
1775 lines
30 KiB

lst off
ttl "QASM Menu Routines"
exp off
tr on
cas se
* dup
* Graphic Shell for QuickASM development system
* Programming by Lane Roath
* Copyright (c) 1990 Ideas From the Deep & Lane Roath
* 22-Feb-90 0.20 :remove from main file
Class1 = $2000
lst off
use 2/data/qa.equates
use macs
use ifd.equs
use equs
lst rtn
EXT TextName,TextPath,GetTEInfo,GetSelection,selStart,selEnd
EXT SetSelection,DWarning,GetSelText,SetText,tFind,Shell
EXT NewStyle,AllTypes,FNSub,tReplace,rulerH,DEOF
EXT QuitPath,MFOpen,HFile,TEInfoRec,RemoveText,GetText
EXT textH,TxtTypes
* Handle the find menu (find & replace stuff)
cmp #-1 ;open finder doc?
bne :0
lda TextName ; yes- special case it!
clc ;get length of window title
adc TextPath
sta TextPath
]loop lda TextName+1,x ; & append filename to prefix
sta TextPath+1,y
dex ;done?
bne ]loop
bra :DoOpen ; yes- open doc!
asl ;create index
jmp (:tbl,x) ; & pass control to item handler
da :New
da :Open
da :Close
da :Save
da :Save_As
da :Build
da :Options
da :AddWdw
da :AddFile
da :Remove
da :Other
:DoOpen ;finder entry
* ~PutFile #:BuildAs;#TextName
* bcs :err
* bfl :xit
~QASetCancelFlag #0 ;haven't done so yet!
~SelectWindow CmdPtr
jsr pTextPath
~QALink #lquick;#TextPath ; yes- link it
jsr pTextPath
bcc :xit
~SysError #:lerr ;show any errors
:BuildAs str 'Save Application as...'
~GetFile #:Prompt;#TextName;#TxtTypes
bcs :err
bfl :xit
~QASetCancelFlag #0 ;haven't done so yet!
~SelectWindow CmdPtr ;must have this in forground!
jsr pTextPath
~QALink #lfromname;#TextPath-1
jsr pTextPath
bcs :err
:Prompt str 'Link the file...'
:lerr str 'Linking'
* Handle the find menu (find & replace stuff)
asl ;create index
jmp (:tbl,x) ; & pass control to item handler
da :Find
da :Find_Again
da :Replace
da :Replace_All
da :Tabs
da :Fix
da :Info
da :Font
da :Color
da :Color
da :Color
da :Color
da :Color
da :Color
da :Color
da :Assem
da :Line
jsr GetTEInfo
brl FRDialog ; yes- only if doc not empty!
ldx tFLen ;anything to search for?
beq :Find
jmp FindNext ; yes- do so
ldx tFLen ;anything to search for?
beq :Find
jsr FindNext ;can we find a match?
bcs :2x
~TEReplace #%101;#tReplace+1;tRLen;#0;#0;#0 ;YES-replace it!
bcs :2y
lda selStart
adc tRLen ;get start/end of replaced
sta selEnd
lda selStart+2 ; text (old start & len of new)
adc #0
sta selEnd+2
jsr SetSelection ;hilite the new text for user
bcc :2x
~SysError #:FR ;oh shit!
:2x rts
:FR str 'Search'
ldx tFLen ;anything to search for?
beq :Find
]loop jsr :doReplace ;do one replace
bcc ]loop
rts ; & repeat till error
brl MTDialog ; yes- do it w/dialog
* Fix text so it will display as true ASCII, not garbage
stz temp ;assume no selection
~NewAlert #DWarning ;warn use undo-able!
bne :2z
_WaitCursor ;show we're working
jsr GetSelText ;get text (selection)
bcs :2c
lda [Ptr],y ;get a character
cmp #" "
bne :f0
lda #9 ;merlin spaces to tabs!
