mirror of https://github.com/irmen/prog8.git synced 2025-02-26 11:29:24 +00:00
OODLER e7698686fa
fixed a glitch in the prog8/vtui example ()
When the program starts, before the screen is modified, save_rec
is called to capture the cx16 logo.

The fix was to not do the second call to save_rec until after
vtui is used to draw the boxes on the screen.

Before the this fix, the initial replacement issue was of the
logo and not the portion of the screen originally modified by
2023-12-20 23:49:47 +01:00

162 lines
5.3 KiB

%import textio
%option no_sysinit
%zeropage basicsafe
; simple test program for the "VTUI" text user interface library
; see: https://github.com/JimmyDansbo/VTUIlib
main {
sub start() {
store_logo() ; capture logo before boxes are drawn
vtui.clr_scr('%', $50)
vtui.fill_box(':', 70, 50, $c6)
store_where_logo_was() ; after vtui draws boxes, initialize replacement screen values as logo moves
vtui.border(1, 40, 6, $47)
vtui.print_str2(sc:"Hello, world! vtui from Prog8!", $f2, false)
vtui.print_str2("Hello, world! vtui from Prog8!", $f2, true)
str inputbuffer = "?" * 20
; txt.print_uwhex(inputbuffer, 1)
; txt.chrout(':')
; txt.print(inputbuffer)
; txt.chrout('\n')
vtui.print_str2(sc:"Enter your name: ", $e3, false)
ubyte length = vtui.input_str(inputbuffer, len(inputbuffer), $21)
vtui.print_str2(sc:"Your name is: ", $e3, false)
;vtui.print_str2(inputbuffer, $67, $00)
vtui.print_str(inputbuffer, length, $67, $00)
; txt.uppercase() ; kills vtui?
sub store_logo() {
vtui.gotoxy(0, 0)
vtui.save_rect($80, 1, $0000, 7, 7)
sub store_where_logo_was() {
vtui.gotoxy(0, 0)
vtui.save_rect($80, 1, $0100, 7, 7)
sub logo_mover() {
ubyte xcoord = 0
ubyte ycoord = 0
ubyte newx = 0
ubyte newy = 0
vtui.gotoxy(30, 32)
vtui.print_str2("arrow keys to move!", $61, true)
ubyte char = cbm.GETIN()
if not char
goto char_loop
when char {
$91 -> {
if newy {
$11 -> {
if newy<53 {
$9d -> {
if newx {
$1d -> {
if newx<70 {
goto char_loop
sub move_logo() {
vtui.gotoxy(xcoord, ycoord)
vtui.rest_rect($80, 1, $0100, 7, 7)
vtui.gotoxy(newx, newy)
vtui.save_rect($80, 1, $0100, 7, 7)
vtui.gotoxy(newx, newy)
vtui.rest_rect($80, 1, $0000, 7, 7)
xcoord = newx
ycoord = newy
vtui $1000 {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
%asmbinary "VTUI1.0.BIN", 2 ; skip the 2 dummy load address bytes
; NOTE: base address $1000 here must be the same as the block's memory address, for obvious reasons!
; The routines below are for VTUI 1.0
romsub $1000 = initialize() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $1002 = screen_set(ubyte mode @A) clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $1005 = set_bank(bool bank1 @Pc) clobbers(A)
romsub $1008 = set_stride(ubyte stride @A) clobbers(A)
romsub $100b = set_decr(bool incrdecr @Pc) clobbers(A)
romsub $100e = clr_scr(ubyte char @A, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(Y)
romsub $1011 = gotoxy(ubyte column @A, ubyte row @Y)
romsub $1014 = plot_char(ubyte char @A, ubyte colors @X)
romsub $1017 = scan_char() -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X
romsub $101a = hline(ubyte char @A, ubyte length @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A)
romsub $101d = vline(ubyte char @A, ubyte height @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A)
romsub $1020 = print_str(str txtstring @R0, ubyte length @Y, ubyte colors @X, ubyte convertchars @A) clobbers(A, Y)
romsub $1023 = fill_box(ubyte char @A, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A, Y)
romsub $1026 = pet2scr(ubyte char @A) -> ubyte @A
romsub $1029 = scr2pet(ubyte char @A) -> ubyte @A
romsub $102c = border(ubyte mode @A, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(Y) ; NOTE: mode 6 means 'custom' characters taken from r3 - r6
romsub $102f = save_rect(ubyte ramtype @A, bool vbank1 @Pc, uword address @R0, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2) clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $1032 = rest_rect(ubyte ramtype @A, bool vbank1 @Pc, uword address @R0, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2) clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $1035 = input_str(uword buffer @R0, ubyte buflen @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers (A) -> ubyte @Y
romsub $1038 = get_bank() clobbers (A) -> bool @Pc
romsub $103b = get_stride() -> ubyte @A
romsub $103e = get_decr() clobbers (A) -> bool @Pc
; -- helper function to do string length counting for you internally, and turn the convertchars flag into a boolean again
asmsub print_str2(str txtstring @R0, ubyte colors @X, bool convertchars @Pc) clobbers(A, Y) {
%asm {{
lda #0
bcs +
lda #$80
+ pha
lda cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr prog8_lib.strlen
jmp print_str