lexing working, except it has incorrect column numbers

This commit is contained in:
Richard Harrington 2013-07-04 13:55:46 -04:00
parent d9f03a10fe
commit 896ee4cc52

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns hs-robotwar.core)
(def registers (set (concat (map #(-> % char str) (range 65 91))
(def registers (set (concat (map #(-> % char str) (range (int \A) (inc (int \Z))))
(def operators #{"=" "<" ">" "#" "+" "-" "*" "/"})
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
parsing-token? (not (empty? partial-token))
head (str (first line))
tail (rest line)]
(println head current-pos parsing-token? previous-token)
(or (empty? line) (= ";" head)) (if parsing-token?
@ -42,10 +41,11 @@
; make sure we're not a unary minus sign operator
; by making sure that if we are a minus sign,
; the previous token is, or could represent, a number.
(when (or (not= "-" head)
(digit? (last previous-token))
(registers previous-token))
(recur tail "" current-pos (conj-with-metadata result head current-pos))))
(if (or (not= "-" head)
(digit? (last previous-token))
(registers previous-token))
(recur tail "" current-pos (conj-with-metadata result head current-pos))
(recur tail (str partial-token head) saved-pos result)))
:else (recur tail (str partial-token head) saved-pos result)))))