Irmen de Jong 565973c520 diskio read & write routines now always reset the io channels back to the defaults before returning
This means you don't have to call CLRCHN yourself anymore inbetween if you want to do screen output or keyboard input while a file is open
2024-12-03 23:46:07 +01:00

1001 lines
34 KiB

; Commander X16 disk drive I/O routines.
; Largely compatible with the default C64 ones, but adds more stuff specific to the X16 as well.
; NOTE: If you experience weird behavior with these routines and you are using them
; in the X16 emulator using HostFs, please try again with an SD-card image instead first.
; It is possible that there are still small differences between HostFS and actual CBM DOS in the emulator.
; About the secondary addresses:
; for writes (new files or overwrites), you can use 1 (without the mode string) or 2-14 (with the mode string)
; for reads (existing files) you can use 0 or 2-14 (mode string is optional)
; for modify mode (new files* or existing files), you must use 2-14, and the mode string ,s,m is required
%import textio
%import conv
%import strings
%import syslib
diskio {
%option no_symbol_prefixing, ignore_unused
const ubyte READ_IO_CHANNEL=12
const ubyte WRITE_IO_CHANNEL=13
ubyte @shared drivenumber = 8 ; user programs can set this to the drive number they want to load/save to!
sub reset_read_channel() {
sub reset_write_channel() {
sub fastmode(ubyte mode) -> bool {
; -- set fast serial mode (0=none, 1=auto_tx, 2=fast writes, 3=both) for the SD card.
; Returns success status (fails on emulator host fs for example)
list_filename[0] = 'u'
list_filename[1] = '0'
list_filename[2] = '>'
list_filename[3] = 'b'
list_filename[4] = mode | $30
list_filename[5] = 0
return status_code()==0
sub directory() -> bool {
; -- Prints the directory contents to the screen. Returns success.
cbm.SETNAM(1, "$")
cbm.SETLFS(READ_IO_CHANNEL, drivenumber, 0)
ubyte status = 1
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 12,8,0,"$"
goto io_error
repeat 4 {
void cbm.CHRIN() ; skip the 4 prologue bytes
; while not stop key pressed / EOF encountered, read data.
status = cbm.READST()
if status!=0 {
status = 1
goto io_error
while status==0 {
ubyte low = cbm.CHRIN()
ubyte high = cbm.CHRIN()
txt.print_uw(mkword(high, low))
ubyte @zp character
repeat {
character = cbm.CHRIN()
if character==0
void cbm.CHRIN() ; skip 2 bytes
void cbm.CHRIN()
status = cbm.READST()
void cbm.STOP()
status = cbm.READST()
cbm.CLRCHN() ; restore default i/o devices
if status!=0 and status & $40 == 0 { ; bit 6=end of file
txt.print("\ni/o error, status: ")
return false
return true
sub diskname() -> uword {
; returns disk label name or 0 if error
cbm.SETNAM(3, "$")
cbm.SETLFS(READ_IO_CHANNEL, drivenumber, 0)
ubyte status = 1
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 12,8,0,"$=c"
goto io_error
while cbm.CHRIN()!='"' {
; skip up to entry name
cx16.r0 = &list_filename
repeat {
@(cx16.r0) = cbm.CHRIN()
if @(cx16.r0)=='"' {
@(cx16.r0) = ' '
while @(cx16.r0)==' ' and cx16.r0>=&list_filename {
@(cx16.r0) = 0
status = cbm.READST()
if status!=0 and status & $40 == 0
return 0
return list_filename
; internal variables for the iterative file lister / loader
bool list_skip_disk_name
uword list_pattern
uword list_blocks
bool iteration_in_progress = false
bool write_iteration_in_progress = false
str list_filetype = "???" ; prg, seq, dir
str list_filename = "?" * 50
; ----- get a list of files (uses iteration functions internally) -----
sub list_filenames(uword pattern_ptr, uword filenames_buffer, uword filenames_buf_size) -> ubyte {
; -- fill the provided buffer with the names of the files on the disk (until buffer is full).
; Files in the buffer are separated by a 0 byte. You can provide an optional pattern to match against.
; After the last filename one additional 0 byte is placed to indicate the end of the list.
; Returns number of files (it skips 'dir' entries i.e. subdirectories).