:f0 and #$7F
sta [Ptr],y ;store TE readable value
bne :f1 ;update bank byte?
inc Ptr+2
:f1 cpy selEnd ;are we done?
bne ]loop
dec temp3 ; (must also check bank!)
bpl ]loop
jsr SetText ;replace text & style info
Hdl_Ptr TEHdl;Ptr
ldy #$10
lda [Ptr],y ;show we changed the text
ora #%01000000
sta [Ptr],y
jsr SetInfo ; yes- set info for dialog
lda textLen
ora textLen+2 ;did we get anything?
bfl :2z
~Alert #InfoAlert;#0 ; yes- show user some cool stuff
jsr GetStyle
~ChooseFont NewStyle;#0 ; yes- allow user to do so
PullLong NewStyle
bcs :9
ora NewStyle ;cancel?
bfl :fx
lda #%1100010 ; no, update TE record
brl SetStyle
~SysError #:TEStyle ;oops!
:fx rts
:TEStyle str 'SetStyle'
sbc #8 ;create index value
lda :colors,x ;get color word
lda TaskRc+14 ;option key pressed?
and #%0000100000000000
bfl :fore
stx NewStyle+6 ; yes- change background color
lda #%00001000
brl SetStyle
stx NewStyle+4
lda #%00010000 ; no- change foreground color
brl SetStyle
dw $0000,$1111,$4444,$5555,$8888,$9999,$CCCC
* Assemble the current source (window)
~QASetCancelFlag #0 ;haven't done so yet!
lda FrontWdw ;do we have a window open?
bfl :sfile
jsr GetText
~SelectWindow CmdPtr ;bring cmd wdw to front!
~QACompile #afromhandle;textH ; & assemble source
jsr RemoveText
bcc :xit
~SysError #:aerr ;show any errors
~GetFile #:Prompt;#TextName;#TxtTypes
bcs :err
bfl :xit
~SelectWindow CmdPtr ;must have this in forground!
~QACompile #afromname;#TextPath
bcs :err
:Prompt str 'Assemble the file...'
:aerr str 'Assembling'
* Jump to line # in current source window
jsr GetTEInfo
brl LLDialog ;only if doc not empty!
* Handle the TOOL menu added items!
bne :added
~GetFile #:Prompt;#TextName;#:Types
bcs :err
bfl :xit
~SysError #MFOpen ;oops!
str 'Execute the tool...'
dw 1
dw $8000 ;any aux type
dw $B2
adrl 0
* Handle the GS/OS menu
asl ;create index
jmp (:tbl,x) ; & pass control to item handler
da :Delete
da :Rename
da :Format
~GetFile #:DPrompt;#TextName;#AllTypes
bcs :de
bfl :nodel
lax #TextPath+1
sax FNSub
lda TextPath
xba ;create PString
sta TextPath
~AlertWindow #1;#FNSub;#:DDelete ; yes- should we save it?
bcs :de
btr :Delete
_GSOS _Destroy;:DelParms ;...delete the file!...
lda TextPath
xba ;restore real pathname
sta TextPath
bfl :Delete
~SysError #:Del ;show errors
str 'Delete the file...'
asc '55$'
asc 'Are you sure you wish to delete the file *0 ?$'
asc '#6$^#1',00
dw 1
adrl TextName
:Del str 'Delete'
* Handle the LAUNCH menu
bne :parmfile ;other than zero special!
~GetFile #:Prompt;#TextName;#:Types
bcs :SFErr
bfl :xit
bra :SetLaunch ; yes-setup to launch properly
~SysError #MFOpen ;oops!
:xit rts
str 'Launch...'
dw 2
dw $8000
dw $FF
adrl 0 ;we can launch these file types
dw $8000
dw $B3
adrl 0
* Setup the quit parms to launch another program
* ldx TextPath
* stx QuitPath ;copy length
*]loop lda TextPath+1,x ;copy to safe buffer
* sta QuitPath+1,x
* dex ; done?
