2022-03-10 23:46:43 +01:00

340 lines
16 KiB

package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstVisitor
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.compilerinterface.*
internal class BeforeAsmAstChanger(val program: Program,
private val options: CompilationOptions,
private val errors: IErrorReporter
) : AstWalker() {
override fun before(breakStmt: Break, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
throw InternalCompilerException("break should have been replaced by goto $breakStmt")
override fun before(whileLoop: WhileLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
throw InternalCompilerException("while should have been converted to jumps")
override fun before(untilLoop: UntilLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
throw InternalCompilerException("do..until should have been converted to jumps")
override fun before(block: Block, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// move all subroutines to the bottom of the block
val subs = block.statements.filterIsInstance<Subroutine>()
// adjust global variables initialization
if(options.dontReinitGlobals) {
block.statements.asSequence().filterIsInstance<VarDecl>().forEach {
if(it.type==VarDeclType.VAR) {
it.zeropage = ZeropageWish.NOT_IN_ZEROPAGE
it.findInitializer(program)?.let { initializer ->
it.value = initializer.value // put the init value back into the vardecl
return noModifications
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(!options.dontReinitGlobals) {
if (decl.type == VarDeclType.VAR && decl.value != null && decl.datatype in NumericDatatypes)
throw InternalCompilerException("vardecls for variables, with initial numerical value, should have been rewritten as plain vardecl + assignment $decl")
return noModifications
override fun after(assignment: Assignment, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// Try to replace A = B <operator> Something by A= B, A = A <operator> Something
// this triggers the more efficent augmented assignment code generation more often.
// But it can only be done if the target variable IS NOT OCCURRING AS AN OPERAND ITSELF.
&& != null
&& ! {
val binExpr = assignment.value as? BinaryExpression
if(binExpr!=null && binExpr.inferType(program) istype DataType.FLOAT && !options.optimizeFloatExpressions)
return noModifications
if (binExpr != null && binExpr.operator !in ComparisonOperators) {
if (binExpr.left !is BinaryExpression) {
if (binExpr.right.referencesIdentifier(!!.nameInSource)) {
// the right part of the expression contains the target variable itself.
// we can't 'split' it trivially because the variable will be changed halfway through.
if(binExpr.operator in AssociativeOperators) {
// A = <something-without-A> <associativeoperator> <otherthing-with-A>
// use the other part of the expression to split.
val sourceDt = binExpr.right.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw AssemblyError("unknown dt") }
val (_, right) = binExpr.right.typecastTo( { throw AssemblyError(
"unknown dt"
}, sourceDt, implicit=true)
val assignRight = Assignment(, right, AssignmentOrigin.BEFOREASMGEN, assignment.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.InsertBefore(assignment, assignRight, parent as IStatementContainer),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr.right, binExpr.left, binExpr),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr.left,, binExpr)
} else {
val sourceDt = binExpr.left.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw AssemblyError("unknown dt") }
val (_, left) = binExpr.left.typecastTo( { throw AssemblyError(
"unknown dt"
}, sourceDt, implicit=true)
val assignLeft = Assignment(, left, AssignmentOrigin.BEFOREASMGEN, assignment.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.InsertBefore(assignment, assignLeft, parent as IStatementContainer),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr.left,, binExpr)
return noModifications
override fun after(scope: AnonymousScope, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(scope.statements.any { it is VarDecl || it is IStatementContainer })
throw FatalAstException("anonymousscope may no longer contain any vardecls or subscopes")
return noModifications
override fun after(subroutine: Subroutine, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val mods = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
// add the implicit return statement at the end (if it's not there yet), but only if it's not a kernal routine.
// and if an assembly block doesn't contain a rts/rti, and some other situations.
if (!subroutine.isAsmSubroutine && (!subroutine.inline || !options.optimize)) {
if(subroutine.statements.isEmpty() ||
(subroutine.amountOfRtsInAsm() == 0
&& subroutine.statements.lastOrNull { it !is VarDecl } !is Return
&& subroutine.statements.last() !is Subroutine
&& subroutine.statements.last() !is Return)) {
val returnStmt = Return(null, subroutine.position)
mods += IAstModification.InsertLast(returnStmt, subroutine)
// precede a subroutine with a return to avoid falling through into the subroutine from code above it
val outerScope = subroutine.definingScope
val outerStatements = outerScope.statements
val subroutineStmtIdx = outerStatements.indexOf(subroutine)
if (subroutineStmtIdx > 0) {
val prevStmt = outerStatements[subroutineStmtIdx-1]
if(outerScope !is Block
&& (prevStmt !is Jump)
&& prevStmt !is Subroutine
&& prevStmt !is Return
) {
val returnStmt = Return(null, subroutine.position)
mods += IAstModification.InsertAfter(outerStatements[subroutineStmtIdx - 1], returnStmt, outerScope)
if (!subroutine.inline || !options.optimize) {
if (subroutine.isAsmSubroutine && subroutine.asmAddress==null && subroutine.amountOfRtsInAsm() == 0) {
// make sure the NOT INLINED asm subroutine actually has a rts at the end
// (non-asm routines get a Return statement as needed, above)
mods += IAstModification.InsertLast(InlineAssembly(" rts\n", Position.DUMMY), subroutine)
return mods
override fun after(ifElse: IfElse, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val prefixExpr = ifElse.condition as? PrefixExpression
if(prefixExpr!=null && prefixExpr.operator=="not") {
// if not x -> if x==0
val booleanExpr = BinaryExpression(
NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, ifElse.condition.position),
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.condition, booleanExpr, ifElse))
val binExpr = ifElse.condition as? BinaryExpression
if(binExpr==null || binExpr.operator !in ComparisonOperators) {
// if x -> if x!=0, if x+5 -> if x+5 != 0
val booleanExpr = BinaryExpression(
NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, ifElse.condition.position),
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.condition, booleanExpr, ifElse))
if((binExpr.left as? NumericLiteral)?.number==0.0 &&
(binExpr.right as? NumericLiteral)?.number!=0.0)
throw InternalCompilerException("0==X should have been swapped to if X==0")
// simplify the conditional expression, introduce simple assignments if required.
