
1519 lines
74 KiB

package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.SyntaxError
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstVisitor
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.compilerinterface.*
* Semantic analysis.
internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
private val errors: IErrorReporter,
private val compilerOptions: CompilationOptions
) : IAstVisitor {
override fun visit(program: Program) {
require(program === this.program)
// there must be a single 'main' block with a 'start' subroutine for the program entry point.
val mainBlocks = program.modules.flatMap { it.statements }.filter { b -> b is Block &&"main" }.map { it as Block }
errors.err("more than one 'main' block", mainBlocks[0].position)
errors.err("there is no 'main' block", program.modules.firstOrNull()?.position ?: Position.DUMMY)
for(mainBlock in mainBlocks) {
val startSub = mainBlock.subScope("start") as? Subroutine
if (startSub == null) {
errors.err("missing program entrypoint ('start' subroutine in 'main' block)", mainBlock.position)
} else {
if (startSub.parameters.isNotEmpty() || startSub.returntypes.isNotEmpty())
errors.err("program entrypoint subroutine can't have parameters and/or return values", startSub.position)
if(compilerOptions.floats) {
if (compilerOptions.zeropage !in arrayOf(ZeropageType.FLOATSAFE, ZeropageType.BASICSAFE, ZeropageType.DONTUSE ))
errors.err("when floats are enabled, zero page type should be 'floatsafe' or 'basicsafe' or 'dontuse'", program.toplevelModule.position)
override fun visit(module: Module) {
val directives = module.statements.filterIsInstance<Directive>().groupBy { it.directive }
directives.filter { it.value.size > 1 }.forEach{ entry ->
when(entry.key) {
"%output", "%launcher", "%zeropage", "%address" ->
entry.value.forEach { errors.err("directive can just occur once", it.position) }
override fun visit(returnStmt: Return) {
val expectedReturnValues = returnStmt.definingSubroutine?.returntypes ?: emptyList()
if(expectedReturnValues.size>1) {
throw FatalAstException("cannot use a return with one value in a subroutine that has multiple return values: $returnStmt")
if(expectedReturnValues.isEmpty() && returnStmt.value!=null) {
errors.err("invalid number of return values", returnStmt.position)
if(expectedReturnValues.isNotEmpty() && returnStmt.value==null) {
errors.err("invalid number of return values", returnStmt.position)
if(expectedReturnValues.size==1 && returnStmt.value!=null) {
val valueDt = returnStmt.value!!.inferType(program)
if(!valueDt.isKnown) {
errors.err("return value type mismatch or unknown symbol", returnStmt.value!!.position)
} else {
if (expectedReturnValues[0] != valueDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED))
errors.err("type $valueDt of return value doesn't match subroutine's return type ${expectedReturnValues[0]}", returnStmt.value!!.position)
override fun visit(ifElse: IfElse) {
errors.err("condition value should be an integer type", ifElse.condition.position)
override fun visit(forLoop: ForLoop) {
fun checkUnsignedLoopDownto0(range: RangeExpression?) {
val step = range.step.constValue(program)?.number ?: 1.0
if(step < -1.0) {
val limit =
if(limit==0.0 && range.from.constValue(program)==null)
errors.err("for unsigned loop variable it's not possible to count down with step != -1 from a non-const value to exactly zero due to value wrapping", forLoop.position)
val iterableDt = forLoop.iterable.inferType(program).getOr(DataType.BYTE)
if(iterableDt !in IterableDatatypes && forLoop.iterable !is RangeExpression) {
errors.err("can only loop over an iterable type", forLoop.position)
} else {
val loopvar = forLoop.loopVar.targetVarDecl(program)
if(loopvar==null || loopvar.type== VarDeclType.CONST) {
errors.err("for loop requires a variable to loop with", forLoop.position)
} else {
when (loopvar.datatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if(iterableDt!= DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt != DataType.STR)
errors.err("ubyte loop variable can only loop over unsigned bytes or strings", forLoop.position)
checkUnsignedLoopDownto0(forLoop.iterable as? RangeExpression)
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(iterableDt!= DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.UWORD && iterableDt != DataType.STR &&
iterableDt != DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_UW)
errors.err("uword loop variable can only loop over unsigned bytes, words or strings", forLoop.position)
checkUnsignedLoopDownto0(forLoop.iterable as? RangeExpression)
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(iterableDt!= DataType.BYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_B)
errors.err("byte loop variable can only loop over bytes", forLoop.position)
DataType.WORD -> {
if(iterableDt!= DataType.BYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.WORD &&
iterableDt != DataType.ARRAY_B && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_W)
errors.err("word loop variable can only loop over bytes or words", forLoop.position)
DataType.FLOAT -> {
// Looping over float variables is very inefficient because the loopvar is going to
// get copied over with new values all the time. We don't support this for now.
// Loop with an integer index variable if you really need to... or write different code.