* bne ]loop
ldy #$C000 ;assume sublaunch
lda TaskRc+14
and #%0000100000000000
bfl :slx ;option key = simple launch
ldy #$8000
sty temp
~QASetLaunch #QuitPath;temp ;tell QA to do launch
lda #267-FileMenu
jmp HFile ; & fake QUIT menu selection
* Set a ruler styling.
* ENTRY: A = ruler value, Y = index into ruler record
* EXIT: none
SetRuler ENT
pha ;save parms
~TEGetRuler #3;#rulerH;#0 ;get ruler
bcc :ok
plx ;exit w/parms saved
bra rerr
MoveLong rulerH;Hdl ;get into DP
Hdl_Ptr Hdl;Ptr
ply ;get offset to justify type
sta [Ptr],y ; & set for this file
mySetRuler ENT
~TESetRuler #1;Hdl;TEHdl ;all done!
bcc ne
~SysError #MRuler ;show errors
~DisposeHandle Hdl ;hey- we don't want it anymore!
MRuler str 'SetRuler'
* Set style of current TE record seletion
* ENTRY: A = style flags, NewStyle = new style record
* EXIT: none
SetStyle ENT
sta temp
~TEStyleChange temp;#NewStyle;#0
* Get the current TE record selection's style info.
* ENTRY: none
* Exit: none
~NewHandle #1024;ID3;#0;#0 ;who cares!
PullLong Hdl
bcs :9
~TEGetSelStyle #NewStyle;Hdl;#0
stx temp ;get style return flags
bcc :1
~SysError #:GetStyle ;ooops!
~DisposeHandle Hdl ;we don't care!
lsr temp
bcs :2 ;attr. valid?
stz NewStyle+2 ; no- zap it
lsr temp ;user data valid?
bcs :3
stz NewStyle+8 ; no- zap old data
stz NewStyle+10
lsr temp ;backcolor valid?
bcs :4
stz NewStyle+6 ; no- zap it
lsr temp ;forecolor valid?
bcs :5
stz NewStyle+4 ; no- ignore it
lsr temp ;font family valid?
bcs :7
stz NewStyle ; no- ignore it
:GetStyle str 'GetStyle'
* Create a pString or gString of TextPath, depending.
pTextPath ENT
lda TextPath
xba ;[][ Linker not Class1 yet ][]
sta TextPath
* Find the next occurance after the current selection
* of the string in the find buffer.
* ENTRY: none
* EXIT: selStart/End = offset range of find, bcs = no find
lda FromTop ;start at top?
btr :top
jsr GetSelection ; no- start search at end of selection
jsr GetText ;get the text to search through
CmpLong selEnd;textLen ;do this?
blt :doit
brl :eof ; no- done!
lda [Hdl]
sta Ptr
ldy #2 ;get TRUE starting location
lda [Hdl],y
adc selEnd+2 ; (ie, adj. for bank)
sta Ptr+2
lda textLen+2
sbc selEnd+2 ;get # of banks to search
sta temp3
lda CaseFlg ;case insensitive?
bfl :no
lda #$7F ; yes- set stuff
ldx #'_'
bra :set
lda #$FF ; no- dissuade code from working
:set sta :cm1+1
sta :cm2+1 ;set ANDs appropriately
ldy selEnd
ldx #1 ;init indexes
bne :ckeof ;update text pointers
inc Ptr+2
inc selEnd+2 ;update selection as needed
cpy textLen ;are we at the EOF?
bne :getchar
dec temp3 ; well, past first 64K anyway
bmi :eof
lda [Ptr],y ;get a char
:cm1 and #$7F
cmp #'`'+1 ;upper?
blt :nocnv
:cm2 and #'_' ; yes- force lower
cmp tFind,x ;does it match?
bne :initx
cpx #1 ; yes, fist match?
bne :no1st
lda selEnd+2 ; yes- save selection
sta selStart+2
sty selStart ; for highlighting
dec ;backup one
adc Ptr
sta temp2 ; & set pointer for word checks!
