2019-02-23 23:06:46 +01:00

48 lines
1017 B

%import c64utils
%zeropage basicsafe
~ main {
; @todo test memset/memcopy (there's a bug in memcopy?)
; @todo see looplabelproblem.p8
;ubyte x = rnd82() % 6 ; @todo fix compiler crash + always 0???
;ubyte[7] blockColors = [3, 6, 8, 7, 5, 4, 2]
;drawNext(n % len(blockColors)) ; @todo why is len a word here?
; if(X and c64scr.getcc(1,1)!=32) ... @todo the result value of the asmsub getcc is not put on the eval stack when used in an expression
sub start() {
ubyte sc = 3
ubyte[4] currentBlock
Y=currentBlock[0] & sc
ubyte ub1 = %1001
ubyte ub2 = %0111
ubyte ub3
byte b1 = %1001
byte b2 = %0111
byte b3
uword uw1 = %0000100100000000
uword uw2 = %0000001111000000
uword uw3
word w1 = %0000100100000000
word w2 = %0000001111000000
word w3
sub drawNext(ubyte x) {
sub drawNextW(uword w) {