(ns robotwar.source-programs) (def programs { :speedy " 140 TO SPEEDX 250 TO SPEEDY " :mover " ; Note: # means != 360 TO RANDOM RANDOM TO AIM ; Set a random direction to aim the gun 256 TO RANDOM ; All random numbers will now have as their maximum ; the width and height of the arena (in meters). LOOP 0 TO SPEEDX ; STOP THE ROBOT! 0 TO SPEEDY DAMAGE TO D ; Store damage. RANDOM TO A ; Store a random X-coordinate in the arena. RANDOM TO B ; Store a random Y-coordinate in the arena. MOVE IF DAMAGE # D GOTO LOOP ; If we've been damaged, pick a new spot. AIM + 5 TO AIM IF A # X GOSUB MOVEX ; If we're moving in the X direction, recalibrate SPEEDX. TO N ; N is for no-op. (needed because there's no ELSE command). IF B # Y GOSUB MOVEY ; If we're moving in the Y direction, recalibrate SPEEDY. IF A = X GOTO LOOP ; A = X and B = Y, so we've stopped moving, so start over. GOTO MOVE ; Continue to move. MOVEX A - X TO SPEEDX ; Take distance from destination in meters and use ; it to set SPEEDX, which is measured in decimeters/second. ENDSUB MOVEY B - Y TO SPEEDY ; Take distance from destination in meters and use ; it to set SPEEDY, which is measured in decimeters/second. ENDSUB " :left-shooter " ; Note: # means != 90 TO AIM ; Set the gun to shoot right 15 TO A ; Set the coordinates for the left side. 128 TO B LOOP DAMAGE TO D ; Store damage. MOVE IF DAMAGE # D GOTO WAIT IF A # X GOSUB MOVEX ; If we're moving in the X direction, recalibrate SPEEDX. TO N ; N is for no-op. (needed because there's no ELSE command). IF B # Y GOSUB MOVEY ; If we're moving in the Y direction, recalibrate SPEEDY. IF A = X GOTO SHOOT ; A = X and B = Y, so we've stopped moving, so shoot. GOTO MOVE ; Continue to move. MOVEX A - X TO SPEEDX ; Take distance from destination in meters and use ; it to set SPEEDX, which is measured in decimeters/second. ENDSUB MOVEY B - Y TO SPEEDY ; Take distance from destination in meters and use ; it to set SPEEDY, which is measured in decimeters/second. ENDSUB SHOOT 175 TO SHOT GOTO MOVE WAIT 300 TO N WAITLOOP N - 1 TO N IF N > 0 GOTO WAITLOOP GOTO LOOP " :top-shooter " ; Note: # means != 180 TO AIM ; Set the gun to shoot down 128 TO A ; Set the coordinates for the top. 15 TO B LOOP DAMAGE TO D ; Store damage. MOVE IF DAMAGE # D GOTO WAIT IF A # X GOSUB MOVEX ; If we're moving in the X direction, recalibrate SPEEDX. TO N ; N is for no-op. (needed because there's no ELSE command). IF B # Y GOSUB MOVEY ; If we're moving in the Y direction, recalibrate SPEEDY. IF A = X GOTO SHOOT ; A = X and B = Y, so we've stopped moving, so shoot. GOTO MOVE ; Continue to move. MOVEX A - X TO SPEEDX ; Take distance from destination in meters and use ; it to set SPEEDX, which is measured in decimeters/second. ENDSUB MOVEY B - Y TO SPEEDY ; Take distance from destination in meters and use ; it to set SPEEDY, which is measured in decimeters/second. ENDSUB SHOOT 175 TO SHOT GOTO MOVE WAIT 300 TO N WAITLOOP N - 1 TO N IF N > 0 GOTO WAITLOOP GOTO LOOP " :shooter " 90 TO AIM 200 - Y TO S SHOOT S TO SHOT GOTO SHOOT " }) (def dev-programs (merge programs { :multi-use " START 0 TO A TEST IF A > 2 GOTO START GOSUB INCREMENT GOTO TEST 100 TO A INCREMENT A + 1 TO A ENDSUB 200 TO A " :index-data ; to test the INDEX/DATA pair of registers " 300 TO A 1 TO INDEX DATA TO B " :random ; to test the RANDOM register " 1000 TO RANDOM RANDOM TO A RANDOM TO A RANDOM TO A RANDOM TO A RANDOM TO A " }))