lda Ptr+2
adc #0
sta temp2+2 ; & set zero page for word check
cpx tFLen ;have we found the entire string?
blt ]loop ; no- keep going!
lda LabelFlg ;looking for label?
bfl :nolbl
lda [temp2] ; yes, is prev. char a CR?
cmp #$0D
bne :initx ; no- not found!
lda WordFlg ;looking for words?
bfl :found
jsr :checkword ; yes- do we have one?
bfl :initx
iny ; (must go past last char!)
sty selEnd
jsr SetSelection ;show user where selection found!
bra :bye
REP #$30
~NewAlert #DEOF ;show user EOF reached
jmp RemoveText ; & exit w/all restored
* Check to see if where we now point is a word or just
* part of a word intermixed within some text.
MX %11 ;in emulation!!!
lda [Ptr],y ;get char after word
cmp #'-'
beq :w0 ;dash?
cmp #"'"&$7F
beq :w0
cmp #'`' ;check for stupid quotes
bne :w1
lda [Ptr],y ;is this a lonely quote/dash?
cmp #' '+1
blt :w2 ; yes- could be a word
lda #0 ; no- return w/bfl
cmp #'0'
blt :w2 ;can't be a number
cmp #'9'+1
blt :noword
cmp #'A'
blt :w2 ;can't be a letter
cmp #'Z'+1
blt :noword
cmp #'a'
blt :w2 ; (upper or lower case!)
cmp #'z'+1
blt :noword
lda selStart ;at TOF?
ora selStart+1
beq :word
lda [temp2] ; no- get char before 'word'
cmp #'0'
blt :word ;can't be a number
cmp #'9'+1
blt :noword
cmp #'A'
blt :word ;can't be a letter
cmp #'Z'+1
blt :noword
cmp #'a'
blt :word ; (upper or lower case!)
cmp #'z'+1
blt :noword
dey ;return normal
lda #1
MX %00 ;back to native!
dw 2,0,-1,1
* Bring up the Find and Replace dialog & get user's input
~GetNewModalDialog #FindDialog
PullLong Ptr
bcc :0
~SysError #:FRDlg ;error?
* make the text you got last time the default text
~SelectIText Ptr;#5;#0;#-1 ;select the find text
bcs :err
ldx #$8000
lda CaseFlg
jsr SetDIValue ;set check marks
ldx #$8002
lda FromTop
jsr SetDIValue
ldx #$8004
lda WordFlg
jsr SetDIValue
~ShowWindow Ptr ;now show the dialog
bcs :err
~ModalDialog #0 ;let user do his/her thing
bmi :check
cmp #2 ;was it cancel?
beq :Quit
cmp #1 ;wait for one of the find
beq :2
cmp #4+1 ; or replace buttons
bge :1
sta :t
jsr :SaveText ;save find/replace text
bfl :1
pea #:dofind-1 ; & go find whatever it is
~CloseDialog Ptr
:t dw 0 ;can't use stack!
* handle the checking of the boxes, senor.
* enter with the ID of the check box in the accumulator
sta temp ;save for use
~GetDItemValue Ptr;temp ;get value of item
lda temp
and #$FF ;get index into flags
eor #1 ;invert the value bit
sta CaseFlg,x
ldx temp
jsr SetDIValue
brl :1
* Save the find/replace text so we always have them!
~GrabText #5;#tFind
~GrabText #6;#tReplace
lda tFind
and #$FF
sta tFLen ;any text to find?
bfl :no
jsr CaseFind ; yes -case it as desired
lda tReplace
and #$FF
sta tRLen ; & set replace length as needed
stz tRLen+2
lda #1 ;set BTR flag
* find the word that they want to see.
stz selEnd ;assume start search @ top
stz selEnd+2
stz LabelFlg ;show NOT a label
lda :t ;get button #
bne :10 ;find = # 1
:10 jmp HSrc ;handle as menu selection
:FRDlg str 'FRDialog'
* Make the FIND text case insensitive
lda CaseFlg
bfl :nocase
ldx tFLen
]loop lda tFind,x ; yes- transform search string
and #$7F
cmp #'`'+1 ;upper?
blt :nocnv
and #'_' ; yes- force lower
:nocnv sta tFind,x
dex ;done?
bne ]loop
LONGM ; yes- back to normal
* Bring up the Label/Line # dialog & get user's input
~GetNewModalDialog #LineDialog
PullLong Ptr
bcc :0
~SysError #:LLDlg ;error?
