ProZAP Introduction Welcome to ProZAP, one of the first software tools to be offered for Apple Computer's new ProDOS operating system. ProZAP is your key to unlock many of the mysteries of the Apple disk directories, files and programs. You will use it to follow your Apple's footsteps along the ProDOS Pathname until you find where it put your information. You can simply take a tour of a disk to see what's there, or you can actually change the data. Therefore be warned: IT IS POSSIBLE TO DESTROY VALUABLE DATA, AND EVEN TO MAKE PART OR ALL OF A DISK COMPELTELY UNREADABLE. COPY BEFOREHAND ANY DISK ON WHICH YOU PLAN TO USE THIS PROGRAM. NO EXCEPTIONS. NEITHER THE AUTHORS NOR APPLE PUGETSOUND PROGRAM LIBRARY EXCHANGE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR LOSS ARISING FROM THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS PROGRAM. WE REPEAT: DON'T MUCK IT UP -- BACK IT UP! ProDOS handles many different types of files, including a number which are only used on the Apple III. ProZAP opens them all to your inquiring mind. This document offers a brief tutorial, including a hunt through the directory for the "key block" to a text file containing these very words. You'll know a lot more about both ProZAP and ProDOS when you're reading this message on your computer screen. The documentation also includes a quick reference card, and a thorough reference section covering each command individually. But try the tutorial first. Copy this disk, and use the copy. Do it now. There! That wasn't so difficult, was it?And now you know just about everything you need in order to use ProZAP. Oh yes, the secret message is: *** ENJOY! ***