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* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Reformatter base classes. The main app does not need this header file.
* Every converter turns the source into text or graphics. Currently it's
* not possible to convert something into a mix of both. We could change
* that, but we'd have to figure out what that means when extracting a file
* (i.e. figure out the RTF embedded bitmap format).
#include "Reformat.h"
#include "Charset.h"
#define BufPrintf fExpBuf.Printf
* Abstract base class for reformatting a file into readable text.
* The transmuted version is written on top of the original, or is allocated
* in new[]ed storage and replaces the original (which is delete[]d).
class Reformat {
Reformat(void) {}
virtual ~Reformat(void) {}
enum {
kTypePCD = 0x02,
kTypePTX = 0x03,
kTypeTXT = 0x04,
kTypeBIN = 0x06,
kTypeFOT = 0x08,
kTypeBA3 = 0x09,
kTypeDIR = 0x0f,
kTypeADB = 0x19,
kTypeAWP = 0x1a,
kTypeASP = 0x1b,
kType8OB = 0x2b,
kTypeP8C = 0x2e,
kTypeGWP = 0x50,
kTypeOBJ = 0xb1,
kTypeLIB = 0xb2,
kTypeFST = 0xbd,
kTypePNT = 0xc0,
kTypePIC = 0xc1,
kTypeCMD = 0xf0,
kTypeDOS_B = 0xf4, // alternate 'B'
kTypeOS = 0xf9,
kTypeINT = 0xfa,
kTypeBAS = 0xfc,
kTypeSYS = 0xff,
/* test applicability of all file parts */
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) = 0;
/* reformat appropriately; returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput) = 0;
// grab the next 8 bits
static inline uint8_t Read8(const uint8_t** pBuf, long* pLength) {
if (*pLength > 0) {
return *(*pBuf)++;
} else {
// ought to throw an exception here
return (uint8_t) -1;
// grab a 16-bit little-endian value
static inline uint16_t Read16(const uint8_t** pBuf, long* pLength) {
uint16_t val;
if (*pLength >= 2) {
val = *(*pBuf)++;
val |= *(*pBuf)++ << 8;
*pLength -= 2;
} else {
// ought to throw an exception here
val = (uint16_t) -1;
return val;
// grab a 32-bit little-endian value
static inline uint32_t Read32(const uint8_t** pBuf, long* pLength) {
uint32_t val;
if (*pLength >= 4) {
val = *(*pBuf)++;
val |= *(*pBuf)++ << 8;
val |= *(*pBuf)++ << 16;
val |= *(*pBuf)++ << 24;
*pLength -= 4;
} else {
// ought to throw an exception here
val = (uint32_t) -1;
return val;
static inline uint16_t Get16LE(const uint8_t* buf) {
return *buf | *(buf+1) << 8;
static inline uint32_t Get32LE(const uint8_t* buf) {
return *buf | *(buf+1) << 8 | *(buf+2) << 16 | *(buf+3) << 24;
static inline uint16_t Get16BE(const uint8_t* buf) {
return *buf << 8 | *(buf+1);
static inline uint32_t Get32BE(const uint8_t* buf) {
return *buf << 24 | *(buf+1) << 16 | *(buf+2) << 8 | *(buf+3);
static inline uint16_t Get16(const uint8_t* buf, bool littleEndian) {
if (littleEndian)
return Get16LE(buf);
return Get16BE(buf);
static inline uint32_t Get32(const uint8_t* buf, bool littleEndian) {
if (littleEndian)
return Get32LE(buf);
return Get32BE(buf);
* Abstract base class for reformatting a graphics file into a
* device-independent bitmap..
class ReformatGraphics: public Reformat {
ReformatGraphics() {
void SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, MyDIBitmap* pDib);
* Color palette to use for color conversions. We store it here
* so it can be configured to suit the user's tastes.
enum { kPaletteBlack, kPaletteRed, kPaletteDarkBlue,
kPalettePurple, kPaletteDarkGreen, kPaletteDarkGrey,
kPaletteMediumBlue, kPaletteLightBlue, kPaletteBrown,
kPaletteOrange, kPaletteLightGrey, kPalettePink,
kPaletteGreen, kPaletteYellow, kPaletteAqua,
kPaletteWhite, kPaletteSize };
RGBQUAD fPalette[kPaletteSize];
int UnpackBytes(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src,
long dstRem, long srcLen);
void UnPackBits(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf, long* pSrcLen,
uint8_t** pOutPtr, long dstLen, uint8_t xorVal);
void InitPalette();
* Abstract base class for reformatting a file into readable text.