* make the text you got last time the default text
~SelectIText Ptr;#3;#0;#-1 ;select the find text
bcs :err
~ModalDialog #0 ;let user do his/her thing
cmp #2 ;was it cancel?
beq :Quit
dec ; no- was it just an event?
bne :1
jsr :SaveText ;save find/replace text
bfl :1
pea #:dofind-1 ; & go find whatever it is
~CloseDialog Ptr
* Save the find/replace text so we always have them!
~GrabText #3;#tFind
lda tFind
and #$FF
sta tFLen
stz tRLen ;no replacing!
stz tRLen+2
* find the word that they want to see.
lda tFind+1
and #$7F
cmp #'9'+1 ;line # or label?
blt :line
dec LabelFlg ;label -tell 'FIND' about it!
jsr CaseFind
lda #1
sta FromTop ;always search from top!
stz selEnd
stz selEnd+2
jmp HSrc ; & handle as simple 'find'
:LLDlg str 'LLDialog'
* Display line # @ center of screen
* Based on DISPLAY, not CRs, but this is faster & memory efficient!
stz temp3 ;init value
ldx #0 ;start w/first digit
lda tFind+1,x ;get a char
and #$7F
cmp #'0'
blt :done ; is it a number?
cmp #'9'+1
bge :done
and #$F
sta temp3+2 ; yes- get hex digit
lda temp3
sta temp3 ;multiply current value by 10
adc temp3
adc temp3+2 ;add in new digit
sta temp3
cpx tFLen ;are we done?
blt ]loop
stz temp3+2 ; yes- zap high word
~TEScroll #3;temp3;#0;#0 ; & show line!
* ldy #$10+4
* lda [WdwPtr],y ;depth of window (top = 0)
* lsr
* sta temp ; / 2 = middle of window
* stz temp+2
* ~TEPointToOffset temp;#0;#0
* PullLong selStart
* bcs :oops
* ~TEPointToOffset temp;#1000;#0 ;get offsets to start & end of line
* PullLong selEnd
* bcs :oops
* jmp SetSelection ; & highlight the line!
* ~SysError #:lerr
* rts
*:lerr str 'GOTO line'
* Handle the magins & tabs dialog.
~TEGetRuler #3;#rulerH;#0 ;get ruler
bcc :ok
brl :err
MoveLong rulerH;Hdl
~HLock Hdl ;lock & make usable
lda #6
sta DecLeft
sta DecIndent
sta DecRight ;they could be bogus
sta DecLine
sta DecTabs
Hdl_Ptr Hdl;temp3
lda [temp3],y ;create 'user-friendly' value
sbc [temp3]
sta [temp3],y
~Int2Dec [temp3],y;#DecIndent+1;#6;#1
~Int2Dec [temp3];#DecLeft+1;#6;#1
ldy #4
~Int2Dec [temp3],y;#DecRight+1;#6;#1
ldy #8
~Int2Dec [temp3],y;#DecLine+1;#6;#1
ldy #$14
~Int2Dec [temp3],y;#DecTabs+1;#6;#1
ldy #$18
~Int2Dec [temp3],y;#DecTabs1+1;#6;#1
ldy #$1C
~Int2Dec [temp3],y;#DecTabs2+1;#6;#1
ldy #$20
~Int2Dec [temp3],y;#DecTabs3+1;#6;#1
~GetNewModalDialog #TabDialog
PullLong Ptr
bcc :0
~SysError #:TabDlg ;error?
