reworked hacky sandbox stuff in core.clj, to help with animation

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Richard Harrington 2013-08-15 16:22:00 -04:00
parent a9456eff09
commit 257b6a2495

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@ -2,22 +2,28 @@
(:use [clojure.pprint :only [pprint]])
(:require [robotwar.test-programs :as test-programs]
[ :as world]
[robotwar.register :as register]))
[robotwar.register :as register]
[robotwar.robot :as robot]
[robotwar.animate :as animate]))
; this is a hacky place for messing with stuff.
(def world
(world/init-world 256.0 256.0 [(:multi-use test-programs/programs)]))
(def worlds (iterate world/tick-world world))
(def robots (:robots world))
(def robot (robots 0))
(def registers (:registers robot))
(defn progs []
(vals test-programs/programs))
(defn world []
(world/init-world 256.0 256.0 (progs)))
(defn worlds []
(iterate world/tick-world (world)))
(defn simulation-rounds []
(animate/build-simulation-rounds (worlds) 25))
(defn make-it-so []
(animate/animate (simulation-rounds) 25 25 20.0))
(def rr register/read-register)
(def wr register/write-register)
(defn rv [reg-name] (get-in registers [reg-name :val]))
; ppt uses some of those variables to
; pretty-print a robot-state with line numbers for the obj-code instructions,
; and only the registers you want. Very convenient.