DOS entry point.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Smith 2021-04-14 22:49:07 -06:00
parent 1e88b54926
commit 0d184841d5

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@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ bootstrap_entry_addr equ bootstrap_load_addr+1
ram_application_base equ $0a00
Dbd12 equ $bd12 ; RWTS patch loc, three bytes
rwts_patch equ $bd12 ; RWTS patch loc, three bytes
proflag equ $bf00 ; used to detect OS
proflag equ $bf00 ; used to detect OS
os_pascal equ $00
os_prodos equ $4c
os_dos equ $33
@ -339,20 +339,21 @@ romsel: ldy #$c0+slotnum
stx mslot1088
jmp Lc9df
boot4: lda #$c0+slotnum
boot4: lda #$c0+slotnum ; did we get here from IN# or equiv?
cmp kswl+1
jsr Scn16
bne Lcn60
jsr Scdec
jsr Scdec ; yes
beq Lcn60
lda #$20 ; Patch RWTS with jsr $eaea ???
sta Dbd12
lda #$ea
sta Dbd12+1
sty Dbd12+2
lda #$20 ; Patch RWTS
sta rwts_patch
lda #slot_rwts&$ff
sta rwts_patch+1
sty rwts_patch+2
ldx #$00
lda #$8d
@ -447,17 +448,18 @@ slot_prodos_x:
jsr romsel
jmp prodos
; cnea
cmp #(slotnum*$10)
beq Lcnf2
ldy #$0f
cmp #(slotnum*$10) ; A = our slot * 10?
beq Lcnf2 ; yes
tax ; no, execute the instructions the
ldy #$0f ; patch overwrote
rts ; and return
Lcnf2: pla
Lcnf2: pla ; discard the patch return address
jsr romsel
jmp Lcc6f
jmp rwts
fcb $ae ; distinguishes vendor of mem exp card
; $ae = Applied Engineering
@ -1096,8 +1098,9 @@ Scc58: lda #$00
jsr Sca9d
Lcc6e: rts
public Lcc6f ; referenced from slot
Lcc6f: jsr Scd56
public rwts ; referenced from slot
rwts: jsr Scd56
ldy #$10
bcs Lcce0
jsr Sccfb