* Handle the actual usage of this dialog
~SelectIText Ptr;#3;#0;#-1 ;select first box
bcs :err
~ShowWindow Ptr ;now show the dialog
bcs :err
~ModalDialog #0 ;let user do his/her thing
cmp #2 ;was it cancel?
beq :Quit
dec ; no, ok?
bne :1
jsr :SaveText ;save changed values
~CloseDialog Ptr
~NewAlert #DIllVal ;show illegal value
bra :1 ; zap RTS & continue
* Save the value of the dialog into the ruler settings
~GetInt #3 ;left margin
bcs :verr
sta [temp3]
~GetInt #5 ;indention
bcs :verr
ldy #2
adc [temp3] ; (which is added to left margin)
sta [temp3],y
sta temp
~GetInt #4 ;right margin
bcs :verr
ldy #4
sta [temp3],y
cmp [temp3] ;must be > left margin
blt :verr
cmp temp ; and paragraph indention!
blt :verr
~GetInt #6 ;line spacing
bcs :verr
ldy #8
sta [temp3],y
~GetInt #7 ;tabs
bcs :t1
ldy #$14
sta [temp3],y
~GetInt #16
bcs :t2
ldy #$18
sta [temp3],y
~GetInt #17
bcs :t3
ldy #$1C
sta [temp3],y
~GetInt #18
bcs :t4
ldy #$20
sta [temp3],y
jmp mySetRuler ;make changes
:TabDlg str 'Margin'
* Update the values shown in the info dialog
jsr GetTEInfo ;get some info, check for empty
~Long2Dec TEInfoRec;#DecLen+1;#6;#0 ;...char count
~Long2Dec TEInfoRec+4;#DecLines+1;#4;#0 ;...lines
~Long2Dec TEInfoRec+12;#DecMem+1;#8;#0 ;...memory
~Long2Dec TEInfoRec+16;#DecStCt+1;#4;#0 ;...styles
jsr GetSelText ;get text (selection)
bcc :doit
stz temp ;no words
stz temp+2 ;no paras
stz temp2 ;no prev. word
SHORTM ;work w/char
lda [Ptr],y ;get a char
cmp #' '
beq :word ;word?
cmp #13
beq :cr ;paragraph?
stz temp2
bra :no ; no- must be text
ldx temp+2 ; yes- count paragraph
stx temp+2
ldx temp2 ;space/CR previous?
btr :no
dec temp2 ; no- mark & count this one
ldx temp
inx ; (16 bit incr. ... INC = 8 here!)
stx temp
bne :same ;update bank byte?
inc Ptr+2
:same cpy selEnd ;done w/this bank?
bne ]loop
dec temp3 ; yes- are we totally done?
bpl ]loop
and #$7F
cmp #13 ;last char a CR?
beq :skip
cmp #' ' ; or a space?
beq :skip
inc temp ; no- one last word & para.
inc temp+2
~Int2Dec temp;#DecWord+1;#4;#0
~Int2Dec temp+2;#DecPara+1;#4;#0 ;covert values to dec ASCII
jsr RemoveText ;free up memory for next part
~FreeMem ;get free memory
PullLong temp
~Long2Dec temp;#DecFree+1;#8;#0
PullLong temp ;get purgable free mem
~Long2Dec temp;#DecPurg+1;#8;#0
PullLong temp ;largest block
~Long2Dec temp;#DecBlock+1;#8;#0
PullLong temp ;total system memory
~Long2Dec temp;#DecTotal+1;#8;#0
* our Document Information dialog thingy!
