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import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow
import io.kotest.core.spec.style.FunSpec
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import prog8.vm.Memory
class TestMemory: FunSpec({
test("reset") {
val mem = Memory()
mem.setUB(1000, 42u)
mem.getUB(1000) shouldBe 42u
mem.getUB(1000) shouldBe 0u
test("byte access") {
val mem = Memory()
mem.setUB(1000, 123u)
mem.getUB(1000) shouldBe 123u
mem.getSB(1000) shouldBe 123
mem.setUB(1000, 234u)
mem.getUB(1000) shouldBe 234u
mem.getSB(1000) shouldBe -22
mem.setSB(1000, -99)
mem.getSB(1000) shouldBe -99
mem.getUB(1000) shouldBe 157u
test("word access") {
val mem = Memory()
mem.setUW(1000, 12345u)
mem.getUW(1000) shouldBe 12345u
mem.getSW(1000) shouldBe 12345
mem.setUW(1000, 55444u)
mem.getUW(1000) shouldBe 55444u
mem.getSW(1000) shouldBe -10092
mem.setSW(1000, -23456)
mem.getSW(1000) shouldBe -23456
mem.getUW(1000) shouldBe 42080u
mem.setUW(1000, 0xea31u)
mem.getUB(1000) shouldBe 0x31u
mem.getUB(1001) shouldBe 0xeau
test("32 bits float access") {
val mem = Memory()
mem.getFloat(1000) shouldBe 0.0
mem.setFloat(1000, -9.876543f)
mem.getFloat(1000) shouldBe -9.876543f
test("setstring and getstring") {
val mem = Memory()
mem.setString(1000, "******************", false)
mem.setString(1000, "Hello world!", true)
mem.getString(1000) shouldBe "Hello world!"
mem.getUB(1012) shouldBe 0u
mem.getUB(1013) shouldBe 42u
mem.setString(1000, "Goodbye", false)
mem.getString(1000) shouldBe "Goodbyeorld!"
test("illegal address") {
val mem = Memory()
shouldThrow<ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException> {
shouldThrow<ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException> {
mem.setUB(9999999, 0u)