got rid of old commented-out code

This commit is contained in:
Richard Harrington 2013-07-12 17:40:36 -04:00
parent b0fe08bd80
commit 8e98cbfe63

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@ -76,65 +76,3 @@
(recur (read-line))))) (recur (read-line)))))
; (def error-type-map
; {:parse-error "Parse Error"
; :end-of-line-error "End of Line Error"})
; (defn error
; [error-type error-string]
; (str (error-type-map error-type) ": " error-string))
; (defn valid-number-string
; [n]
; (re-find #"^-?\d+\.?\d*$" n))
; (defn number-or-string
; [x]
; (if (valid-number-string x)
; (Float/parseFloat x)
; x))
; (defn string-with-idx
; [s, idx]
; (if (empty? s)
; nil
; {:token s
; :idx idx}))
; (defn tokens-with-column-numbers
; "splits a string and returns a sequence of hashmaps,
; with column-number metadata. separated just by spaces
; for now. In the future, tokens won't necessarily have
; spaces between them."
; [s]
; (let [len (count s)]
; (loop [s s
; idx 0
; partial-word ""
; result []]
; (let [first-s (subs s 0 1)
; rest-s (subs s 1)]
; (cond
; (empty? s) (if (empty? partial-word)
; result
; (conj result (str-with-idx partial-word idx))
; (re-find #"\s" first-s) (if (empty? partial-word)
; (recur rest-s idx "" result)
; (recur rest-s idx "" (conj result (str-with-idx
; partial-word idx))))
; :else (if (empty? partial-word)
; (recur rest-s (- len (count s)) first-s result)
; (recur rest-s idx (str partial-word first-s) result))))))))
; (defn validate-expr
; "right now just checks to see whether it's a number.
; will do a lot more things in the future."
; [expr]
; (if (number? expr)
; [expr nil]
; [expr (error :parse-error "Not a number")]))