Kelvin Sherlock b92683ed43 REL DS calculation is based on the total segment size, not the current file.
additionally, it was block moving the size of the DS fill rather than the size of the relocation records.
2021-04-27 16:39:22 -04:00

16 lines
260 B

* test rel DS \ command to verify it uses the current segment offset,
* not the current file offset.
ovr all
asm 3012-rel-ds-1.S
asm 3012-rel-ds-2.S
asm 3012-rel-ds-3.S
lnk 3012-rel-ds-1.L
lnk 3012-rel-ds-2.L
lnk 3012-rel-ds-3.L
sav 3012-rel-ds