* Includes an expanding buffer that can be appended to, and a set of RTF
* primitives for adding structure.
class ReformatText : public Reformat {
enum ParagraphJustify {
: fUseRTF(true),
virtual ~ReformatText(void) {}
* The numeric values are determined by the RTF header that we output.
* If the header in RTFBegin() changes, update these values.
typedef enum RTFFont {
// basic fonts (one monospace, one proportional, Courier New default)
kFontCourierNew = 0,
kFontTimesRoman = 1,
kFontArial = 2,
kFontSymbol = 3,
} RTFFont;
typedef enum {
kColorNone = 0,
// full colors (RGB 0 or 255)
kColorBlack = 1,
kColorBlue = 2,
kColorCyan = 3,
kColorGreen = 4, // a little bright for white bkgnd
kColorPink = 5,
kColorRed = 6,
kColorYellow = 7,
kColorWhite = 8,
// mixed colors
kColorMediumBlue = 9,
kColorMediumAqua = 10,
kColorMediumGreen = 11,
kColorMagena = 12,
kColorMediumRed = 13,
kColorOlive = 14,
kColorMediumGrey = 15,
kColorLightGrey = 16,
kColorDarkGrey = 17,
kColorOrange = 18,
} TextColor;
/* Apple IIgs families */
typedef enum GSFontFamily {
// standard fonts, defined in toolbox ref
kGSFontNewYork = 0x0002,
kGSFontGeneva = 0x0003, // sans-sarif, like Arial
kGSFontMonaco = 0x0004, // monospace
kGSFontVenice = 0x0005, // script font
kGSFontLondon = 0x0006,
kGSFontAthens = 0x0007,
kGSFontSanFran = 0x0008,
kGSFontToronto = 0x0009,
kGSFontCairo = 0x000b,
kGSFontLosAngeles = 0x000c,
kGSFontTimes = 0x0014, // sarif, equal to Times New Roman
kGSFontHelvetica = 0x0015, // sans-sarif, equal to Arial
kGSFontCourier = 0x0016, // monospace, sarif, Courier
kGSFontSymbol = 0x0017,
kGSFontTaliesin = 0x0018,
// I had these installed, by apps or by Pointless
kGSFontStarfleet = 0x078d,
kGSFontWestern = 0x088e,
kGSFontGenoa = 0x0bcb,
kGSFontClassical = 0x2baa,
kGSFontChicago = 0x3fff,
kGSFontGenesys = 0x7530,
kGSFontPCMonospace = 0x7fdc, // monospace, sans-sarif
kGSFontAppleM = 0x7f58, // looks like classic Apple II font
kGSFontUnknown1 = 0x9c50, // found in French AWGS doc "CONVSEC"
kGSFontUnknown2 = 0x9c54, // found in French AWGS doc "CONVSEC"
// ROM font
kGSFontShaston = 0xfffe, // rounded sans-sarif
} GSFontFamily;
/* QuickDraw II font styles; this is a bit mask */
typedef enum QDFontStyle {
kQDStyleBold = 0x01,
kQDStyleItalic = 0x02,
kQDStyleUnderline = 0x04,
kQDStyleOutline = 0x08,
kQDStyleShadow = 0x10,
kQDStyleReserved = 0x20,
kQDStyleSuperscript = 0x40, // not in QDII -- AWGS only
kQDStyleSubscript = 0x80, // not in QDII -- AWGS only
} QDFontStyle;
/* flags for RTFBegin */
enum {
kRTFFlagColorTable = 1, // include color table
void RTFBegin(int flags = 0);
void RTFEnd(void);
void RTFSetPara(void);
void RTFNewPara(void);
void RTFPageBreak(void);
void RTFTab(void);
void RTFBoldOn(void);
void RTFBoldOff(void);
void RTFItalicOn(void);
void RTFItalicOff(void);
void RTFUnderlineOn(void);
void RTFUnderlineOff(void);
void RTFInverseOn(void);
void RTFInverseOff(void);
void RTFParaLeft(void);