errors.err("for loop only supports integers", forLoop.position)
else -> errors.err("loop variable must be numeric type", forLoop.position)
if(errors.noErrors()) {
// check loop range values
val range = forLoop.iterable as? RangeExpression
if(range!=null) {
val from = range.from as? NumericLiteral
val to = as? NumericLiteral
if(from != null)
checkValueTypeAndRange(loopvar.datatype, from)
else if(range.from.inferType(program) isnot loopvar.datatype)
errors.err("range start value is incompatible with loop variable type", range.position)
if(to != null)
checkValueTypeAndRange(loopvar.datatype, to)
else if( isnot loopvar.datatype)
errors.err("range end value is incompatible with loop variable type", range.position)
override fun visit(jump: Jump) {
val ident = jump.identifier
if(ident!=null) {
val targetStatement = checkFunctionOrLabelExists(ident, jump)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
if(targetStatement is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder)
errors.err("can't jump to a builtin function", jump.position)
if(targetStatement is Subroutine && targetStatement.parameters.any()) {
errors.err("can't jump to a subroutine that takes parameters", jump.position)
val addr = jump.address
if(addr!=null && addr > 65535u)
errors.err("jump address must be valid integer 0..\$ffff", jump.position)
override fun visit(gosub: GoSub) {
val ident = gosub.identifier
if(ident!=null) {
val targetStatement = checkFunctionOrLabelExists(ident, gosub)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
if(targetStatement is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder)
errors.err("can't gosub to a builtin function", gosub.position)
val addr = gosub.address
if(addr!=null && addr > 65535u)
errors.err("gosub address must be valid integer 0..\$ffff", gosub.position)
override fun visit(block: Block) {
val addr = block.address
if(addr!=null && addr>65535u) {
errors.err("block memory address must be valid integer 0..\$ffff", block.position)
for (statement in block.statements) {
val ok = when (statement) {
is Block,
is Directive,
is Label,
is VarDecl,
is InlineAssembly,
is IStatementContainer -> true
is Assignment -> {
val target =!!.targetStatement(program)
target === statement.previousSibling() // an initializer assignment is okay
else -> false
if (!ok) {
errors.err("non-declarative statement occurs in block scope, where it will never be executed. Move it to a subroutine instead.", statement.position)
override fun visit(label: Label) {
// scope check
if(label.parent !is Block && label.parent !is Subroutine && label.parent !is AnonymousScope) {
errors.err("Labels can only be defined in the scope of a block, a loop body, or within another subroutine", label.position)
private fun hasReturnOrJumpOrRts(scope: IStatementContainer): Boolean {
class Searcher: IAstVisitor
var count=0
override fun visit(returnStmt: Return) {
override fun visit(jump: Jump) {
override fun visit(inlineAssembly: InlineAssembly) {
val assembly = inlineAssembly.assembly
if(" rti" in assembly || "\trti" in assembly || " rts" in assembly || "\trts" in assembly ||
" jmp" in assembly || "\tjmp" in assembly || " bra" in assembly || "\tbra" in assembly )
val s=Searcher()
for(stmt in scope.statements) {
return true
return s.count > 0
override fun visit(subroutine: Subroutine) {
fun err(msg: String) = errors.err(msg, subroutine.position)
if( in BuiltinFunctions)
err("cannot redefine a built-in function")
if(subroutine.parameters.size>6 && !subroutine.isAsmSubroutine)
errors.warn("subroutine has a large number of parameters, this slows down code execution a lot", subroutine.position)
val uniqueNames = subroutine.parameters.asSequence().map { }.toSet()
err("parameter names must be unique")
// user-defined subroutines can only have zero or one return type
// (multiple return values are only allowed for asm subs)
if(!subroutine.isAsmSubroutine && subroutine.returntypes.size>1)
err("subroutines can only have one return value")
// subroutine must contain at least one 'return' or 'goto'
// (or if it has an asm block, that must contain a 'rts' or 'jmp' or 'bra')
if(!hasReturnOrJumpOrRts(subroutine)) {
if (subroutine.returntypes.isNotEmpty()) {
// for asm subroutines with an address, no statement check is possible.
if (subroutine.asmAddress == null && !subroutine.inline)
err("non-inline subroutine has result value(s) and thus must have at least one 'return' or 'goto' in it (or rts/jmp/bra in case of %asm)")
if(subroutine.inline && !subroutine.isAsmSubroutine)
err("subroutine inlining is currently only supported on asmsub routines")
if(subroutine.parent !is Block && subroutine.parent !is Subroutine)
err("subroutines can only be defined in the scope of a block or within another subroutine")
if(subroutine.isAsmSubroutine) {
if(subroutine.asmParameterRegisters.size != subroutine.parameters.size)
err("number of asm parameter registers is not the isSameAs as number of parameters")
if(subroutine.asmReturnvaluesRegisters.size != subroutine.returntypes.size)
err("number of return registers is not the isSameAs as number of return values")
for(param in {
if(param.second.registerOrPair in arrayOf(RegisterOrPair.A, RegisterOrPair.X, RegisterOrPair.Y)) {
if (param.first.type != DataType.UBYTE && param.first.type != DataType.BYTE)
err("parameter '${}' should be (u)byte")
else if(param.second.registerOrPair in arrayOf(RegisterOrPair.AX, RegisterOrPair.AY, RegisterOrPair.XY)) {
if (param.first.type != DataType.UWORD && param.first.type != DataType.WORD
&& param.first.type != DataType.STR && param.first.type !in ArrayDatatypes && param.first.type != DataType.FLOAT)
err("parameter '${}' should be (u)word (an address) or str")
else if(param.second.statusflag!=null) {
if (param.first.type != DataType.UBYTE)
err("parameter '${}' should be ubyte")
} { index, pair ->
if(pair.second.registerOrPair in arrayOf(RegisterOrPair.A, RegisterOrPair.X, RegisterOrPair.Y)) {
if (pair.first != DataType.UBYTE && pair.first != DataType.BYTE)
err("return value #${index + 1} should be (u)byte")
else if(pair.second.registerOrPair in arrayOf(RegisterOrPair.AX, RegisterOrPair.AY, RegisterOrPair.XY)) {
if (pair.first != DataType.UWORD && pair.first != DataType.WORD
&& pair.first != DataType.STR && pair.first !in ArrayDatatypes && pair.first != DataType.FLOAT)
err("return value #${index + 1} should be (u)word/address")
else if(pair.second.statusflag!=null) {
if (pair.first != DataType.UBYTE)
err("return value #${index + 1} should be ubyte")
val regCounts = mutableMapOf<CpuRegister, Int>().withDefault { 0 }
val statusflagCounts = mutableMapOf<Statusflag, Int>().withDefault { 0 }
fun countRegisters(from: Iterable<RegisterOrStatusflag>) {
for(p in from) {
when(p.registerOrPair) {
RegisterOrPair.A -> regCounts[CpuRegister.A]=regCounts.getValue(CpuRegister.A)+1
RegisterOrPair.X -> regCounts[CpuRegister.X]=regCounts.getValue(CpuRegister.X)+1
RegisterOrPair.Y -> regCounts[CpuRegister.Y]=regCounts.getValue(CpuRegister.Y)+1
RegisterOrPair.AX -> {
RegisterOrPair.AY -> {
RegisterOrPair.XY -> {
RegisterOrPair.FAC1, RegisterOrPair.FAC2 -> { /* no sensible way to count this */ }
RegisterOrPair.R15 -> { /* no sensible way to count this */ }
null -> {
val statusf = p.statusflag
if (statusf != null)
statusflagCounts[statusf] = statusflagCounts.getValue(statusf) + 1
err("a register is used multiple times in the parameters")
err("a status flag is used multiple times in the parameters")
err("a register is used multiple times in the return values")
err("a status flag is used multiple times in the return values")
err("a return register is also in the clobber list")
if(subroutine.statements.any{it !is InlineAssembly})
err("asmsub can only contain inline assembly (%asm)")
val statusFlagsNoCarry = subroutine.asmParameterRegisters.mapNotNull { it.statusflag }.toSet() - Statusflag.Pc
err("can only use Carry as status flag parameter")
// Non-string and non-ubytearray Pass-by-reference datatypes can not occur as parameters to a subroutine directly
// Instead, their reference (address) should be passed (as an UWORD).