dw 34,130,129,473
dw 1
hex 80808080
adrl :item1
adrl :item23
adrl :item22
adrl :item21
adrl :item20
adrl :item19
adrl :item18
adrl :item17
adrl :item16
adrl :item15
adrl :item14
adrl :item2
adrl :item3
adrl :item4
adrl :item5
adrl :item6
adrl :item7
adrl :item8
adrl :item9
adrl :item10
adrl :item11
adrl :item12
adrl :item13
adrl 0
:item23 dw 23
dw 58,271,68,333
dw #$800F
adrl DecTotal
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item22 dw 22
dw 48,271,58,333
dw #$800F
adrl DecBlock
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item21 dw 21
dw 38,271,48,333
dw #$800F
adrl DecPurg
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item20 dw 20
dw 28,271,38,333
dw #$800F
adrl DecFree
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item19 dw 19
dw 18,271,28,333
dw #$800F
adrl DecMem
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item18 dw 18
dw 58,100,68,148
dw #$800F
adrl DecPara
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item17 dw 17
dw 48,100,58,148
dw #$800F
adrl DecWord
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item16 dw 16
dw 38,100,48,148
dw #$800F
adrl DecStCt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item15 dw 15
dw 28,99,38,147
dw #$800F
adrl DecLines
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item14 dw 14
dw 18,99,28,147
dw #$800F
adrl DecLen
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item1 dw 1
dw 77,70,90,270
dw #$A
adrl :item1txt
dw 0
dw 1
adrl 0
:item1txt str /Well, Isn't that special!/
:item2 dw 2
dw 18,13,28,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item2txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item2txt str 'Char. Count:'
:item3 dw 3
dw 28,18,38,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item3txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item3txt str 'Line Count:'
:item4 dw 4
dw 38,11,48,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item4txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item4txt str 'Num. Styles:'
:item5 dw 5
dw 48,16,58,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item5txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item5txt str 'Word Count:'
:item6 dw 6
dw 58,14,68,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item6txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item6txt str 'Paragraphs:'
:item7 dw 7
dw 18,182,28,267
dw #$800F
adrl :item7txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item7txt str 'Doc. Memory:'
:item8 dw 8
dw 28,180,38,267
dw #$800F
adrl :item8txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item8txt str 'Free Memory:'
:item9 dw 9
dw 38,193,48,267
dw #$800F
adrl :item9txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item9txt str 'w/Purging:'
:item10 dw 10
dw 48,164,58,267
dw #$800F
adrl :item10txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item10txt str 'Largest Block:'
:item11 dw 11
dw 58,170,68,267
dw #$800F
adrl :item11txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item11txt str 'Total Memory:'
:item13 dw 13
dw 5,3,16,344
dw #$800F
adrl :item13txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item13txt str '__________________________________________'
:item12 dw 12
dw 3,62,12,285
dw #$800F
adrl :item12txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item12txt str 'Document & System Information'
dw 34,50,105,399
dw 0
adrl 0
adrl :words
adrl :case
adrl :fromtop
adrl :item6
adrl :item5
adrl :item8
adrl :item7
adrl :item4
adrl :item3
adrl :item2
adrl :item1
adrl 0
:item8 dw 8
dw 24,4,37,99
dw #$800F
adrl :item8txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item8txt str 'Replace with:'
:item7 dw 7
dw 8,3,21,100
dw #$800F
adrl :item7txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item7txt str 'Find the text:'
:item6 dw 6
dw 22,102,36,342
dw #$11
adrl tReplace
dw 30
dw 0
adrl 0
:item5 dw 5
dw 6,102,20,342
dw #$11
adrl tFind
dw 30
dw 0
adrl 0
:item4 dw 2
dw 53,270,66,338
dw #$A
