refactored 'register' to do a lot more destructuring of registers and robots passed as parameters

This commit is contained in:
Richard Harrington 2013-08-20 17:45:37 -04:00
parent 61dcd040ad
commit 63ff5c8e05

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@ -28,33 +28,33 @@
(def register-field-read-mixin
; returns :val field of register
(fn [this world]
(:val this)))
(fn [{val :val} world]
(def register-field-write-mixin
; returns a world with :val field of register altered
(fn [this world data]
(fn [{:keys [robot-idx reg-name]} world data]
(assoc-in world
(path-to-val (:robot-idx this) (:reg-name this))
(path-to-val robot-idx reg-name)
(def robot-field-read-mixin
; returns the value of a field in the robot hash-map,
; rounded to an integer
(fn [this world]
(fn [{:keys [robot-idx field-name multiplier]} world]
(Math/round (/ (get-in
(path-to-robot-field (:robot-idx this) (:field-name this)))
(:multiplier this)))))
(path-to-robot-field robot-idx field-name))
(def robot-field-write-mixin
; returns a world with the value of a field in the robot hash map altered
; (with the number being cast to floating point before being pushed)
(fn [this world data]
(fn [{:keys [robot-idx field-name multiplier]} world data]
(path-to-robot-field (:robot-idx this) (:field-name this))
(float (* data (:multiplier this))))))
(path-to-robot-field robot-idx field-name)
(float (* data multiplier)))))
(defrecord StorageRegister [robot-idx reg-name val])
(extend StorageRegister
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
(extend RandomRegister
; returns a random number. maximum value is the :val field of the register
{:read-register (fn [this world]
(rand-int (:val this)))}
{:read-register (fn [{val :val} world]
(rand-int val))}
{:write-register register-field-write-mixin})
@ -96,15 +96,15 @@
; adds a shell to the list of shells.
; It's a no-op if the shot clock hasn't reached zero yet.
(fn [this world data]
(let [robot (get-in world (path-to-robot (:robot-idx this)))]
(if (> (:shot-timer robot) 0)
(fn [{:keys [robot-idx field-name]} world data]
(let [{:keys [pos-x pos-y aim shot-timer] :as robot}
(get-in world (path-to-robot robot-idx))]
(if (> shot-timer 0)
(let [shells (:shells world)
world-with-new-shot-timer (assoc-in
(path-to-robot-field (:robot-idx this)
(path-to-robot-field robot-idx :shot-timer)
; TODO: change this next line to something
; that actually releases a shell. This is a