; Also sets carry on exit: Carry clear = all files returned, Carry set = directory has more files that didn't fit in the buffer.
uword buffer_start = filenames_buffer
ubyte files_found = 0
if lf_start_list(pattern_ptr) {
while lf_next_entry() {
if list_filetype!="dir" {
filenames_buffer += strings.copy(list_filename, filenames_buffer) + 1
if filenames_buffer - buffer_start > filenames_buf_size-20 {
return files_found
return files_found
; ----- iterative file lister functions (uses the read io channel) -----
sub lf_start_list(uword pattern_ptr) -> bool {
; -- start an iterative file listing with optional pattern matching.
; note: only a single iteration loop can be active at a time!
list_pattern = pattern_ptr
list_skip_disk_name = true
iteration_in_progress = true
cbm.SETNAM(1, "$")
cbm.SETLFS(READ_IO_CHANNEL, drivenumber, 0)
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 12,8,0,"$"
goto io_error
repeat 4 {
void cbm.CHRIN() ; skip the 4 prologue bytes
if cbm.READST()==0
return true
return false
sub lf_next_entry() -> bool {
; -- retrieve the next entry from an iterative file listing session.
; results will be found in list_blocks, list_filename, and list_filetype.
; if it returns false though, there are no more entries (or an error occurred).
if not iteration_in_progress
return false
repeat {
reset_read_channel() ; use the input io channel again
uword nameptr = &list_filename
ubyte blocks_lsb = cbm.CHRIN()
ubyte blocks_msb = cbm.CHRIN()
if cbm.READST()!=0
goto close_end
list_blocks = mkword(blocks_msb, blocks_lsb)
; read until the filename starts after the first "
while cbm.CHRIN()!='\"' {
if cbm.READST()!=0
goto close_end
; read the filename
repeat {
ubyte character = cbm.CHRIN()
if character==0
if character=='\"'
@(nameptr) = character
@(nameptr) = 0
do {
cx16.r15L = cbm.CHRIN()
} until cx16.r15L!=' ' ; skip blanks up to 3 chars entry type
list_filetype[0] = cx16.r15L
list_filetype[1] = cbm.CHRIN()
list_filetype[2] = cbm.CHRIN()
while cbm.CHRIN()!=0 {
; read the rest of the entry until the end
void cbm.CHRIN() ; skip 2 bytes
void cbm.CHRIN()
if not list_skip_disk_name {
if list_pattern==0
return true
if strings.pattern_match(list_filename, list_pattern)
return true
list_skip_disk_name = false
return false
sub lf_end_list() {
; -- end an iterative file listing session (close channels).
if iteration_in_progress {
iteration_in_progress = false
; ----- iterative file loader functions (uses the read io channel) -----
sub f_open(str filenameptr) -> bool {
; -- open a file for iterative reading with f_read
; note: only a single iteration loop can be active at a time!
; Returns true if the file is successfully opened and readable.
; No need to check status(), unlike f_open_w() !
; NOTE: the default input isn't yet set to this logical file, you must use reset_read_channel() to do this,
; if you're going to read from it yourself instead of using f_read()!
cbm.SETNAM(strings.length(filenameptr), filenameptr)
cbm.SETLFS(READ_IO_CHANNEL, drivenumber, READ_IO_CHANNEL) ; note: has to be Channel,x,Channel because otherwise f_seek doesn't work
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 12,8,12,"filename"
if_cc {
if cbm.READST()==0 {
iteration_in_progress = true
void cbm.CHRIN() ; read first byte to test for file not found
if cbm.READST()==0 {
cbm.CLOSE(READ_IO_CHANNEL) ; close file because we already consumed first byte
void cbm.OPEN() ; re-open the file
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
return true
return false
; optimized for Commander X16 to use MACPTR block read kernal call
sub f_read(uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> uword {
; -- read from the currently open file, up to the given number of bytes.
