Richard Harrington e9709abf39 first commit
2013-06-26 15:59:01 -04:00

63 lines
1.4 KiB

(ns hs-robotwar.core
(defn -main
;; work around dangerous default behaviour in Clojure
(alter-var-root #'*read-eval* (constantly false)))
(def error-type-map
{:parse-error "Parse Error"
:end-of-line-error "End of Line Error"})
(defn error
[error-type error-string]
(str (error-type-map error-type) ": " error-string))
(defn valid-number-string
(re-find #"^-?\d+\.?\d*$" n))
(defn number-or-string
(if (valid-number-string x)
(Float/parseFloat x)
(defn parse
"parses a line, by returning a map with the expression, and meta-
information. Right now the value is just a number if it's supposed
to be a number, otherwise the original string."
(reduce (fn [ast ]))
(map (fn [word]
{:column-number }
(number-or-string word))
(re-seq #"\S+" line)))
(defn validate-expr
"right now just checks to see whether it's a number.
will do a lot more things in the future."
(if (number? expr)
[expr nil]
[expr (error :parse-error "Not a number")]))
(defn evaluate
"evaluates an ast (right now just prints it).
Checks to see if it's a string because that's
the way errors are passed. We'll change that."
(if (string? ast)
(apply str (interpose " " ast))))
(defn repl
"make it so"
(loop []
(println (evaluate (parse (lex (read-line)))))