for(p in subroutine.parameters) {
if(p.type in PassByReferenceDatatypes && p.type !in listOf(DataType.STR, DataType.ARRAY_UB)) {
errors.err("this pass-by-reference type can't be used as a parameter type. Instead, use an uword to receive the address, or access the variable from the outer scope directly.", p.position)
override fun visit(untilLoop: UntilLoop) {
errors.err("condition value should be an integer type", untilLoop.condition.position)
override fun visit(whileLoop: WhileLoop) {
errors.err("condition value should be an integer type", whileLoop.condition.position)
override fun visit(repeatLoop: RepeatLoop) {
val iterations = repeatLoop.iterations?.constValue(program)
if(iterations != null && iterations.number.toInt() > 65535)
errors.err("repeat cannot go over 65535 iterations", iterations.position)
override fun visit(assignment: Assignment) {
val targetDt =
val valueDt = assignment.value.inferType(program)
if(valueDt.isKnown && !(valueDt isAssignableTo targetDt)) {
errors.err("cannot assign value to string or array", assignment.value.position)
else if(!(valueDt istype DataType.STR && targetDt istype DataType.UWORD)) {
if(targetDt.isUnknown) {
errors.err("target datatype is unknown",
// otherwise, another error about missing symbol is already reported.
} else {
errors.err("type of value $valueDt doesn't match target $targetDt", assignment.value.position)
if(assignment.value is TypecastExpression) {
if(assignment.isAugmentable && targetDt istype DataType.FLOAT)
errors.err("typecasting a float value in-place makes no sense", assignment.value.position)
val numvalue = assignment.value.constValue(program)
if(numvalue!=null && targetDt.isKnown)
checkValueTypeAndRange(targetDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), numvalue)
override fun visit(assignTarget: AssignTarget) {
val memAddr = assignTarget.memoryAddress?.addressExpression?.constValue(program)?.number?.toInt()
if (memAddr != null) {
if (memAddr < 0 || memAddr >= 65536)
errors.err("address out of range", assignTarget.position)
val assignment = assignTarget.parent as Statement
val targetIdentifier = assignTarget.identifier
if (targetIdentifier != null) {
val targetName = targetIdentifier.nameInSource
when (val targetSymbol = assignment.definingScope.lookup(targetName)) {
null -> {
errors.err("undefined symbol: ${targetIdentifier.nameInSource.joinToString(".")}", targetIdentifier.position)
!is VarDecl -> {
errors.err("assignment LHS must be register or variable", assignment.position)
else -> {
if (targetSymbol.type == VarDeclType.CONST) {
errors.err("cannot assign new value to a constant", assignment.position)
if (assignment is Assignment) {
val targetDatatype = assignTarget.inferType(program)
if (targetDatatype.isKnown) {
val constVal = assignment.value.constValue(program)
if(constVal==null) {
val sourceDatatype = assignment.value.inferType(program)
if (sourceDatatype.isUnknown) {
if (assignment.value !is FunctionCallExpression)
errors.err("assignment value is invalid or has no proper datatype, maybe forgot '&' (address-of)", assignment.value.position)
} else {
sourceDatatype.getOr(DataType.BYTE), assignment.value)
override fun visit(addressOf: AddressOf) {
val variable=addressOf.identifier.targetVarDecl(program)
if(variable!=null && variable.type==VarDeclType.CONST)
errors.err("invalid pointer-of operand type", addressOf.position)
override fun visit(decl: VarDecl) {
fun err(msg: String) = errors.err(msg, decl.position)
// the initializer value can't refer to the variable itself (recursive definition)
if(decl.value?.referencesIdentifier(listOf( == true || decl.arraysize?.indexExpr?.referencesIdentifier(listOf( == true)
err("recursive var declaration")
// CONST can only occur on simple types (byte, word, float)
if(decl.type== VarDeclType.CONST) {
if (decl.datatype !in NumericDatatypes)
err("const modifier can only be used on numeric types (byte, word, float)")
// FLOATS enabled?
if(!compilerOptions.floats && decl.datatype.oneOf(DataType.FLOAT, DataType.ARRAY_F) && decl.type!= VarDeclType.MEMORY)
err("floating point used, but that is not enabled via options")
// ARRAY without size specifier MUST have an iterable initializer value
if(decl.isArray && decl.arraysize==null) {
if(decl.type== VarDeclType.MEMORY)
err("memory mapped array must have a size specification")
if(decl.value==null) {
err("array variable is missing a size specification or an initialization value")
if(decl.value is NumericLiteral) {
err("unsized array declaration cannot use a single literal initialization value")
if(decl.value is RangeExpression)
throw InternalCompilerException("range expressions in vardecls should have been converted into array values during constFolding $decl")
when(decl.type) {
VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclType.CONST -> {
when(decl.value) {
null -> {
// a vardecl without an initial value, don't bother with it
is RangeExpression -> throw InternalCompilerException("range expression should have been converted to a true array value")
is StringLiteral -> {
checkValueTypeAndRangeString(decl.datatype, decl.value as StringLiteral)
is ArrayLiteral -> {
val arraySpec = decl.arraysize ?: ArrayIndex.forArray(decl.value as ArrayLiteral)
checkValueTypeAndRangeArray(decl.datatype, arraySpec, decl.value as ArrayLiteral)
is NumericLiteral -> {
checkValueTypeAndRange(decl.datatype, decl.value as NumericLiteral)
else -> {
if(decl.type==VarDeclType.CONST) {
err("const declaration needs a compile-time constant initializer value, or range")
VarDeclType.MEMORY -> {
val arraysize = decl.arraysize
if(arraysize!=null) {
val arraySize = arraysize.constIndex() ?: 1
when(decl.datatype) {
DataType.ARRAY_B, DataType.ARRAY_UB ->
if(arraySize > 256)
err("byte array length must be 1-256")
DataType.ARRAY_W, DataType.ARRAY_UW ->
if(arraySize > 128)
err("word array length must be 1-128")
DataType.ARRAY_F ->
if(arraySize > 51)
err("float array length must be 1-51")
else -> {}
val numvalue = decl.value as? NumericLiteral
if(numvalue!=null) {
if (numvalue.type !in IntegerDatatypes || numvalue.number.toInt() < 0 || numvalue.number.toInt() > 65535) {
err("memory address must be valid integer 0..\$ffff")
} else {
err("value of memory mapped variable can only be a fixed number, perhaps you meant to use an address pointer type instead?")