; returns the actual number of bytes read. (checks for End-of-file and error conditions)
; NOTE: cannot be used to load into VRAM. Use vload() or call cx16.MACPTR() yourself with the vera data register as address.
if not iteration_in_progress or num_bytes==0
return 0
if num_bytes==1 {
; optimize for reading just a single byte
@(bufferpointer) = cbm.CHRIN()
cx16.r0L = cbm.READST()
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
if cx16.r0L!=0 {
if cx16.r0L & $40 == 0
return 0
return 1
list_blocks = 0 ; we reuse this variable for the total number of bytes read
uword readsize
while num_bytes!=0 {
readsize = 255
if num_bytes<readsize
readsize = num_bytes
void, readsize = cx16.MACPTR(lsb(readsize), bufferpointer, false) ; fast block reads
goto byte_read_loop ; MACPTR block read not supported, do fallback loop
list_blocks += readsize
bufferpointer += readsize
if msb(bufferpointer) == $c0
bufferpointer = mkword($a0, lsb(bufferpointer)) ; wrap over bank boundary
num_bytes -= readsize
if cbm.READST() & $40 !=0 {
f_close() ; end of file, close it
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
return list_blocks ; number of bytes read
byte_read_loop: ; fallback if MACPTR isn't supported on the device
%asm {{
lda bufferpointer
sta m_in_buffer+1
lda bufferpointer+1
sta m_in_buffer+2
while num_bytes!=0 {
%asm {{
jsr cbm.CHRIN
m_in_buffer sta $ffff
inc m_in_buffer+1
bne +
inc m_in_buffer+2
cx16.r0L = cbm.READST()
if_nz {
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
if cx16.r0L & $40 !=0 ; eof?
return list_blocks ; number of bytes read
return 0 ; error.
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
return list_blocks ; number of bytes read
; optimized for Commander X16 to use MACPTR block read kernal call
sub f_read_all(uword bufferpointer) -> uword {
; -- read the full contents of the file, returns number of bytes read.
; It is assumed the file size is less than 64 K.
; NOTE: cannot be used to load into VRAM. Use vload() or call cx16.MACPTR() yourself with the vera data register as address.
if not iteration_in_progress
return 0
uword total_read = 0
while cbm.READST()==0 {
cx16.r0 = f_read(bufferpointer, 256)
total_read += cx16.r0
bufferpointer += cx16.r0
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
return total_read
asmsub f_readline(uword bufptr @AY) clobbers(X) -> ubyte @Y, ubyte @A {
; Routine to read text lines from a text file. Lines must be less than 255 characters.
; Reads characters from the input file UNTIL a newline or return character, or 0 byte (likely EOF).
; The line read will be 0-terminated in the buffer (and not contain the end of line character).
; The length of the line is returned in Y. Note that an empty line is okay and is length 0!
; The I/O error status byte is returned in A.
%asm {{
jsr reset_read_channel
ldy #0
_loop jsr cbm.CHRIN
sta (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y
beq _end
cmp #$0a
beq _line_end
cmp #$0d
bne _loop
_line_end dey ; get rid of the trailing end-of-line char
lda #0
sta (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y
_end jsr cbm.READST
jsr cbm.CLRCHN
sub f_close() {
; -- end an iterative file loading session (close channels).
; it is safe to call this multiple times, or when no file is open for reading.
if iteration_in_progress {
iteration_in_progress = false
; ----- iterative file writing functions (uses write io channel) -----
sub f_open_w(str filename) -> bool {
; -- Open a file for iterative writing with f_write
; WARNING: returns true if the open command was received by the device,
; but this can still mean the file wasn't successfully opened for writing!
; (for example, if it already exists). This is different than f_open()!
; To be 100% sure if this call was successful, you have to use status()
; and check the drive's status message!
; NOTE: the default output isn't yet set to this file, you must use reset_write_channel() to do this,
; if you're going to write to it yourself instead of using f_write()!
return internal_f_open_w(filename, false)
sub f_open_w_seek(str filename) -> bool {
; -- Open an existing file for iterative writing with f_write, and seeking with f_seek_w.
return internal_f_open_w(filename, true)
sub f_write(uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> bool {
; -- write the given number of bytes to the currently open file
; you can call this multiple times to append more data
if num_bytes!=0 {
do {
void, cx16.r0 = cx16.MCIOUT(lsb(num_bytes), bufferpointer, false) ; fast block writes
goto no_mciout
num_bytes -= cx16.r0
bufferpointer += cx16.r0
if msb(bufferpointer) == $c0
bufferpointer = mkword($a0, lsb(bufferpointer)) ; wrap over bank boundary
if cbm.READST()!=0
goto return_status
} until num_bytes==0
goto return_status
; the device doesn't support MCIOUT, use a normal per-byte write loop
repeat num_bytes {
cx16.r0L = cbm.READST()
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
return cx16.r0L==0
return true
sub f_close_w() {
; -- end an iterative file writing session (close channels).
