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synced 2025-02-16 22:30:46 +00:00
Otherwise it eats the status message. Added comment that you have to check this manually to be sure if the call succeeded or not!
Vim syntax highlighting definitions. Created by Elektron72 on github. Thanks! To install: Copy prog8.vim and prog8_builtins.vim into ~/.vim/syntax/. If you will never use highlighting for built-in functions and variables, you do not need to copy prog8_builtins.vim. To enable: Type: :set ft=prog8 to enable syntax highlighting in the open file. Alternatively, if you would like to enable syntax highlighting for all .p8 files, add the following line to your .vimrc: au BufRead,BufNewFile *.p8 setfiletype prog8 If you would like to disable highlighting for built-in functions and variables without deleting or renaming the file, add the following line to your .vimrc: let g:prog8_no_highlight_builtins = 1 (The value doesn't actually matter, only that the variable is defined.)