2013-08-11 12:15:50 -04:00

43 lines
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^[[AHarrington-MacBook-Pro:robotwar richardharrington$ lein repl
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robotwar.core=> (def zeroed-world (assoc-in world [:robots 0 :pos-x] 0))
robotwar.core=> (def zeroed-registers (get-in world [:robots 0 :brain :registers]))
robotwar.core=> (def speedy-world (wr (zeroed-registers "SPEEDX") zeroed-world 140))
robotwar.core=> (def speedy-worlds (world/iterate-worlds speedy-world))
robotwar.core=> (take 6 (map (fn [world] {:pos-x (get-in world [:robots 0 :pos-x]) :v-x (get-in world [:robots 0 :v-x]) :desired-v-x (get-in world [:robots 0 :desired-v-x])}) speedy-worlds))
({:pos-x 0, :v-x 0, :desired-v-x 140} {:pos-x 20.0, :v-x 40, :desired-v-x 140} {:pos-x 80.0, :v-x 80, :desired-v-x 140} {:pos-x 180.0, :v-x 120, :desired-v-x 140} {:pos-x 315.0, :v-x 140, :desired-v-x 140} {:pos-x 455.0, :v-x 140, :desired-v-x 140})
robotwar.core=> (pp)
({:pos-x 0, :v-x 0, :desired-v-x 140}
{:pos-x 20.0, :v-x 40, :desired-v-x 140}
{:pos-x 80.0, :v-x 80, :desired-v-x 140}
{:pos-x 180.0, :v-x 120, :desired-v-x 140}
{:pos-x 315.0, :v-x 140, :desired-v-x 140}
{:pos-x 455.0, :v-x 140, :desired-v-x 140})
robotwar.core=> (= 0 0.0)
robotwar.core=> (= 0 0)
TODO: Change the function so that the TICK_DURATION comes from the world, not from
a constant in the file. This way, we can easily set it to 1 for tests, and adjust it
appropriately for actual game play.