; it is safe to call this multiple times, or when no file is open for reading.
if write_iteration_in_progress {
write_iteration_in_progress = false
sub internal_f_open_w(str filename, bool open_for_seeks) -> bool {
list_filename = filename
str modifier = ",s,?"
modifier[3] = 'w'
if open_for_seeks
modifier[3] = 'm'
cx16.r0L = strings.append(list_filename, modifier) ; secondary 13 requires a mode suffix to signal we're writing/modifying
cbm.SETNAM(cx16.r0L, list_filename)
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 13,8,13,"filename"
if_cc {
if cbm.READST()==0 {
write_iteration_in_progress = true
cbm.CLRCHN() ; reset default i/o channels
return true
return false
; ---- other functions ----
sub status() -> uword {
; -- retrieve the disk drive's current status message
; TODO this doesn't seem to work reliably, sometimes READST returns 128 when the drive is just fine
; str device_not_present_error = "device not present #xx"
; if cbm.READST()==128 {
; device_not_present_error[len(device_not_present_error)-2] = 0
; void strings.copy(conv.str_ub(drivenumber), &device_not_present_error+len(device_not_present_error)-2)
; return device_not_present_error
; }
uword messageptr = &list_filename
cbm.SETNAM(0, list_filename)
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 15,8,15
goto io_error
void cbm.CHKIN(15) ; use #15 as input channel
while cbm.READST()==0 {
cx16.r5L = cbm.CHRIN()
if cx16.r5L=='\r' or cx16.r5L=='\n'
@(messageptr) = cx16.r5L
@(messageptr) = 0
cbm.CLRCHN() ; restore default i/o devices
return list_filename
list_filename = "io error"
goto done
; similar to above, but instead of fetching the entire string, it only fetches the status code and returns it as ubyte
; in case of IO error, returns 255 (CMDR-DOS itself is physically unable to return such a value)
sub status_code() -> ubyte {
if cbm.READST()==128 {
return 255
cbm.SETNAM(0, list_filename)
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 15,8,15
goto io_error
void cbm.CHKIN(15) ; use #15 as input channel
list_filename[0] = cbm.CHRIN()
list_filename[1] = cbm.CHRIN()
list_filename[2] = 0
while cbm.READST()==0 {
void cbm.CHRIN()
cbm.CLRCHN() ; restore default i/o devices
return conv.str2ubyte(list_filename)
return 255
; saves a block of memory to disk, including the default 2 byte prg header.
sub save(uword filenameptr, uword startaddress, uword savesize) -> bool {
return internal_save_routine(filenameptr, startaddress, savesize, false)
; like save() but omits the 2 byte prg header.
sub save_raw(uword filenameptr, uword startaddress, uword savesize) -> bool {
return internal_save_routine(filenameptr, startaddress, savesize, true)
sub internal_save_routine(uword filenameptr, uword startaddress, uword savesize, bool headerless) -> bool {
cbm.SETNAM(strings.length(filenameptr), filenameptr)
cbm.SETLFS(1, drivenumber, 0)
uword @shared end_address = startaddress + savesize
cx16.r0L = 0
%asm {{
lda startaddress
lda startaddress+1
ldx end_address
ldy end_address+1
lda headerless
beq +
jsr cx16.BSAVE
bra ++
+ lda #<P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1
jsr cbm.SAVE
+ php
cx16.r0L = cbm.READST()==0 as ubyte
return cx16.r0L as bool
; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given program file in memory.
; This is similar to Basic's LOAD "filename",drive / LOAD "filename",drive,1
; If you don't give an address_override, the location in memory is taken from the 2-byte file header.
; If you specify a custom address_override, the first 2 bytes in the file are ignored
; and the rest is loaded at the given location in memory.
; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred.
; NOTE: when the load is larger than 64Kb and/or spans multiple RAM banks
; (which is possible on the Commander X16), the returned size is not correct,
; because it doesn't take the number of ram banks into account.
; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size in this case.
; NOTE: data is read into the current Ram bank if you're reading into banked ram.
; if you require loading into another ram bank, you have to set that
; yourself using cx16.rambank(bank) before calling load().
sub load(uword filenameptr, uword address_override) -> uword {
return internal_load_routine(filenameptr, address_override, false)
; Identical to load(), but DOES INCLUDE the first 2 bytes in the file.
