mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 14:32:01 +00:00
363 lines
12 KiB
363 lines
12 KiB
* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Process UCSD Pascal text and code files. Files with this format, but
* usually containing 6502 assembly rather than p-code, can appear on
* Apple /// SOS disks.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "PascalFiles.h"
* ===========================================================================
* Pascal Code
* ===========================================================================
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
void ReformatPascalCode::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
if (pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypePCD)
applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicProbably;
pHolder->SetApplic(ReformatHolder::kReformatPascalCode, applies,
ReformatHolder::kApplicNot, ReformatHolder::kApplicNot);
* Break a Pascal code file down into its separate components.
* The file format is described on page 266 of the "Apple Pascal Operating
* System Reference Manual". The first 512-byte block has a header; following
* that are a series of up to 16 segments with Stuff in them.
* Rather than dump the header and follow it with bits and pieces, we gather
* up all the header data and present it with the contents of the block.
int ReformatPascalCode::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
const uint8_t* srcBuf = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(part);
long srcLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(part);
fUseRTF = false;
int retval = -1;
PCDSegment segments[kNumSegments];
uint32_t intrinsSegs;
int i;
if (srcLen < kSegmentHeaderLen) {
LOGI(" PCD truncated?");
goto bail;
* Pull the data fields out of srcBuf.
for (i = 0; i < kNumSegments; i++) {
uint16_t segInfo;
segments[i].codeAddr = Get16LE(srcBuf + 0x00 + i*4);
segments[i].codeLeng = Get16LE(srcBuf + 0x02 + i*4);
memcpy(segments[i].name, srcBuf + 0x40 + i*kSegmentNameLen, kSegmentNameLen);
segments[i].name[kSegmentNameLen] = '\0';
segments[i].segmentKind = (SegmentKind) Get16LE(srcBuf + 0xc0 + i*2);
segments[i].textAddr = Get16LE(srcBuf + 0xe0 + i*2);
segInfo = Get16LE(srcBuf + 0x100 + i*2);
segments[i].segInfo.segNum = segInfo & 0xff;
segments[i].segInfo.mType = (MachineType) ((segInfo >> 8) & 0x0f);
segments[i].segInfo.unused = (segInfo >> 12) & 0x01;
segments[i].segInfo.version = (segInfo >> 13) & 0x07;
intrinsSegs = Get32LE(srcBuf + 0x120);
int numSegments;
numSegments = 0;
for (i = 0; i < kNumSegments; i++) {
if (segments[i].codeAddr != 0 ||
segments[i].codeLeng != 0)
* Print the header.
BufPrintf("Pascal code file has %d segment%s\r\n", numSegments,
numSegments == 1 ? "" : "s");
BufPrintf("Intrinsic units required:");
if (intrinsSegs == 0)
BufPrintf(" none");
else {
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if ((intrinsSegs & 0x01) != 0)
BufPrintf(" %d", i);
intrinsSegs >>= 1;
#if 0 // region is undefined; see the Pilot disk for weird examples
* Look for a string in the header.
for (i = 0x124; i < 512; i++) {
int strLen = srcBuf[i];
if (strLen != 0 && (512 - (i+strLen+1)) > 0) {
char* tmpBuf = new char[strLen+1];
memcpy(tmpBuf, srcBuf + i +1, strLen);
tmpBuf[strLen] = '\0';
BufPrintf("Header string found: '%s'\r\n", tmpBuf);
delete[] tmpBuf;
i += strLen;
//BufPrintf("Leftover stuff in segment dictionary block:\r\n");
//BufHexDump(srcBuf + 0x124, 512 - 0x124);
for (i = 0; i < kNumSegments; i++)
PrintSegment(&segments[i], i, srcBuf, srcLen);
retval = 0;
return retval;
* Print information about and the contents of one segment.