// NOTE: sometimes this increases code size because additional stores/loads are generated for the
// intermediate variables. We assume these are optimized away from the resulting assembly code later.
val simplify = simplifyConditionalExpression(binExpr)
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
if(simplify.rightVarAssignment!=null) {
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr.right, simplify.rightOperandReplacement!!, binExpr)
modifications += IAstModification.InsertBefore(
parent as IStatementContainer
if(simplify.leftVarAssignment!=null) {
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr.left, simplify.leftOperandReplacement!!, binExpr)
modifications += IAstModification.InsertBefore(
parent as IStatementContainer
return modifications
private class CondExprSimplificationResult(
val leftVarAssignment: Assignment?,
val leftOperandReplacement: Expression?,
val rightVarAssignment: Assignment?,
val rightOperandReplacement: Expression?
private fun simplifyConditionalExpression(expr: BinaryExpression): CondExprSimplificationResult {
// TODO: somehow figure out if the expr will result in stack-evaluation STILL after being split off,
// in that case: do *not* split it off but just keep it as it is (otherwise code size increases)
// TODO: this should be replaced by a general expression-evaluation optimization step.
// the actual conditional expression in the statement should be no more than VARIABLE <COMPARISON-OPERATOR> SIMPLE-EXPRESSION
// NOTE: do NOT move this to an earler ast transform phase (such as StatementReorderer or StatementOptimizer) - it WILL result in larger code.
var leftAssignment: Assignment? = null
var leftOperandReplacement: Expression? = null
var rightAssignment: Assignment? = null
var rightOperandReplacement: Expression? = null
val separateLeftExpr = !expr.left.isSimple && expr.left !is IFunctionCall && expr.left !is ContainmentCheck
val separateRightExpr = !expr.right.isSimple && expr.right !is IFunctionCall && expr.right !is ContainmentCheck
val leftDt = expr.left.inferType(program)
val rightDt = expr.right.inferType(program)
if(!leftDt.isInteger || !rightDt.isInteger) {
// we can't reasonably simplify non-integer expressions
return CondExprSimplificationResult(null, null, null, null)
if(separateLeftExpr) {
val name = getTempRegisterName(leftDt)
leftOperandReplacement = IdentifierReference(name, expr.position)
leftAssignment = Assignment(
AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(name, expr.position), null, null, expr.position),
AssignmentOrigin.BEFOREASMGEN, expr.position
if(separateRightExpr) {
val (tempVarName, _) = program.getTempVar(rightDt.getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }, true)
rightOperandReplacement = IdentifierReference(tempVarName, expr.position)
rightAssignment = Assignment(
AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(tempVarName, expr.position), null, null, expr.position),
AssignmentOrigin.BEFOREASMGEN, expr.position
return CondExprSimplificationResult(
leftAssignment, leftOperandReplacement,
rightAssignment, rightOperandReplacement
override fun after(arrayIndexedExpression: ArrayIndexedExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val containingStatement = getContainingStatement(arrayIndexedExpression)
if(getComplexArrayIndexedExpressions(containingStatement).size > 1) {
errors.err("it's not possible to use more than one complex array indexing expression in a single statement; break it up via a temporary variable for instance", containingStatement.position)
return noModifications
val index = arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.indexExpr
if(index !is NumericLiteral && index !is IdentifierReference) {
// replace complex indexing expression with a temp variable to hold the computed index first
return getAutoIndexerVarFor(arrayIndexedExpression)
return noModifications
private fun getComplexArrayIndexedExpressions(stmt: Statement): List<ArrayIndexedExpression> {
class Searcher : IAstVisitor {
val complexArrayIndexedExpressions = mutableListOf<ArrayIndexedExpression>()
override fun visit(arrayIndexedExpression: ArrayIndexedExpression) {
val ix = arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.indexExpr
if(ix !is NumericLiteral && ix !is IdentifierReference)
override fun visit(branch: ConditionalBranch) {}
override fun visit(forLoop: ForLoop) {}
override fun visit(ifElse: IfElse) {
override fun visit(untilLoop: UntilLoop) {
val searcher = Searcher()
return searcher.complexArrayIndexedExpressions
private fun getContainingStatement(expression: Expression): Statement {
var node: Node = expression
while(node !is Statement)
node = node.parent
return node
private fun getAutoIndexerVarFor(expr: ArrayIndexedExpression): MutableList<IAstModification> {
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val statement = expr.containingStatement
val dt = expr.indexer.indexExpr.inferType(program)
val (tempVarName, _) = program.getTempVar(dt.getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") })
val target = AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(tempVarName, expr.indexer.position), null, null, expr.indexer.position)
val assign = Assignment(target, expr.indexer.indexExpr, AssignmentOrigin.BEFOREASMGEN, expr.indexer.position)
modifications.add(IAstModification.InsertBefore(statement, assign, statement.parent as IStatementContainer))
return modifications