grinding along with the refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Richard Harrington 2013-08-01 20:01:08 -04:00
parent 4a8f83ad95
commit 6e04c076a6
3 changed files with 41 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
(def world (init-world 30 30 (map #(assemble reg-names %) [src-code1 src-code2 src-code3])))
(def step (fn [initial-state n]
(nth (iterate tick-robot initial-state) n)))
(nth (iterate #(tick-robot % world) initial-state) n)))
; pretty-prints a robot-state with line numbers,
; and only the registers you want. Very convenient.
(def ppt (fn [program n & reg-keys]
(let [state (step (init-robot-state program {}) n)]
(let [state (step (init-internal-state program {}) n)]
(pprint (into (assoc-in
[:program :instrs]

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns robotwar.robot
(:use [clojure.string :only [join]]
[clojure.pprint :only [pprint]]
(robotwar kernel-lexicon game-lexicon)))
; TODO: remove the game-lexicon dependency above, when it's no longer needed
@ -19,19 +20,28 @@
(Optionally, also pass in a hash-map of register names and values,
which will override the defaults)."
[program reg-names & [registers]]
{:registers (into {} (concat
(for [reg-name reg-names]
; default values for :read, :write and :data. (TODO: move these into a higher-level module)
; NOTE: the default version of the :read function does not need the world-state parameter.
[reg-name {:read (fn [data _] data)
:write (fn [robot data]
(assoc-in robot [:internal-state :registers reg-name] data))
:data 0}])
:program program
:acc 0
:instr-ptr 0
:call-stack []})
(pprint program)
(pprint reg-names)
(pprint registers)
(let [identity-with-throwaway-args (fn [x & args] x)]
{:registers (into {} (concat
(for [reg-name reg-names]
; default values for :read, :write and :data.
; (TODO: move these into a higher-level module)
; NOTE: the default version of the :read function
; does not need the world-state parameter.
[reg-name {:read identity-with-throwaway-args
:write (fn [robot data]
[:internal-state :registers reg-name]
:data 0}])
:program program
:acc 0
:instr-ptr 0
:call-stack []}))
(defn read-register
"returns a numeric value"
@ -44,11 +54,11 @@
[robot {write :write :as register} data]
(write robot data))
(defn resolve-register [registers reg]
(case reg
"RANDOM" (rand-int (registers reg))
"DATA" (registers (reg-names (registers "INDEX")))
(registers reg)))
;(defn resolve-register [registers reg]
; (case reg
; "RANDOM" (rand-int (registers reg))
; "DATA" (registers (reg-names (registers "INDEX")))
; (registers reg)))
(defn resolve-arg [{arg-val :val arg-type :type} registers labels world]
"resolves an instruction argument to a numeric value
@ -80,7 +90,7 @@
[robot world]
(let [internal-state (:internal-state robot)
{:keys [acc instr-ptr call-stack registers program]} internal-state
[{command :val} {unresolved-arg-val :val :as arg}] ((program :instrs) instr-ptr)
[{command :val} arg] ((program :instrs) instr-ptr)
resolve #(resolve-arg % registers (program :labels) world)
return-robot #(assoc robot :internal-state (into internal-state %))]
(case command
@ -97,6 +107,6 @@
(return-robot {:instr-ptr (inc instr-ptr)})
(return-robot {:instr-ptr (+ instr-ptr 2)}))
"TO" (write-register (return-robot {:instr-ptr (inc instr-ptr)})
(registers unresolved-arg-val)
(registers (:val arg))

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
(:use [clojure.string :only [join]]
(robotwar foundry robot)))
(robotwar foundry robot game-lexicon)))
; TODO: Write init-register function, in robot probably, and init those
; X and Y registers down below.
(defn init-world
"initialize all the variables for a robot world"
@ -8,12 +11,12 @@
{:width width
:height height
:shells []
:robots (map-indexed (fn [idx program]
{:internal-state (init-robot-state program
:robots (vec (map-indexed (fn [idx program]
{:internal-state (init-internal-state program reg-names
{"X" (rand-int width)
"Y" (rand-int height)})
:external-state {:icon (str idx)}})
:icon (str idx)})
(defn tick-world
@ -26,8 +29,7 @@
vert-border-char "+"
header-footer (apply str (repeat (+ width 2) horiz-border-char))
field (for [y (range height), x (range width)]
(some (fn [{{{robot-x "X" robot-y "Y"} :registers} :internal-state
{icon :icon} :external-state}]
(some (fn [{{{robot-x "X" robot-y "Y"} :registers} :internal-state, icon :icon}]
(if (= [x y] [robot-x robot-y])
" "))