got repl working again

This commit is contained in:
Richard Harrington 2013-07-05 19:31:03 -04:00
parent e80adafcc0
commit a554b68c93

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@ -52,21 +52,30 @@
(conj-with-metadata result head current-pos))
:else (recur tail (str partial-token head) saved-pos result)))))
(def parse
"will be filled in later -- right now just a pass-through for the repl"
(defn pretty-print-tokens [token-seq]
(map #(format "%2d %s" (:column %) (:string %))
(defn ppt [token-seq]
(defn evaluate [token-seq]
(println (pretty-print-tokens token-seq)))
(def p (comp ppt lex))
(defn repl
"make it so"
(loop [input (read-line)]
(when (not= input "exit")
(println (evaluate (parse (lex input))))
(recur (read-line)))))
; (def error-type-map
; {:parse-error "Parse Error"
@ -129,19 +138,3 @@
; [expr (error :parse-error "Not a number")]))
; (defn evaluate
; "evaluates an ast (right now just prints it).
; Checks to see if it's a string because that's
; the way errors are passed. We'll change that."
; [ast]
; (if (string? ast)
; ast
; (apply str (interpose " " ast))))
; (defn repl
; "make it so"
; []
; (loop []
; (println (evaluate (parse (lex (read-line)))))
; (recur)))