mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 22:30:46 +00:00
programs will now be a lot smaller than before if they use gfx2 (or monogfx if they were only using monochrome drawing) monogfx also fixes some drawing errors with small horizontal lines, and stippled vertical lines.
66 lines
1.6 KiB
66 lines
1.6 KiB
%import palette
%import math
%import gfx2
%option no_sysinit
; Vertical rasterbars a.k.a. "Kefren bars"
; also see: rasterbars.p8
main {
sub start() {
uword[32] colors = [
$011, $112, $213, $214,
$315, $316, $417, $418,
$519, $51a, $62b, $62c,
$73d, $73e, $84f, $94f,
$93e, $83d, $82c, $72b,
$71a, $619, $618, $517,
$516, $415, $414, $313,
$312, $211, $100
palette.set_rgb(&colors, len(colors))
gfx2.screen_mode(1) ; lores 256 colors
cx16.VERA_DC_VSCALE = 0 ; display trick spoiler.......: stretch 1 line of display all the way to the bottom
sys.set_rasterirq(&irq.irqhandler, 0)
repeat {
; don't exit
irq {
const ubyte BAR_Y_OFFSET = 5
uword next_irq_line = 0
ubyte anim1 = 0
ubyte av1 = 0
ubyte anim2 = 0
ubyte av2 = 0
ubyte[32] pixels = 0 to 31
sub irqhandler() {
next_irq_line += BAR_Y_OFFSET
anim1 += 7
anim2 += 4
if next_irq_line > 480-BAR_Y_OFFSET {
av2 += 2
anim1 = av1
anim2 = av2
next_irq_line = 0
; erase the bars
gfx2.horizontal_line(0, 0, 320, 3)
} else {
; add new bar on top
gfx2.position(math.sin8u(anim1)/2 + math.cos8u(anim2)/2 + $0010, 0)
gfx2.next_pixels(pixels, len(pixels))