; No program header is assumed in the file. Everything is loaded.
; See comments on load() for more details.
sub load_raw(uword filenameptr, uword startaddress) -> uword {
return internal_load_routine(filenameptr, startaddress, true)
sub internal_load_routine(uword filenameptr, uword address_override, bool headerless) -> uword {
cbm.SETNAM(strings.length(filenameptr), filenameptr)
ubyte secondary = 1
cx16.r1 = 0
if address_override!=0
secondary = 0
if headerless
secondary |= %00000010 ; activate cx16 kernal headerless load support
cbm.SETLFS(1, drivenumber, secondary)
%asm {{
lda #0
ldx address_override
ldy address_override+1
jsr cbm.LOAD
bcs +
stx cx16.r1
sty cx16.r1+1
return cx16.r1
sub delete(uword filenameptr) {
; -- delete a file on the drive
list_filename[0] = 's'
list_filename[1] = ':'
ubyte flen = strings.copy(filenameptr, &list_filename+2)
cbm.SETNAM(flen+2, list_filename)
cbm.SETLFS(1, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
sub rename(uword oldfileptr, uword newfileptr) {
; -- rename a file on the drive
list_filename[0] = 'r'
list_filename[1] = ':'
ubyte flen_new = strings.copy(newfileptr, &list_filename+2)
list_filename[flen_new+2] = '='
ubyte flen_old = strings.copy(oldfileptr, &list_filename+3+flen_new)
cbm.SETNAM(3+flen_new+flen_old, list_filename)
cbm.SETLFS(1, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
sub send_command(uword commandptr) {
; -- send a dos command to the drive (don't read any response)
cbm.SETNAM(strings.length(commandptr), commandptr)
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
; CommanderX16 extensions over the basic C64/C128 diskio routines:
; For use directly after a load or load_raw call (don't mess with the ram bank yet):
; Calculates the number of bytes loaded (files > 64Kb are truncated to 16 bits)
sub load_size(ubyte startbank, uword startaddress, uword endaddress) -> uword {
return $2000 * (cx16.getrambank() - startbank) + endaddress - startaddress
asmsub vload(str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword startaddress @R1) clobbers(X, Y) -> bool @A {
; -- like the basic command VLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file has to have the usual 2 byte header (which will be skipped)
%asm {{
ldx drivenumber
bcc +
ldy #%00000010 ; headerless load mode
bne ++
+ ldy #0 ; normal load mode
+ lda #1
jsr cbm.SETLFS
lda cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr prog8_lib.strlen
ldx cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr cbm.SETNAM
adc #2
ldx cx16.r1
ldy cx16.r1+1
jsr cbm.LOAD
bcs +
+ jsr cbm.CLRCHN
lda #1
jsr cbm.CLOSE
asmsub vload_raw(str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword startaddress @R1) clobbers(X, Y) -> bool @A {
; -- like the basic command BVLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file is read fully including the first two bytes.
%asm {{
jmp vload.internal_vload
; note: There is no vsave_raw() routine because the Kernal doesn't have a VSAVE routine.
; You'll have to write your own loop that reads vram data and use
; cbm.CHROUT or cx16.MCIOUT to write it to an open output file.
sub chdir(str path) {
; -- change current directory.
list_filename[0] = 'c'
list_filename[1] = 'd'
list_filename[2] = ':'
void strings.copy(path, &list_filename+3)
sub mkdir(str name) {
; -- make a new subdirectory.
list_filename[0] = 'm'
list_filename[1] = 'd'
list_filename[2] = ':'
void strings.copy(name, &list_filename+3)
sub rmdir(str name) {
; -- remove a subdirectory.
