got random register test working

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Richard Harrington 2013-08-06 12:49:44 -04:00
parent 623bfea415
commit d3b43d785e

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@ -58,6 +58,21 @@
(is (= (get-in (world/get-world 8 0 worlds) [:robots 0 :registers "A" :val])
; remaining tests will use a different method:
; just push and pull from one sample world and one sample robot
(def sample-world (world/get-world 0 0 worlds))
(def sample-robot ((:robots sample-world) 0))
(deftest random-test
(testing "push to random register and pull a series of numbers all different
from random register"
(let [random-register (get-in sample-robot [:registers "RANDOM"])
new-world (write-register random-register sample-world 1000)
random-nums (repeatedly 5 (partial read-register random-register new-world))]
(is (= (get-in new-world [:robots 0 :registers "RANDOM" :val])
(is (every? #(< -1 % 1000) random-nums)))))
;(deftest random-test
; (testing "push to random register and pull from it to receive a number
; of unequal numbers less than the number that was pushed"