
103 lines
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package prog8.astvm
import kotlin.math.abs
class Memory {
private val mem = ShortArray(65536) // shorts because byte is signed and we store values 0..255
fun getUByte(address: Int): Short {
return mem[address]
fun getSByte(address: Int): Short {
val ubyte = getUByte(address)
if(ubyte <= 127)
return ubyte
return (-((ubyte.toInt() xor 255)+1)).toShort() // 2's complement
fun setUByte(address: Int, value: Short) {
if(value !in 0..255)
throw VmExecutionException("ubyte value out of range")
mem[address] = value
fun setSByte(address: Int, value: Short) {
if(value !in -128..127) throw VmExecutionException("byte value out of range")
mem[address] = value
mem[address] = ((abs(value.toInt()) xor 255)+1).toShort() // 2's complement
fun getUWord(address: Int): Int {
return mem[address] + 256*mem[address+1]
fun getSWord(address: Int): Int {
val uword = getUWord(address)
if(uword <= 32767)
return uword
return -((uword xor 65535)+1) // 2's complement
fun setUWord(address: Int, value: Int) {
if(value !in 0..65535)
throw VmExecutionException("uword value out of range")
mem[address] = value.and(255).toShort()
mem[address+1] = (value / 256).toShort()
fun setSWord(address: Int, value: Int) {
if(value !in -32768..32767) throw VmExecutionException("word value out of range")
setUWord(address, value)
setUWord(address, (abs(value) xor 65535)+1) // 2's complement
fun setFloat(address: Int, value: Double) {
val mflpt5 = Mflpt5.fromNumber(value)
mem[address] = mflpt5.b0
mem[address+1] = mflpt5.b1
mem[address+2] = mflpt5.b2
mem[address+3] = mflpt5.b3
mem[address+4] = mflpt5.b4
fun getFloat(address: Int): Double {
return Mflpt5(mem[address], mem[address + 1], mem[address + 2], mem[address + 3], mem[address + 4]).toDouble()
fun setString(address: Int, str: String) {
// lowercase PETSCII
val petscii = Petscii.encodePetscii(str, true)
var addr = address
for (c in petscii) mem[addr++] = c
mem[addr] = 0
fun getString(strAddress: Int): String {
// lowercase PETSCII
val petscii = mutableListOf<Short>()
var addr = strAddress
while(true) {
val byte = mem[addr++]
if(byte==0.toShort()) break
return Petscii.decodePetscii(petscii, true)
fun clear() {
for(i in 0..65535) mem[i]=0
fun copy(from: Int, to: Int, numbytes: Int) {
for(i in 0 until numbytes)
mem[to+i] = mem[from+i]