Richard Harrington 102a307af8 changed shells to a map-indexed system, for identifying new ones
(so far, we can't play the same sound at the same time
anyway, so this change has no visible effect yet)
2013-08-22 15:25:36 -04:00

35 lines
1.2 KiB

(:use [robotwar.constants])
(:require [robotwar.physics :as physics]))
(defn init-shell
[pos-x pos-y aim id distance]
; TODO: make the starting point dependent upon the robot radius,
; which should be in constants.
(let [{unit-x :x unit-y :y} (physics/decompose-angle aim)]
{:id id
:pos-x pos-x
:pos-y pos-y
:v-x (* unit-x SHELL-SPEED)
:v-y (* unit-y SHELL-SPEED)
:dest-x (+ pos-x (* unit-x distance))
:dest-y (+ pos-y (* unit-y distance))
:exploded false}))
(defn tick-shell
[{:keys [pos-x pos-y v-x v-y dest-x dest-y exploded] :as shell}]
(if exploded
(let [delta-x (* v-x *GAME-SECONDS-PER-TICK*)
delta-y (* v-y *GAME-SECONDS-PER-TICK*)
remaining-x (- dest-x pos-x)
remaining-y (- dest-y pos-y)]
; only need to check one dimension
(if (and (<= (Math/abs remaining-x) (Math/abs delta-x))
(<= (Math/abs remaining-y) (Math/abs delta-y)))
(merge shell {:pos-x dest-x
:pos-y dest-y
:exploded true})
(merge shell {:pos-x (+ pos-x delta-x)
:pos-y (+ pos-y delta-y)})))))