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synced 2025-03-02 22:32:34 +00:00
119 lines
4.6 KiB
119 lines
4.6 KiB
%output raw
%launcher none
main {
sub start() {
extsub $fff1 = WriteCharacter(ubyte character @A)
for cx16.r0L in "\n\n\n.... Hello from Prog8 :-)"
repeat {
sub start2() {
%asm {{
; Program constants
CURSOR_POS_X = #0 ; character display 'X' coordinate
CURSOR_POS_Y = #21 ; character display 'Y' coordinate
NEWLINE_CHAR = #13 ; ASCII character code
; Main Program ;
; Play sound effect - (API Group 8, Function 5) ;
lda neo.API_SOUND_CH_00 ; sound channel (API::sound->play->channel)
sta neo.API_PARAMETERS + 0 ; set API 'Parameter0' (API::sound->play->channel)
lda neo.API_SFX_COIN ; sound effect index (API::sound->play->effect)
sta neo.API_PARAMETERS + 1 ; set API 'Parameter1' (API::sound->play->effect)
lda neo.API_FN_PLAY_SOUND ; sound effect function (API::sound->play)
sta neo.API_FUNCTION ; set API 'Function' (API::sound->play)
lda neo.API_GROUP_SOUND ; 'Sound' API function group (API::sound)
sta neo.API_COMMAND ; trigger 'Sound' API routine (API::sound)
; Set cursor position - (API Group 2, Function 7) ;
; reposition the cursor to overwrite the default welcome text
lda neo.API_FN_SET_CURSOR_POS ; set cursor position function (API::console->cursor)
sta neo.API_FUNCTION ; set API 'Function' (API::console->cursor)
lda CURSOR_POS_X ; cursor 'X' coordinate (API::console->cursor->x)
sta neo.API_PARAMETERS + 0 ; set API 'Parameter0' (API::console->cursor->x)
lda CURSOR_POS_Y ; cursor 'Y' coordinate (API::console->cursor->y)
sta neo.API_PARAMETERS + 1 ; set API 'Parameter1' (API::console->cursor->y)
lda neo.API_GROUP_CONSOLE ; 'Console' API function group (API::console)
sta neo.API_COMMAND ; trigger 'Console' API routine (API::console)
; this simply repeats the same routine as the previous block,
; but using the generic convenience macro, for the sake of demonstration
sta neo.API_PARAMETERS + 0
sta neo.API_PARAMETERS + 1
#neo.DoSendMessage ; send command 2,7
.byte 2,7
; Write character to console - (API Group 2, Function 6) ;
; first, write a single newline character, using the special convenience macro
jsr neo.WriteCharacter
; the text foreground color can also be set by injecting a control character
jsr neo.WriteCharacter
; next, print the welcome message (a string of characters), using the API
ldx #0 ; initialize string iteration index
lda neo.API_FN_WRITE_CHAR ; console write function (API::console->write)
sta neo.API_FUNCTION ; set API 'Function' (API::console->write)
lda neo.API_COMMAND ; previous API routine status
bne print_next_char ; wait for previous API routine to complete
lda hello_msg , x ; next character of 'hello_msg' (API::console->write->char)
beq end ; test for string end null byte
sta neo.API_PARAMETERS + 0 ; set API 'Parameter0' (API::console->write->char)
lda neo.API_GROUP_CONSOLE ; 'Console' API function group (API::console)
sta neo.API_COMMAND ; trigger 'Console' API routine (API::console)
inx ; increment iteration index
jmp print_next_char ; continue 'hello_msg' print loop
jmp end ; infinite loop
; Program data ;
.text " Hello Neo6502" ; line 1 to display
.text 13 ; newline
.text " " ; 53 blanks
.text 13 ; newline
.text " Now you're playing with Neo Power!" ; line 2 to display
.text 13 ; newline
.text " (Some assembly required)" ; line 3 to display
.text 0 ; null-terminated