
52 lines
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(ns robotwar.physics)
; precision functions
(defn three-sigs [x]
(double (/ (Math/round (* x 1000)) 1000)))
; trig functions
(defn robotwar-deg->clojure-deg
(- angle 90))
(defn decompose-angle
(let [angle (Math/toRadians (robotwar-deg->clojure-deg angle-in-degrees))]
{:x (Math/cos angle)
:y (Math/sin angle)}))
; classical mechanics functions
(defn time-to-reach-desired-v
[vi vf a]
(let [v-diff (- vf vi)]
(if (zero? v-diff)
(double (/ v-diff a)))))
(defn d-with-constant-a
[d vi a t]
(+ d (* vi t) (/ (* a (Math/pow t 2)) 2)))
(defn v-with-constant-a
[vi a t]
(+ vi (* a t)))
(defn d-and-v-given-desired-v
"returns a map of distance and velocity at final position.
the function deals with either of two cases:
1) when the desired velocity is not reached during the
given time interval, in which case it's just
2) when we reach the desired velocity (or are already there)
and then cruise the rest of the way"
[d vi vf a t]
(let [t' (time-to-reach-desired-v vi vf a)]
(if (> t' t)
{:d (d-with-constant-a d vi a t)
:v (v-with-constant-a vi a t)}
{:d (d-with-constant-a (d-with-constant-a d vi a t') vf 0.0 (- t t'))
:v vf})))