val declValue = decl.value
if(declValue!=null && decl.type==VarDeclType.VAR) {
if (declValue.inferType(program) isnot decl.datatype) {
err("initialisation value has incompatible type (${declValue.inferType(program)}) for the variable (${decl.datatype})")
// array length limits and constant lenghts
if(decl.isArray) {
val length = decl.arraysize?.constIndex()
err("array length must be known at compile-time")
else {
when (decl.datatype) {
DataType.STR, DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.ARRAY_B -> {
if (length == 0 || length > 256)
err("string and byte array length must be 1-256")
DataType.ARRAY_UW, DataType.ARRAY_W -> {
if (length == 0 || length > 128)
err("word array length must be 1-128")
DataType.ARRAY_F -> {
if (length == 0 || length > 51)
err("float array length must be 1-51")
else -> {
if(decl.datatype==DataType.STR) {
if(decl.value==null) {
// complain about uninitialized str, but only if it's a regular variable
val parameter = (decl.parent as? Subroutine)?.parameters?.singleOrNull{ }
err("string var must be initialized with a string literal")
if(compilerOptions.zeropage==ZeropageType.DONTUSE && decl.zeropage == ZeropageWish.REQUIRE_ZEROPAGE)
err("zeropage usage has been disabled by options")
override fun visit(directive: Directive) {
fun err(msg: String) {
errors.err(msg, directive.position)
when(directive.directive) {
"%output" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Module)
err("this directive may only occur at module level")
if(directive.args.size!=1 || directive.args[0].name != "raw" && directive.args[0].name != "prg")
err("invalid output directive type, expected raw or prg")
"%launcher" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Module)
err("this directive may only occur at module level")
if(directive.args.size!=1 || directive.args[0].name != "basic" && directive.args[0].name != "none")
err("invalid launcher directive type, expected basic or none")
"%zeropage" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Module)
err("this directive may only occur at module level")
if(directive.args.size!=1 ||
directive.args[0].name != "basicsafe" &&
directive.args[0].name != "floatsafe" &&
directive.args[0].name != "kernalsafe" &&
directive.args[0].name != "dontuse" &&
directive.args[0].name != "full")
err("invalid zp type, expected basicsafe, floatsafe, kernalsafe, dontuse, or full")
"%zpreserved" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Module)
err("this directive may only occur at module level")
if(directive.args.size!=2 || directive.args[0].int==null || directive.args[1].int==null)
err("requires two addresses (start, end)")
if(directive.args[0].int!! > 255u || directive.args[1].int!! > 255u)
err("start and end addresss must be in Zeropage so 0..255")
"%address" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Module)
err("this directive may only occur at module level")
if(directive.args.size!=1 || directive.args[0].int == null)
err("invalid address directive, expected numeric address argument")
"%import" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Module)
err("this directive may only occur at module level")
if(directive.args.size!=1 || directive.args[0].name==null)
err("invalid import directive, expected module name argument")
if(directive.args[0].name == (directive.parent as? Module)?.name)
err("invalid import directive, cannot import itself")
"%breakpoint" -> {
if(directive.parent !is INameScope || directive.parent is Module)
err("this directive can't be used here")
err("invalid breakpoint directive, expected no arguments")
"%asminclude" -> {
if(directive.parent !is INameScope || directive.parent is Module)
err("this directive can't be used here")
if(directive.args.size!=1 || directive.args[0].str==null)
err("invalid asminclude directive, expected argument: \"filename\"")
checkFileExists(directive, directive.args[0].str!!)
"%asmbinary" -> {
if(directive.parent !is INameScope || directive.parent is Module)
err("this directive can't be used here")
val errormsg = "invalid asmbinary directive, expected arguments: \"filename\" [, offset [, length ] ]"
if(directive.args.isEmpty()) err(errormsg)
else if(directive.args[0].str==null) err(errormsg)
else if(directive.args.size>=2 && directive.args[1].int==null) err(errormsg)
else if(directive.args.size==3 && directive.args[2].int==null) err(errormsg)
else if(directive.args.size>3) err(errormsg)
else checkFileExists(directive, directive.args[0].str!!)
"%option" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Block && directive.parent !is Module)
err("this directive may only occur in a block or at module level")
err("missing option directive argument(s)")
else if({ in arrayOf("enable_floats", "force_output", "no_sysinit", "align_word", "align_page")}.any { !it })
err("invalid option directive argument(s)")
else -> throw SyntaxError("invalid directive ${directive.directive}", directive.position)
private fun checkFileExists(directive: Directive, filename: String) {
if (File(filename).isFile)
val definingModule = directive.definingModule
if (definingModule.isLibrary || !definingModule.source.isFromFilesystem)
val s = definingModule.source.origin
val sourceFileCandidate = Path(s).resolveSibling(filename).toFile()
if (sourceFileCandidate.isFile)
errors.err("included file not found: $filename", directive.position)
override fun visit(array: ArrayLiteral) {
if(array.type.isKnown) {
if (!compilerOptions.floats && array.type.oneOf(DataType.FLOAT, DataType.ARRAY_F)) {
errors.err("floating point used, but that is not enabled via options", array.position)
val arrayspec = ArrayIndex.forArray(array)
checkValueTypeAndRangeArray(array.type.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED), arrayspec, array)
fun isPassByReferenceElement(e: Expression): Boolean {
if(e is IdentifierReference) {
val decl = e.targetVarDecl(program)!!
