wrote informal inspection function for core.clj, that reports robot-states from a sequence of worlds, given world-tick-idx and robot-idx

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Richard Harrington 2013-08-03 13:52:10 -04:00
parent 817a3e057d
commit 5eca3965cc

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@ -1,35 +1,31 @@
(ns robotwar.core (ns robotwar.core
(:use [clojure.pprint] (:use [clojure.pprint]
(robotwar foundry brain robot world game-lexicon))) (robotwar foundry brain robot world game-lexicon brain-test)))
;(def src-code1 " START ; this is a hacky place for messing with stuff. currently imports
; 0 TO A ; all the test data from brain-test, and the function below uses
; TEST ; some of those variables to
; IF A > 2 GOTO START ; pretty-print a robot-state with line numbers for the program instructions,
; GOSUB INCREMENT ; and only the registers you want. Very convenient.
; 100 TO A
; A + 1 TO A
; 200 TO A ")
;(def src-code2 "WAIT GOTO WAIT")
;(def src-code3 "500 TO RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM")
;(def world (init-world 30 30 (map #(assemble reg-names %) [src-code1 src-code2 src-code3])))
;(def step (fn [initial-state n]
; (nth (iterate #(tick-robot % world) initial-state) n)))
;; pretty-prints a robot-state with line numbers,
;; and only the registers you want. Very convenient.
;(def ppt (fn [program n & reg-keys]
; (let [state (step (init-internal-state program {}) n)]
; (pprint (into (assoc-in
; state
; [:program :instrs]
; (zipmap (range) (get-in state [:program :instrs])))
; {:registers (select-keys (:registers state) reg-keys)})))))
; ;
; it takes a world-tick number and a robot index number, and prettyprints a robot
; with line numbers for the program instructions, and only the registers specified.
; (also it only prints the values of the registers, not the register-maps with
; their ugly full system-names of the read and write functions.) Very convenient.
(def get-robot (fn [world-tick-idx robot-idx]
(let [world-idx (+ (* world-tick-idx len) robot-idx)
world (nth worlds world-idx)]
((:robots world) robot-idx))))
(def ppt (fn [world-tick-idx robot-idx & [reg-keys]]
(let [{:keys [brain registers] :as robot} (get-robot world-tick-idx robot-idx)]
(into robot
{:brain (assoc-in
[:program :instrs]
(sort (zipmap (range) (get-in brain [:program :instrs]))))
:registers (sort (into {} (for [[reg-name reg-map]
(select-keys registers reg-keys)]
{reg-name (:val reg-map)})))})))))