void ReformatPascalCode::PrintSegment(PCDSegment* pSegment, int segNum,
const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
const char* segKindStr;
const char* mTypeStr;
if (pSegment->codeAddr == 0 && pSegment->codeLeng == 0)
switch (pSegment->segmentKind) {
case kSegmentLinked: segKindStr = "LINKED"; break;
case kSegmentHostseg: segKindStr = "HOSTSEG"; break;
case kSegmentSegproc: segKindStr = "SEGPROC"; break;
case kSegmentUnitseg: segKindStr = "UNITSEG"; break;
case kSegmentSeprtseg: segKindStr = "SEPRTSEG"; break;
case kSegmentUnlinkedIntrins: segKindStr = "UNLINKED_INTRINS"; break;
case kSegmentLinkedIntrins: segKindStr = "LINKED_INTRINS"; break;
case kSegmentDataseg: segKindStr = "DATASEG"; break;
default: segKindStr = "UNKNOWN"; break;
switch (pSegment->segInfo.mType) {
case kMTUnidentified: mTypeStr = "unidentified"; break;
case kMTPCodeMSB: mTypeStr = "P-Code (MSB first)"; break;
case kMTPCodeLSB: mTypeStr = "P-Code (LSB first)"; break;
case kMTPAsm3: mTypeStr = "Machine code (type 3)"; break;
case kMTPAsm4: mTypeStr = "Machine code (type 4)"; break;
case kMTPAsm5: mTypeStr = "Machine code (type 5)"; break;
case kMTPAsm6: mTypeStr = "Machine code (type 6)"; break;
case kMTPAsmApple6502: mTypeStr = "Apple II 6502 machine code"; break;
case kMTPAsm8: mTypeStr = "Machine code (type 8)"; break;
case kMTPAsm9: mTypeStr = "Machine code (type 9)"; break;
default: mTypeStr = "unknown"; break;
BufPrintf("Segment %d: '%s' (%s)\r\n", segNum, pSegment->name, segKindStr);
BufPrintf(" Segment start block: %d\r\n", pSegment->codeAddr);
BufPrintf(" Segment length: %d\r\n", pSegment->codeLeng);
BufPrintf(" Text address: %d\r\n", pSegment->textAddr);
BufPrintf(" Segment info: segNum=%d version=%d mType=%s\n",
pSegment->segInfo.segNum, pSegment->segInfo.version, mTypeStr);
if (pSegment->codeAddr == 0) {
if (pSegment->segmentKind == kSegmentDataseg) {
BufPrintf("(no data for DATASEG segments)\r\n");
} else {
BufPrintf("Segment start block of zero not expected.\r\n");
} else {
if (pSegment->codeAddr * 512 + pSegment->codeLeng > srcLen) {
} else {
BufHexDump(srcBuf + pSegment->codeAddr * 512, pSegment->codeLeng);
* ===========================================================================
* Pascal Text
* ===========================================================================
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
void ReformatPascalText::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
if (pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypePTX)
applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicProbably;
pHolder->SetApplic(ReformatHolder::kReformatPascalText, applies,
ReformatHolder::kApplicNot, ReformatHolder::kApplicNot);
* Convert Pascal text to plain text.
* The file format is documented on page 266 of the classic "Apple Pascal
* Operating System Reference Manual". Basically it's set in 1024-byte
* blocks, where each line can start with an optional DLE (0x10) indicating
* that the next value is 32+indent. Lines end with a CR. If the next line
* won't fit in the block, the remainder of the block is filled with zeroes.
int ReformatPascalText::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
const uint8_t* srcBuf = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(part);
long srcLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(part);
long length = srcLen;
fUseRTF = false;
int retval = -1;
if (srcLen < kPTXBlockSize) {
LOGI(" PTX truncated?");
goto bail;
/* the first block is filled with editor storage */
srcBuf += kPTXBlockSize;
length -= kPTXBlockSize;
while (length) {
int blockLen = length > kPTXBlockSize ? kPTXBlockSize : length;
ProcessBlock(srcBuf, blockLen);
srcBuf += blockLen;
length -= blockLen;
retval = 0;
return retval;
* Process up to 1024 bytes of text.
* I'm not sure if the format mandates full 1024-byte blocks -- it
* appears to -- but I'm not going to assume it.
void ReformatPascalText::ProcessBlock(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long length)
ASSERT(srcBuf != NULL);
ASSERT(length > 0 && length <= kPTXBlockSize);
char lineBuf[kPTXBlockSize+1];
char* linePtr;
int indent;
while (length) {
if (*srcBuf == 0x00) {
/* we've reached the end of the data for this block */
LOGI(" PTX end of useful block with %d remaining", length);
/* be paranoid */
bool first = true;
while (length--) {
if (*srcBuf != 0x00) {
if (first) {
BufPrintf("EXTRA: ");
first = false;
BufPrintf("%c", *srcBuf);
if (!first) {
goto bail;
if (*srcBuf == kDLE) {
if (!length) {
LOGI(" PTX end of block inside DLE");
goto bail;
indent = *srcBuf - kIndentSub;
if (indent < 0) {
LOGI(" PTX odd indent (raw value %d)", *srcBuf);
indent = 0; /* fix it */
/* print the #of spaces indicated */
linePtr = lineBuf;
while (indent--)
*linePtr++ = ' ';
*linePtr = '\0';
BufPrintf("%s", lineBuf);
if (!length)
goto bail;
ASSERT(length > 0);
* Accumulate the line into a buffer and then spit it out all
* at once.
linePtr = lineBuf;
while (*srcBuf != 0x0d && length) {
if (*srcBuf == 0x00) {
LOGI(" PTX a null leaked into a line??");
/* keep going */
*linePtr++ = *srcBuf++;
if (length && *srcBuf == 0x0d) {
*linePtr = '\0';
BufPrintf("%s", lineBuf);