return decl.datatype in PassByReferenceDatatypes
return e is StringLiteral
if(array.parent is VarDecl) {
if (!array.value.all { it is NumericLiteral || it is AddressOf || isPassByReferenceElement(it) })
errors.err("array literal for variable initialization contains non-constant elements", array.position)
} else if(array.parent is ForLoop) {
if (!array.value.all { it.constValue(program) != null })
errors.err("array literal for iteration must contain constants. Try using a separate array variable instead?", array.position)
override fun visit(char: CharLiteral) {
try { // just *try* if it can be encoded, don't actually do it
compilerOptions.compTarget.encodeString(char.value.toString(), char.encoding)
} catch (cx: CharConversionException) {
errors.err(cx.message ?: "can't encode character", char.position)
override fun visit(string: StringLiteral) {
checkValueTypeAndRangeString(DataType.STR, string)
try { // just *try* if it can be encoded, don't actually do it
val bytes = compilerOptions.compTarget.encodeString(string.value, string.encoding)
if(0u in bytes)
errors.warn("a character in the string encodes into the 0-byte, which will terminate the string prematurely", string.position)
} catch (cx: CharConversionException) {
errors.err(cx.message ?: "can't encode string", string.position)
override fun visit(expr: PrefixExpression) {
val dt = expr.expression.inferType(program).getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
return // any error should be reported elsewhere
if(expr.operator=="-") {
if (dt != DataType.BYTE && dt != DataType.WORD && dt != DataType.FLOAT) {
errors.err("can only take negative of a signed number type", expr.position)
else if(expr.operator == "not") {
if(dt !in IntegerDatatypes)
errors.err("can only use boolean not on integer types", expr.position)
else if(expr.operator == "~") {
if(dt !in IntegerDatatypes)
errors.err("can only use bitwise invert on integer types", expr.position)
override fun visit(expr: BinaryExpression) {
val leftIDt = expr.left.inferType(program)
val rightIDt = expr.right.inferType(program)
if(!leftIDt.isKnown || !rightIDt.isKnown)
return // hopefully this error will be detected elsewhere
val leftDt = leftIDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
val rightDt = rightIDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
if(expr.operator=="+" || expr.operator=="-") {
if(leftDt == DataType.STR || rightDt == DataType.STR || leftDt in ArrayDatatypes || rightDt in ArrayDatatypes) {
errors.err("missing & (address-of) on the string operand", expr.position)
"/", "%" -> {
val constvalRight = expr.right.constValue(program)
val divisor = constvalRight?.number
errors.err("division by zero", expr.right.position)
if(expr.operator=="%") {
if ((rightDt != DataType.UBYTE && rightDt != DataType.UWORD) || (leftDt!= DataType.UBYTE && leftDt!= DataType.UWORD))
errors.err("remainder can only be used on unsigned integer operands", expr.right.position)
"**" -> {
if(leftDt in IntegerDatatypes)
errors.err("power operator requires floating point operands", expr.position)
"and", "or", "xor" -> {
// only integer numeric operands accepted, and if literal constants, only boolean values accepted (0 or 1)
if(leftDt !in IntegerDatatypes || rightDt !in IntegerDatatypes)
errors.err("logical operator can only be used on boolean operands", expr.right.position)
val constLeft = expr.left.constValue(program)
val constRight = expr.right.constValue(program)
if(constLeft!=null && constLeft.number.toInt() !in 0..1 || constRight!=null && constRight.number.toInt() !in 0..1)
errors.err("const literal argument of logical operator must be boolean (0 or 1)", expr.position)
"&", "|", "^" -> {
// only integer numeric operands accepted
if(leftDt !in IntegerDatatypes || rightDt !in IntegerDatatypes)
errors.err("bitwise operator can only be used on integer operands", expr.right.position)
"in" -> throw FatalAstException("in expression should have been replaced by containmentcheck")
if(leftDt !in NumericDatatypes && leftDt != DataType.STR)
errors.err("left operand is not numeric or str", expr.left.position)
if(rightDt!in NumericDatatypes && rightDt != DataType.STR)
errors.err("right operand is not numeric or str", expr.right.position)
if(leftDt!=rightDt) {
if(leftDt==DataType.STR && rightDt in IntegerDatatypes) {
// only exception allowed: str * constvalue
errors.err("can only use string repeat with a constant number value", expr.left.position)
} else {
errors.err("left and right operands aren't the same type", expr.left.position)
if(expr.operator !in ComparisonOperators) {
if (leftDt == DataType.STR && rightDt == DataType.STR || leftDt in ArrayDatatypes && rightDt in ArrayDatatypes) {
// str+str and str*number have already been const evaluated before we get here.
errors.err("no computational expressions with strings or arrays are possible", expr.position)
override fun visit(typecast: TypecastExpression) {
if(typecast.type in IterableDatatypes)
errors.err("cannot type cast to string or array type", typecast.position)
errors.err("this expression doesn't return a value", typecast.expression.position)
if(typecast.expression is NumericLiteral)
errors.err("can't cast the value to the requested target type", typecast.expression.position)
override fun visit(range: RangeExpression) {
fun err(msg: String) {
errors.err(msg, range.position)
val from = range.from.constValue(program)
val to =
val stepLv = range.step.constValue(program)
if(stepLv==null) {
err("range step must be a constant integer")
} else if (stepLv.type !in IntegerDatatypes || stepLv.number.toInt() == 0) {
err("range step must be an integer != 0")
val step = stepLv.number.toInt()
if(from!=null && to != null) {
when {
from.type in IntegerDatatypes && to.type in IntegerDatatypes -> {
val fromValue = from.number.toInt()
val toValue = to.number.toInt()
if(fromValue== toValue)
errors.warn("range is just a single value, don't use a loop here", range.position)
else if(fromValue < toValue && step<=0)
err("ascending range requires step > 0")
else if(fromValue > toValue && step>=0)
err("descending range requires step < 0")
else -> err("range expression must be over integers or over characters")
override fun visit(functionCallExpr: FunctionCallExpression) {
// this function call is (part of) an expression, which should be in a statement somewhere.
val stmtOfExpression = findParentNode<Statement>(functionCallExpr)
?: throw FatalAstException("cannot determine statement scope of function call expression at ${functionCallExpr.position}")
val targetStatement = checkFunctionOrLabelExists(, stmtOfExpression)
checkFunctionCall(targetStatement, functionCallExpr.args, functionCallExpr.position)
// warn about sgn(unsigned) this is likely a mistake
if("sgn") {
val sgnArgType = functionCallExpr.args.first().inferType(program)
if(sgnArgType istype DataType.UBYTE || sgnArgType istype DataType.UWORD)
errors.warn("sgn() of unsigned type is always 0 or 1, this is perhaps not what was intended", functionCallExpr.args.first().position)
val error = VerifyFunctionArgTypes.checkTypes(functionCallExpr, program)
errors.err(error.first, error.second)
// check the functions that return multiple returnvalues.
val stmt =
if (stmt is Subroutine) {
if (stmt.returntypes.size > 1) {
// Currently, it's only possible to handle ONE (or zero) return values from a subroutine.