adrl CancelTxt
dw 0
dw $00
adrl 0
:item3 dw 4
dw 53,155,66,259
dw #$A
adrl :item3txt
dw 0
dw $00
adrl 0
:item3txt str 'Replace All'
:item2 dw 3
dw 53,69,66,145
dw #$A
adrl :item2txt
dw 0
dw $00
adrl 0
:item2txt str 'Replace'
:item1 dw 1
dw 53,8,66,57
dw #$A
adrl :item1txt
dw 0
dw $01
adrl 0
:item1txt str 'Find'
dw $8000
dw 40,85,50,200
dw $B
adrl :casetxt
dw 1
dw 4
adrl 0
str 'Ignore Case'
dw $8002
dw 40,210,50,340
dw $B
adrl :ftxt
dw 1
dw 4
adrl 0
str 'From Beginning'
dw $8004
dw 40,6,50,70
dw $B
adrl :wordtxt
dw 0
dw 4
adrl 0
str 'Words'
dw 36,115,162,275
dw 0
adrl 0
adrl :item15
adrl :item14
adrl :item13
adrl :item12
adrl :item11
adrl :item10
adrl :item9
adrl :item8
adrl :item18
adrl :item17
adrl :item16
adrl :item7
adrl :item6
adrl :item5
adrl :item4
adrl :item3
adrl :item2
adrl :item1
adrl 0
:item15 dw 15
dw 95,16,106,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item15txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item15txt str 'Tab #4:'
:item14 dw 14
dw 82,16,93,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item14txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item14txt str 'Tab #3:'
:item13 dw 13
dw 69,16,80,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item13txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item13txt str 'Tab #2:'
:item12 dw 12
dw 56,16,67,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item12txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item12txt str 'Tab #1:'
:item11 dw 11
dw 43,4,54,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item11txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item11txt str 'Line Spacing:'
:item10 dw 10
dw 30,22,41,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item10txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item10txt str 'Indention:'
:item9 dw 9
dw 17,4,28,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item9txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item9txt str 'Right Margin:'
:item8 dw 8
dw 4,11,15,96
dw #$800F
adrl :item8txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item8txt str 'Left Margin:'
:item18 dw 18
dw 93,100,107,154
dw #$11
adrl DecTabs3
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item17 dw 17
dw 80,100,94,154
dw #$11
adrl DecTabs2
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item16 dw 16
dw 67,100,81,154
dw #$11
adrl DecTabs1
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item7 dw 7
dw 54,100,68,154
dw #$11
adrl DecTabs
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item6 dw 6
dw 41,100,55,154
dw #$11
adrl DecLine
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item5 dw 5
dw 28,100,42,154
dw #$11
adrl DecIndent
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item4 dw 4
dw 15,100,29,154
dw #$11
adrl DecRight
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item3 dw 3
dw 2,100,16,154
dw #$11
adrl DecLeft
dw 6
dw 0
adrl 0
:item2 dw 2
dw 110,86,123,154
dw #$A
adrl CancelTxt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item1 dw 1
dw 110,12,123,69
dw #$A
adrl :item1txt
dw 0
dw 1
adrl 0
:item1txt str 'Done'
asc '12/'
asc 'Illegal Value!/'
asc '^#0',00
* Used by info alert
DecWord str ' '
DecPara str ' '
DecLines str ' ' ;strings for Info alert
DecStCt str ' '
DecLen str ' '
DecMem str ' '
DecFree str ' '
DecPurg str ' '
DecBlock str ' '
DecTotal str ' '
DecLeft str ' '
DecRight str ' '
DecIndent str ' '
DecLine str ' '
DecTabs str ' '
DecTabs1 str ' '
DecTabs2 str ' '
DecTabs3 str ' '
CancelTxt str 'Cancel'
dw 34,50,69,298
dw -1
adrl 0
adrl :item4
adrl :item3
adrl :item2
adrl :item1
adrl 0
:item4 dw 4
dw 6,5,19,95
dw #$800F
adrl :item4txt
dw 0
dw 0
adrl 0
:item4txt str 'Label/Line #'
:item3 dw 3
dw 19,4,33,244
dw #$11
adrl tFind
dw 30
dw 0
adrl 0
:item2 dw 2
dw 3,175,16,243
dw #$A
adrl CancelTxt
dw 0
dw $00
adrl 0
:item1 dw 1
dw 4,119,15,167
dw #$A
adrl :item1txt
dw 0
dw 1
adrl 0
:item1txt str 'GO'
lst off
sav 2/obj/qasm1.l