void RTFParaRight(void);
void RTFParaCenter(void);
void RTFParaJustify(void);
void RTFSubscriptOn(void);
void RTFSubscriptOff(void);
void RTFSuperscriptOn(void);
void RTFSuperscriptOff(void);
void RTFOutlineOn(void);
void RTFOutlineOff(void);
void RTFShadowOn(void);
void RTFShadowOff(void);
TextColor RTFSetColor(TextColor color);
void RTFSetFont(RTFFont font);
void RTFSetFontSize(int points);
void RTFLeftMargin(int margin);
void RTFRightMargin(int margin);
void RTFSetGSFont(uint16_t family);
void RTFSetGSFontSize(int points);
void RTFSetGSFontStyle(uint8_t qdStyle);
// void RTFProportionalOn(void);
// void RTFProportionalOff(void);
void ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool stripHiBits);
void ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool stripHiBits, bool stripNulls);
void BufHexDump(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen);
void SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, bool multiFont = false);
ExpandBuffer fExpBuf;
bool fUseRTF;
// return a low-ASCII character so we can read high-ASCII files
inline char PrintableChar(uint8_t ch) {
if (ch < 0x20)
return '.';
else if (ch < 0x7f)
return ch;
else if (ch < 0xa0 || ch == 0xff) // 0xff becomes 0x7f
return '.';
return ch & 0x7f;
// output an RTF-escaped char (do we want to trap Ctrl-Z?)
// (only use this if we're in RTF mode)
inline void RTFPrintChar(uint8_t ch) {
char pch = PrintableChar(ch);
// output an RTF-escaped char, allowing UTF-16 Unicode values
// (only use this if we're in RTF mode)
inline void RTFPrintUTF16Char(uint16_t ch) {
if (ch == '\\') {
} else if (ch == '{') {
} else if (ch == '}') {
} else if (ch >= 0x20 && ch < 0x80) {
// don't use Unicode escapes for these, or the output will be
// unreadable by mere humans
fExpBuf.Printf("%c", ch);
} else {
// must print as a *signed* 16-bit decimal value, though it
// looks like most parsers work either way
fExpBuf.Printf("\\u%d?", (int16_t)ch);
// output a char, doubling up double quotes (for .CSV)
inline void BufPrintQChar(uint8_t ch) {
if (ch == '"')
fExpBuf.Printf("%c", ch);
// Converts a MouseText value (0-31) to a 16-bit UTF-16 value. If
// the character is in the BMP then only low is used. If it requires
// encoding as a surrogate pair, high will be nonzero.
void MouseTextToUTF16(uint8_t mtVal, uint16_t* pLow, uint16_t* pHigh);
// Converts a MouseText value (0-31) to an ASCII equivalent. This is not
// a 1:1 conversion, so it's not reversible.
int8_t MouseTextToASCII(uint8_t mtVal);
int CreateWorkBuf(void);
enum { kRTFUnitsPerInch = 1440 }; // TWIPS
int fLeftMargin, fRightMargin; // for documents, in 1/10th inch
int fPointSize;
int fPreMultPointSize;
float fGSFontSizeMult;
bool fBoldEnabled;
bool fItalicEnabled;
bool fUnderlineEnabled;
bool fInverseEnabled;
bool fOutlineEnabled;
bool fShadowEnabled;
bool fSuperscriptEnabled;
bool fSubscriptEnabled;
ParagraphJustify fJustified;
TextColor fTextColor;