// asmsub routines can have multiple return values, for instance in 2 different registers.
// It's not (yet) possible to handle these multiple return values because assignments
// are only to a single unique target at the same time.
// if the asmsub returns multiple values and one of them is via a status register bit,
// it *is* possible to handle them by just actually assigning the register value and
// dealing with the status bit as just being that, the status bit after the call.
val (returnRegisters, _) = stmt.asmReturnvaluesRegisters.partition { rr -> rr.registerOrPair != null }
if (returnRegisters.size>1) {
errors.err("It's not possible to store the multiple result values of this asmsub call; you should use a small block of custom inline assembly for this.", functionCallExpr.position)
// functions that don't return a value, can't be used in an expression or assignment
if(targetStatement is Subroutine) {
if(targetStatement.returntypes.isEmpty()) {
if(functionCallExpr.parent is Expression || functionCallExpr.parent is Assignment)
errors.err("subroutine doesn't return a value", functionCallExpr.position)
else if(targetStatement is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder) {
val args = if(functionCallExpr.parent is IPipe) {
// pipe segment, add implicit first argument
val firstArgDt = BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
listOf(defaultZero(firstArgDt, functionCallExpr.position)) + functionCallExpr.args
} else {
if(builtinFunctionReturnType(, args, program).isUnknown) {
if(functionCallExpr.parent is Expression || functionCallExpr.parent is Assignment)
errors.err("function doesn't return a value", functionCallExpr.position)
override fun visit(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement) {
val targetStatement = checkFunctionOrLabelExists(, functionCallStatement)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
checkFunctionCall(targetStatement, functionCallStatement.args, functionCallStatement.position)
checkUnusedReturnValues(functionCallStatement, targetStatement, program, errors)
val funcName =
if(funcName.size==1) {
// check some builtin function calls
if(funcName[0] == "sort") {
// sort is not supported on float arrays
val idref = functionCallStatement.args.singleOrNull() as? IdentifierReference
if(idref!=null && idref.inferType(program) istype DataType.ARRAY_F) {
errors.err("sorting a floating point array is not supported", functionCallStatement.args.first().position)
else if(funcName[0] in arrayOf("pop", "popw")) {
// can only pop into a variable, that has to have the correct type
val idref = functionCallStatement.args[0]
if(idref !is IdentifierReference) {
if(idref is TypecastExpression) {
val passByRef = idref.expression.inferType(program).isPassByReference
if(idref.type!=DataType.UWORD || !passByRef)
errors.err("invalid argument to pop, must be a variable with the correct type: ${functionCallStatement.args.first()}", functionCallStatement.args.first().position)
} else {
errors.err("invalid argument to pop, must be a variable with the correct type: ${functionCallStatement.args.first()}", functionCallStatement.args.first().position)
if(funcName[0] in arrayOf("rol", "ror", "rol2", "ror2", "swap", "sort", "reverse")) {
// in-place modification, can't be done on literals
if(functionCallStatement.args.any { it !is IdentifierReference && it !is ArrayIndexedExpression && it !is DirectMemoryRead }) {
errors.err("invalid argument to a in-place modifying function", functionCallStatement.args.first().position)
val error = VerifyFunctionArgTypes.checkTypes(functionCallStatement, program)
errors.err(error.first, error.second)
private fun checkFunctionCall(target: Statement, args: List<Expression>, position: Position) {
if(target is Label && args.isNotEmpty())
errors.err("cannot use arguments when calling a label", position)
if(target is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder) {
if("swap") {
// swap() is a bit weird because this one is translated into an operations directly, instead of being a function call
val dt1 = args[0].inferType(program)
val dt2 = args[1].inferType(program)
if (dt1 != dt2)
errors.err("swap requires 2 args of identical type", position)
else if (args[0].constValue(program) != null || args[1].constValue(program) != null)
errors.err("swap requires 2 variables, not constant value(s)", position)
else if(args[0] isSameAs args[1])
errors.err("swap should have 2 different args", position)
else if(!dt1.isNumeric)
errors.err("swap requires args of numerical type", position)
else if("all" ||"any") {
if((args[0] as? AddressOf)?.identifier?.targetVarDecl(program)?.datatype == DataType.STR) {
errors.err("any/all on a string is useless (is always true unless the string is empty)", position)
if(args[0].inferType(program).getOr(DataType.STR) == DataType.STR) {
errors.err("any/all on a string is useless (is always true unless the string is empty)", position)
} else if(target is Subroutine) {
if(target.isAsmSubroutine) {
for (arg in {
val argIDt = arg.first.inferType(program)
if (!argIDt.isKnown)
// check that cx16 virtual registers aren't used as arguments in a conflicting way
val params = target.asmParameterRegisters.withIndex().toList()
for(arg in args.withIndex()) {
var ident: IdentifierReference? = null
if(arg.value is IdentifierReference)
ident = arg.value as IdentifierReference
else if(arg.value is FunctionCallExpression) {
val fcall = arg.value as FunctionCallExpression
if( == listOf("lsb") || == listOf("msb"))
ident = fcall.args[0] as? IdentifierReference
if(ident!=null && ident.nameInSource[0] == "cx16" && ident.nameInSource[1].startsWith("r")) {
var regname = ident.nameInSource[1].uppercase()
if(regname.endsWith('L') || regname.endsWith('H') || regname.endsWith('s'))
regname=regname.substring(0, regname.length-1)
val reg = RegisterOrPair.valueOf(regname)
val same = params.filter { it.value.registerOrPair==reg }
for(s in same) {
if(s.index!=arg.index) {
errors.err("conflicting register $reg used as argument but is also a target register for another parameter", ident.position)
override fun visit(pipe: PipeExpression) = process(pipe)
override fun visit(pipe: Pipe) = process(pipe)
private fun process(pipe: IPipe) {
if(pipe.source in pipe.segments)
throw InternalCompilerException("pipe source and segments should all be different nodes")
if (pipe.segments.isEmpty())
throw FatalAstException("pipe is missing one or more expressions")
if(pipe.segments.any { it !is IFunctionCall })
throw FatalAstException("pipe segments can only be function calls")
override fun visit(postIncrDecr: PostIncrDecr) {
if( != null) {
val targetName =!!.nameInSource
val target = postIncrDecr.definingScope.lookup(targetName)
if(target==null) {
val symbol =!!
