_return_for_subroutine_usages(module.subroutine_usage, node, mnode.scope)
elif isinstance(node, Assignment):
self._parse_assignment_for_subroutine_usages(module.subroutine_usage, node, mnode.scope)
def _parse_subcall_for_subroutine_usages(self, usages: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]],
subcall: SubCall, parent_scope: Scope) -> None:
# node.target (relevant if its a symbolname -- a str), node.arguments (list of CallArgument)
# CallArgument.value = expression.
if isinstance(subcall.target.target, str):
scopename, name = subcall.target.target.split('.')
except ValueError:
scopename = parent_scope.name
name = subcall.target.target
usages[(scopename, name)].add(str(subcall.sourceref))
for arg in subcall.arguments:
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, arg.value, parent_scope)
def _parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(self, usages: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]],
expr: Any, parent_scope: Scope) -> None:
if expr is None or isinstance(expr, (int, str, float, bool, Register)):
elif isinstance(expr, SubCall):
self._parse_subcall_for_subroutine_usages(usages, expr, parent_scope)
elif isinstance(expr, Expression):
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, expr.left, parent_scope)
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, expr.right, parent_scope)
print("@todo parse expression for subroutine usage:", expr) # @todo
def _parse_goto_for_subroutine_usages(self, usages: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]],
goto: Goto, parent_scope: Scope) -> None:
# node.target (relevant if its a symbolname -- a str), node.condition (expression)
if isinstance(goto.target.target, str):
symbol = parent_scope[goto.target.target]
except LookupError:
if isinstance(symbol, Subroutine):
usages[(parent_scope.name, symbol.name)].add(str(goto.sourceref))
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, goto.condition, parent_scope)
def _parse_return_for_subroutine_usages(self, usages: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]],
returnnode: Return, parent_scope: Scope) -> None:
# node.value_A (expression), value_X (expression), value_Y (expression)
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, returnnode.value_A, parent_scope)
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, returnnode.value_X, parent_scope)
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, returnnode.value_Y, parent_scope)
def _parse_assignment_for_subroutine_usages(self, usages: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]],
assignment: Assignment, parent_scope: Scope) -> None:
# node.right (expression, or another Assignment)
if isinstance(assignment.right, Assignment):
self._parse_assignment_for_subroutine_usages(usages, assignment.right, parent_scope)
self._parse_expression_for_subroutine_usages(usages, assignment.right, parent_scope)
def _parse_asm_for_subroutine_usage(self, usages: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]],
asmnode: InlineAssembly, parent_scope: Scope) -> None:
# asm can refer to other symbols as well, track subroutine usage
for line in asmnode.assembly.splitlines():
splits = line.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(splits) == 2:
for match in re.finditer(r"(?P<symbol>[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)", splits[1]):
name = match.group("symbol")
if name[0] == '$':
symbol = parent_scope[name]
except LookupError:
if isinstance(symbol, Subroutine):
usages[(parent_scope.name, symbol.name)].add(str(asmnode.sourceref))
def check_directives(self, module: Module) -> None:
for node, parent in module.all_scopes():
if isinstance(node, Module):
# check module-level directives
imports = set() # type: Set[str]
for directive in node.scope.filter_nodes(Directive):
if directive.name not in {"output", "zp", "address", "import", "saveregisters"}:
raise ParseError("invalid directive in module", None, directive.sourceref)
if directive.name == "import":
if imports & set(directive.args):
raise ParseError("duplicate import", None, directive.sourceref)
imports |= set(directive.args)
if isinstance(node, (Block, Subroutine)):
# check block and subroutine-level directives
first_node = True
if not node.scope:
for sub_node in node.scope.nodes:
if isinstance(sub_node, Directive):
if sub_node.name not in {"asmbinary", "asminclude", "breakpoint", "saveregisters"}:
raise ParseError("invalid directive in " + node.__class__.__name__.lower(), None, sub_node.sourceref)
if sub_node.name == "saveregisters" and not first_node:
raise ParseError("saveregisters directive should be the first", None, sub_node.sourceref)
first_node = False
def process_imports(self, module: Module) -> None:
# (recursively) imports the modules
imported = []
for directive in module.scope.filter_nodes(Directive):
if directive.name == "import":
if len(directive.args) < 1:
raise ParseError("missing argument(s) for import directive", None, directive.sourceref)
for arg in directive.args:
filename = self.find_import_file(arg, directive.sourceref.file)
if not filename:
raise ParseError("imported file not found", None, directive.sourceref)
imported_module, import_parse_errors = self.import_file(filename)
imported_module.scope.parent_scope = module.scope
self.parse_errors += import_parse_errors
if not self.parsing_import:
# compiler support library is always imported (in main parser)
filename = self.find_import_file("il65lib", module.sourceref.file)
if filename:
imported_module, import_parse_errors = self.import_file(filename)
imported_module.scope.parent_scope = module.scope
self.parse_errors += import_parse_errors
raise FileNotFoundError("missing il65lib")
# append the imported module's contents (blocks) at the end of the current module
for imported_module in imported:
for block in imported_module.scope.filter_nodes(Block):
def import_file(self, filename: str) -> Tuple[Module, int]:
sub_parser = PlyParser(parsing_import=True)
return sub_parser.parse_file(filename), sub_parser.parse_errors
def find_import_file(self, modulename: str, sourcefile: str) -> Optional[str]:
candidates = [modulename+".ill", modulename]
filename_at_source_location = os.path.join(os.path.split(sourcefile)[0], modulename)
if filename_at_source_location not in candidates:
filename_at_libs_location = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "lib", modulename)
if filename_at_libs_location not in candidates:
for filename in candidates:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return filename
return None
def handle_parse_error(self, exc: ParseError) -> None:
self.parse_errors += 1
if sys.stderr.isatty():
print("\x1b[1m", file=sys.stderr)
if self.parsing_import:
print("Error (in imported file):", str(exc), file=sys.stderr)
print("Error:", str(exc), file=sys.stderr)
if exc.sourcetext is None:
exc.sourcetext = linecache.getline(exc.sourceref.file, exc.sourceref.line).rstrip()
if exc.sourcetext:
# remove leading whitespace
stripped = exc.sourcetext.lstrip()
num_spaces = len(exc.sourcetext) - len(stripped)
stripped = stripped.rstrip()
print(" " + stripped, file=sys.stderr)
if exc.sourceref.column:
print(" " + ' ' * (exc.sourceref.column - num_spaces) + '^', file=sys.stderr)
if sys.stderr.isatty():
print("\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr, end="", flush=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
description = "Compiler for IL65 language, code name 'Sick'"
print("\n" + description)
plyparser = PlyParser()
m = plyparser.parse_file(sys.argv[1])