Irmen de Jong a735939d1e removed confusing GPL software license reference and copyright header from library files. (because of exclusion in output files)
Reworded software license and exclusion clause somewhat again in attempt to make it even clearer.
2022-05-30 20:12:20 +02:00

158 lines
7.6 KiB

; Prog8 definitions for floating point handling on the Commodore 128
%option enable_floats
%import floats_functions
floats {
; ---- this block contains C-128 compatible floating point related functions ----
const float PI = 3.141592653589793
const float TWOPI = 6.283185307179586
; ---- ROM float functions ----
; note: the fac1 and fac2 are working registers and take 6 bytes each,
; floats in memory (and rom) are stored in 5-byte MFLPT packed format.
; note: fac1/2 might get clobbered even if not mentioned in the function's name.
; note: for subtraction and division, the left operand is in fac2, the right operand in fac1.
romsub $af00 = AYINT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1-> signed word in 102-103 ($66-$67) MSB FIRST. (might throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY)
; GIVAYF: signed word in Y/A (note different lsb/msb order) -> float in fac1
; there is also floats.GIVUAYFAY - unsigned word in A/Y (lo/hi) to fac1
; (tip: use GIVAYFAY to use A/Y input; lo/hi switched to normal order)
romsub $af03 = GIVAYF(ubyte lo @ Y, ubyte hi @ A) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $af06 = FOUT() clobbers(X) -> uword @ AY ; fac1 -> string, address returned in AY
; romsub $af09 = VAL_1() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; convert ASCII string to floating point [not yet implemented!!!]
; fac1 -> unsigned word in Y/A (might throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY) (result also in $14/15)
; (tip: use GETADRAY to get A/Y output; lo/hi switched to normal little endian order)
romsub $af0c = GETADR() clobbers(X) -> ubyte @ Y, ubyte @ A
romsub $af0f = FLOATC() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; convert address to floating point
romsub $af12 = FSUB(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = mflpt from A/Y - fac1
romsub $af15 = FSUBT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2-fac1 mind the order of the operands NOTE: use FSUBT2() instead!
romsub $af18 = FADD(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 += mflpt value from A/Y
romsub $af1b = FADDT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 += fac2 NOTE: use FADDT2() instead!
romsub $af1e = FMULT(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 *= mflpt value from A/Y
romsub $af21 = FMULTT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 *= fac2 NOTE: use FMULTT2() instead!
romsub $af24 = FDIV(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = mflpt in A/Y / fac1 (remainder in fac2)
romsub $af27 = FDIVT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2/fac1 (remainder in fac2) mind the order of the operands NOTE: use FDIVT2() instead!
romsub $af2a = LOG() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = LN(fac1) (natural log)
romsub $af2d = INT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; INT() truncates, use FADDH first to round instead of trunc
romsub $af30 = SQR() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = SQRT(fac1)
romsub $af33 = NEGOP() clobbers(A) ; switch the sign of fac1 (fac1 = -fac1)
romsub $af36 = FPWR(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2 ** float in A/Y
romsub $af39 = FPWRT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2 ** fac1 NOTE: use FPWRT2() instead!
romsub $af3c = EXP() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = EXP(fac1) (e ** fac1)
romsub $af3f = COS() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = COS(fac1)
romsub $af42 = SIN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = SIN(fac1)
romsub $af45 = TAN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = TAN(fac1)
romsub $af48 = ATN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = ATN(fac1)
romsub $af4b = ROUND() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; round fac1
romsub $af4e = ABS() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = ABS(fac1)
romsub $af51 = SIGN() clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @ A ; SIGN(fac1) to A, $ff, $0, $1 for negative, zero, positive
romsub $af54 = FCOMP(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @ A ; A = compare fac1 to mflpt in A/Y, 0=equal 1=fac1 is greater, 255=fac1 is less than
romsub $af57 = RND_0() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = RND(fac1) float random number generator NOTE: special cx16 setup required, use RND() stub instead!!
romsub $af5a = CONUPK(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; load mflpt value from memory in A/Y into fac2
romsub $af5d = ROMUPK(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; load mflpt value from memory in current bank in A/Y into fac2
romsub $af60 = MOVFRM(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; load mflpt value from memory in A/Y into fac1 (use MOVFM instead)
romsub $af63 = MOVFM(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; load mflpt value from memory in A/Y into fac1
romsub $af66 = MOVMF(uword mflpt @ XY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; store fac1 to memory X/Y as 5-byte mflpt
romsub $af69 = MOVFA() clobbers(A,X) ; copy fac2 to fac1
romsub $af6c = MOVAF() clobbers(A,X) ; copy fac1 to fac2 (rounded)
; X16 additions
romsub $af6f = FADDH() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 += 0.5, for rounding- call this before INT
romsub $af72 = FADDT2() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 += fac2
romsub $af75 = ZEROFC() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = 0
romsub $af78 = NORMAL() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; normalize fac1 (?)
romsub $af7b = NEGFAC() clobbers(A) ; switch the sign of fac1 (fac1 = -fac1) (juse use NEGOP() instead!)
romsub $af7e = FMULTT2() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 *= fac2
romsub $af81 = MUL10() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 *= 10
romsub $af84 = DIV10() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 /= 10 , CAUTION: result is always positive!
romsub $af87 = FDIVT2() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2/fac1 (remainder in fac2) mind the order of the operands
romsub $af8a = MOVEF() clobbers(A,X) ; copy fac1 to fac2
romsub $af8d = SGN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = SGN(fac1), result of SIGN (-1, 0 or 1)
romsub $af90 = FLOAT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; FAC = (u8).A
romsub $af93 = FLOATS() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; FAC = (s16)facho+1:facho
romsub $af9C = QINT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; facho:facho+1:facho+2:facho+3 = u32(FAC)
romsub $af9f = FINLOG(byte value @A) clobbers (A, X, Y) ; fac1 += signed byte in A
romsub $afa5 = FPWRT2() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2 ** fac1
asmsub FREADSA (byte value @A) clobbers(A,X,Y) {
; ---- 8 bit signed A -> float in fac1
%asm {{
bpl +
lda #$ff
+ lda #0
asmsub GIVUAYFAY (uword value @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) {
; ---- unsigned 16 bit word in A/Y (lo/hi) to fac1
%asm {{
sty $64 ; facmo
sta $65 ; facmo+1
ldx #$90
asmsub GIVAYFAY (uword value @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) {
; ---- signed 16 bit word in A/Y (lo/hi) to float in fac1
%asm {{
jmp GIVAYF ; this uses the inverse order, Y/A
asmsub FTOSWRDAY () clobbers(X) -> uword @ AY {
; ---- fac1 to signed word in A/Y
%asm {{
jsr FTOSWORDYA ; note the inverse Y/A order
asmsub GETADRAY () clobbers(X) -> uword @ AY {
; ---- fac1 to unsigned word in A/Y
%asm {{
jsr GETADR ; this uses the inverse order, Y/A
asmsub FREADUY (ubyte value @Y) {
; -- 8 bit unsigned Y -> float in fac1
%asm {{
&uword AYINT_facmo = $66 ; $66/$67 contain result of AYINT
%asminclude "library:c128/floats.asm"
%asminclude "library:c64/floats_funcs.asm"