errors.err("undefined symbol: ${symbol.nameInSource.joinToString(".")}", symbol.position)
} else {
if(target !is VarDecl || target.type== VarDeclType.CONST) {
errors.err("can only increment or decrement a variable", postIncrDecr.position)
} else if(target.datatype !in NumericDatatypes) {
errors.err("can only increment or decrement a byte/float/word variable", postIncrDecr.position)
} else if( != null) {
val target =
if(target==null) {
errors.err("undefined symbol", postIncrDecr.position)
else {
val dt = (target as VarDecl).datatype
if(dt !in NumericDatatypes && dt !in ArrayDatatypes)
errors.err("can only increment or decrement a byte/float/word", postIncrDecr.position)
// else if( != null) { } // a memory location can always be ++/--
override fun visit(arrayIndexedExpression: ArrayIndexedExpression) {
val target = arrayIndexedExpression.arrayvar.targetStatement(program)
if(target is VarDecl) {
if(target.datatype !in IterableDatatypes)
errors.err("indexing requires an iterable variable", arrayIndexedExpression.position)
val arraysize = target.arraysize?.constIndex()
if(arraysize!=null) {
// check out of bounds
val index = arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.constIndex()
if(index!=null && (index<0 || index>=arraysize))
errors.err("array index out of bounds", arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.position)
} else if(target.datatype == DataType.STR) {
if(target.value is StringLiteral) {
// check string lengths for non-memory mapped strings
val stringLen = (target.value as StringLiteral).value.length
val index = arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.constIndex()
if (index != null && (index < 0 || index >= stringLen))
errors.err("index out of bounds", arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.position)
} else
errors.err("indexing requires a variable to act upon", arrayIndexedExpression.position)
// check index value 0..255
val dtxNum = arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.indexExpr.inferType(program)
if(dtxNum isnot DataType.UBYTE && dtxNum isnot DataType.BYTE)
errors.err("array indexing is limited to byte size 0..255", arrayIndexedExpression.position)
override fun visit(whenStmt: When) {
errors.err("when condition must be an integer value", whenStmt.position)
val tally = mutableSetOf<Int>()
for((choices, choiceNode) in whenStmt.choiceValues(program)) {
if(choices!=null) {
for (c in choices) {
if(c in tally)
errors.err("choice value already occurs earlier", choiceNode.position)
errors.err("empty when statement", whenStmt.position)
override fun visit(whenChoice: WhenChoice) {
val whenStmt = whenChoice.parent as When
if(whenChoice.values!=null) {
val conditionType = whenStmt.condition.inferType(program)
throw FatalAstException("can't determine when choice datatype $whenChoice")
val constvalues = whenChoice.values!!.map { it.constValue(program) }
for(constvalue in constvalues) {
when {
constvalue == null -> errors.err("choice value must be a constant", whenChoice.position)
constvalue.type !in IntegerDatatypes -> errors.err("choice value must be a byte or word", whenChoice.position)
conditionType isnot constvalue.type -> errors.err("choice value datatype differs from condition value", whenChoice.position)
} else {
if(whenChoice !== whenStmt.choices.last())
errors.err("else choice must be the last one", whenChoice.position)
override fun visit(containment: ContainmentCheck) {
val elementDt = containment.element.inferType(program)
val iterableDt = containment.iterable.inferType(program)
if(containment.parent is BinaryExpression)
errors.err("containment check is currently not supported in complex expressions", containment.position)
val range = containment.iterable as? RangeExpression
if(range!=null && range.toConstantIntegerRange()==null)
errors.err("containment check requires a constant integer range", range.position)
if(iterableDt.isIterable) {
val iterableEltDt = ArrayToElementTypes.getValue(iterableDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED))
val invalidDt = if (elementDt.isBytes) {
iterableEltDt !in ByteDatatypes
} else if (elementDt.isWords) {
iterableEltDt !in WordDatatypes
} else {
if (invalidDt)
errors.err("element datatype doesn't match iterable datatype", containment.position)
} else {
errors.err("value set for containment check must be an iterable type", containment.iterable.position)
private fun checkFunctionOrLabelExists(target: IdentifierReference, statement: Statement): Statement? {
when (val targetStatement = target.targetStatement(program)) {
is Label, is Subroutine, is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> return targetStatement
is VarDecl -> {
if(statement is Jump) {
if (targetStatement.datatype == DataType.UWORD)
return targetStatement
errors.err("wrong address variable datatype, expected uword", target.position)
errors.err("cannot call that: ${target.nameInSource.joinToString(".")}", target.position)
null -> errors.err("undefined function or subroutine: ${target.nameInSource.joinToString(".")}", target.position)
else -> errors.err("cannot call that: ${target.nameInSource.joinToString(".")}", target.position)
return null
private fun checkValueTypeAndRangeString(targetDt: DataType, value: StringLiteral) : Boolean {
return if (targetDt == DataType.STR) {
when {
value.value.length > 255 -> {
errors.err("string length must be 0-255", value.position)
value.value.isEmpty() -> {
val decl = value.parent as? VarDecl
if(decl!=null && (decl.zeropage==ZeropageWish.REQUIRE_ZEROPAGE || decl.zeropage==ZeropageWish.PREFER_ZEROPAGE)) {
errors.err("string in Zeropage must be non-empty", value.position)
else true
else -> true
else false
private fun checkValueTypeAndRangeArray(targetDt: DataType, arrayspec: ArrayIndex, value: ArrayLiteral) : Boolean {
fun err(msg: String) : Boolean {
errors.err(msg, value.position)
return false
return false
when (targetDt) {
DataType.STR -> return err("string value expected")
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.ARRAY_B -> {
// value may be either a single byte, or a byte arraysize (of all constant values), or a range
if(value.type istype targetDt) {
if(!checkArrayValues(value, targetDt))
return false
val arraySpecSize = arrayspec.constIndex()
val arraySize = value.value.size
if(arraySpecSize!=null && arraySpecSize>0) {
return err("byte array length must be 1-256")
val expectedSize = arrayspec.constIndex() ?: return err("array size specifier must be constant integer value")
if (arraySize != expectedSize)