void strings.find(name, '*')
return ; refuse to act on a wildcard *
list_filename[0] = 'r'
list_filename[1] = 'd'
list_filename[2] = ':'
void strings.copy(name, &list_filename+3)
sub curdir() -> uword {
; return current directory name or 0 if error
; special X16 dos command to only return the current path in the entry list (R42+)
const ubyte MAX_PATH_LEN=80
uword reversebuffer = memory("curdir_buffer", MAX_PATH_LEN, 0)
cx16.r12 = reversebuffer + MAX_PATH_LEN-1
cbm.SETNAM(3, "$=c")
cbm.SETLFS(READ_IO_CHANNEL, drivenumber, 0)
void cbm.OPEN() ; open 12,8,0,"$=c"
goto io_error
repeat 6 {
void cbm.CHRIN()
while cbm.CHRIN()!=0 {
; skip first line (drive label)
while cbm.CHRIN()!='"' {
; skip to first name
ubyte status = cbm.READST()
cx16.r10 = &list_filename
while status==0 {
repeat {
@(cx16.r10) = cbm.CHRIN()
if @(cx16.r10)==0
while @(cx16.r10)!='"' and cx16.r10>=&list_filename {
cx16.r10 = &list_filename
while cbm.CHRIN()!='"' and status==0 {
status = cbm.READST()
; skipping up to next entry name
if status!=0 and status & $40 == 0
return 0
if @(cx16.r12)==0 {
return cx16.r12
sub prepend(str dir) {
if dir[0]=='/' and dir[1]==0
cx16.r9L = strings.length(dir)
cx16.r12 -= cx16.r9L
sys.memcopy(dir, cx16.r12, cx16.r9L)
sub relabel(str name) {
; -- change the disk label.
list_filename[0] = 'r'
list_filename[1] = '-'
list_filename[2] = 'h'
list_filename[3] = ':'
void strings.copy(name, &list_filename+4)
sub exists(str filename) -> bool {
; -- returns true if the given file exists on the disk, otherwise false
; DON'T use this if you already have a file open with f_open!
if f_open(filename) {
return true
return false
sub f_seek(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; -- seek in the reading file opened with f_open, to the given 32-bits position
; Note: this will not work if you have already read the last byte of the file! Then you must close and reopen the file first.
ubyte[6] command = ['p',0,0,0,0,0]
command[1] = READ_IO_CHANNEL ; f_open uses this secondary address
command[2] = lsb(pos_loword)
command[3] = msb(pos_loword)
command[4] = lsb(pos_hiword)
command[5] = msb(pos_hiword)
cbm.SETNAM(sizeof(command), &command)
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
reset_read_channel() ; back to the read io channel
sub f_seek_w(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; -- seek in the output file opened with f_open_w_seek, to the given 32-bits position
diskio.f_seek.command[1] = WRITE_IO_CHANNEL ; f_open_w uses this secondary address
diskio.f_seek.command[2] = lsb(pos_loword)
diskio.f_seek.command[3] = msb(pos_loword)
diskio.f_seek.command[4] = lsb(pos_hiword)
diskio.f_seek.command[5] = msb(pos_hiword)
cbm.SETNAM(sizeof(diskio.f_seek.command), &diskio.f_seek.command)
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
reset_write_channel() ; back to the write io channel
asmsub f_tell() -> uword @R0, uword @R1, uword @R2, uword @R3 {
; -- Returns the current read position of the opened read file,
; in R0 and R1 (low + high words) and the file size in R2 and R3 (low + high words).
; Returns 0 as size if the command is not supported by the DOS implementation/version.
%asm {{
jmp internal_f_tell
sub internal_f_tell() {
; gets the (32 bits) position + file size of the opened read file channel
ubyte[2] command = ['t',0]
command[1] = READ_IO_CHANNEL ; f_open uses this secondary address
cbm.SETNAM(sizeof(command), &command)
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
void cbm.CHKIN(15) ; use #15 as input channel
bool success=false
; valid response starts with "07," followed by hex notations of the position and filesize
if cbm.CHRIN()=='0' and cbm.CHRIN()=='7' and cbm.CHRIN()==',' {
cx16.r1 = read4hex()
cx16.r0 = read4hex() ; position in R1:R0
void cbm.CHRIN() ; separator space
cx16.r3 = read4hex()
cx16.r2 = read4hex() ; filesize in R3:R2
success = true
while cbm.READST()==0 {
cx16.r5L = cbm.CHRIN()
if cx16.r5L=='\r' or cx16.r5L=='\n'
reset_read_channel() ; back to the read io channel
if success
cx16.r0 = cx16.r1 = cx16.r2 = cx16.r3 = 0
sub read4hex() -> uword {
str hex = "0000"
hex[0] = cbm.CHRIN()
hex[1] = cbm.CHRIN()
hex[2] = cbm.CHRIN()
hex[3] = cbm.CHRIN()
return conv.hex2uword(hex)