return err("initializer array size mismatch (expecting $expectedSize, got $arraySize)")
return true
return err("invalid byte array size, must be 1-256")
return err("invalid byte array initialization value ${value.type}, expected $targetDt")
DataType.ARRAY_UW, DataType.ARRAY_W -> {
// value may be either a single word, or a word arraysize, or a range
if(value.type istype targetDt) {
if(!checkArrayValues(value, targetDt))
return false
val arraySpecSize = arrayspec.constIndex()
val arraySize = value.value.size
if(arraySpecSize!=null && arraySpecSize>0) {
return err("word array length must be 1-128")
val expectedSize = arrayspec.constIndex() ?: return err("array size specifier must be constant integer value")
if (arraySize != expectedSize)
return err("initializer array size mismatch (expecting $expectedSize, got $arraySize)")
return true
return err("invalid word array size, must be 1-128")
return err("invalid word array initialization value ${value.type}, expected $targetDt")
DataType.ARRAY_F -> {
// value may be either a single float, or a float arraysize
if(value.type istype targetDt) {
if(!checkArrayValues(value, targetDt))
return false
val arraySize = value.value.size
val arraySpecSize = arrayspec.constIndex()
if(arraySpecSize!=null && arraySpecSize>0) {
return err("float array length must be 1-51")
val expectedSize = arrayspec.constIndex() ?: return err("array size specifier must be constant integer value")
if (arraySize != expectedSize)
return err("initializer array size mismatch (expecting $expectedSize, got $arraySize)")
} else
return err("invalid float array size, must be 1-51")
// check if the floating point values are all within range
val doubles = {it.constValue(program)?.number!!.toDouble()}.toDoubleArray()
if(doubles.any { it < compilerOptions.compTarget.machine.FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE || it > compilerOptions.compTarget.machine.FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE })
return err("floating point value overflow")
return true
return err("invalid float array initialization value ${value.type}, expected $targetDt")
else -> return false
private fun checkValueTypeAndRange(targetDt: DataType, value: NumericLiteral) : Boolean {
fun err(msg: String) : Boolean {
errors.err(msg, value.position)
return false
when (targetDt) {
DataType.FLOAT -> {
val number=value.number
if (number > 1.7014118345e+38 || number < -1.7014118345e+38)
return err("value '$number' out of range for MFLPT format")
DataType.UBYTE -> {
err("unsigned byte value expected instead of float; possible loss of precision")
val number=value.number.toInt()
if (number < 0 || number > 255)
return err("value '$number' out of range for unsigned byte")
DataType.BYTE -> {
err("byte value expected instead of float; possible loss of precision")
val number=value.number.toInt()
if (number < -128 || number > 127)
return err("value '$number' out of range for byte")
DataType.UWORD -> {
err("unsigned word value expected instead of float; possible loss of precision")
val number=value.number.toInt()
if (number < 0 || number > 65535)
return err("value '$number' out of range for unsigned word")
DataType.WORD -> {
err("word value expected instead of float; possible loss of precision")
val number=value.number.toInt()
if (number < -32768 || number > 32767)
return err("value '$number' out of range for word")
else -> return err("value of type ${value.type} not compatible with $targetDt")
return true
private fun checkArrayValues(value: ArrayLiteral, type: DataType): Boolean {
val array = {
when (it) {
is NumericLiteral -> it.number.toInt()
is AddressOf -> it.identifier.hashCode() and 0xffff
is TypecastExpression -> {
val constVal = it.expression.constValue(program)
val cast = constVal?.cast(it.type)
if(cast==null || !cast.isValid)
else -> -9999999
val correct: Boolean
when (type) {
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> {
correct = array.all { it in 0..255 }
DataType.ARRAY_B -> {
correct = array.all { it in -128..127 }
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> {
correct = array.all { (it in 0..65535) }
DataType.ARRAY_W -> {
correct = array.all { it in -32768..32767 }
DataType.ARRAY_F -> correct = true
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid array type $type")
if (!correct)
errors.err("array value out of range for type $type", value.position)
return correct
private fun checkAssignmentCompatible(targetDatatype: DataType,
sourceDatatype: DataType,
sourceValue: Expression) : Boolean {
val position = sourceValue.position
if(sourceValue is RangeExpression)
errors.err("can't assign a range value to something else", position)
val result = when(targetDatatype) {
DataType.BYTE -> sourceDatatype== DataType.BYTE
DataType.UBYTE -> sourceDatatype== DataType.UBYTE
DataType.WORD -> sourceDatatype== DataType.BYTE || sourceDatatype== DataType.UBYTE || sourceDatatype== DataType.WORD
DataType.UWORD -> sourceDatatype== DataType.UBYTE || sourceDatatype== DataType.UWORD
DataType.FLOAT -> sourceDatatype in NumericDatatypes
DataType.STR -> sourceDatatype== DataType.STR
else -> {
errors.err("cannot assign new value to variable of type $targetDatatype", position)
return true
if((sourceDatatype== DataType.UWORD || sourceDatatype== DataType.WORD) && (targetDatatype== DataType.UBYTE || targetDatatype== DataType.BYTE)) {
errors.err("cannot assign word to byte, use msb() or lsb()?", position)
else if(sourceDatatype== DataType.FLOAT && targetDatatype in IntegerDatatypes)
errors.err("cannot assign float to ${}; possible loss of precision. Suggestion: round the value or revert to integer arithmetic", position)
else {
if(targetDatatype!=DataType.UWORD && sourceDatatype !in PassByReferenceDatatypes)
errors.err("type of value $sourceDatatype doesn't match target $targetDatatype", position)
return false
internal fun checkUnusedReturnValues(call: FunctionCallStatement, target: Statement, program: Program, errors: IErrorReporter) {
if (!call.void) {
// check for unused return values
if (target is Subroutine && target.returntypes.isNotEmpty()) {
if (target.returntypes.size == 1)
errors.warn("result value of subroutine call is discarded (use void?)", call.position)
errors.warn("result values of subroutine call are discarded (use void?)", call.position)
} else if (target is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder) {
val rt = builtinFunctionReturnType(, call.args, program)
if (rt.isKnown)
errors.warn("result value of a function call is discarded (use void?)", call.position)