mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 03:29:18 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
.include "iic.defs"
.org $C9A1 ; 9 bytes here
.ifdef EN_XMODEM
load: lda #$03
.byte $2C ; BIT abs
save: lda #$02
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
; Monitor R and W command handler for XModem
.include "iic.defs"
.org $CFE5 ; 20 bytes here
.ifdef EN_XMODEM
lp: jsr GETNUM
sta $00
cmp #$EB ; 'R'
beq :+
cmp #$F0 ; 'W'
beq :+
bra lp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
.include "iic.defs"
.org $D06C
.ifdef EN_XMODEM
.addr XM_LOAD-1
.addr XM_SAVE-1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.include "iic.defs"
.org $FF73
.ifdef EN_XMODEM
jsr $CFE5 ; R/W patch
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
.include "iic.defs"
; to enable/disable XModem, see EN_XMODEM in iic.defs
.org rom4x_disp
.proc dispatch
cmp #$a9 ; reset patch
@ -9,11 +12,26 @@
: cmp #$ea ; boot patch
bne :+
jmp boot4x
: dec a ; $01 = new boot fail routine
: cmp #$01 ; $01 = new boot fail routine
bne :+
jmp nbtfail
; TODO: Dispatch XModem stuff here
: lda #>(monitor-1)
.ifdef EN_XMODEM
; XModem functions
: cmp #$02 ; $02 = AppleSoft SAVE
bne :+
jmp asftsave
: cmp #$03 ; $03 = AppleSoft LOAD
bne :+
jmp asftload
: cmp #$F0 ; $F0 = monitor W(rite)
bne :+
jmp monwrite
: cmp #$EB ; $EB = monitor R(ead)
bne :+
jmp monread
: sta $00 ; for debug, comment if not using
lda #>(monitor-1)
lda #<(monitor-1)
@ -134,9 +152,10 @@ msg1 = *
.byte $04,$2e,"6 Boot Int. 5.25"
.byte $04,$ae,"7 Boot Ext. 5.25"
.byte $07,$5f,"By M.G."
msg2: .byte $07,$db,"ROM 4X 05/27/17"
msg2: .byte $07,$db,"ROM 4X 10/01/18"
.byte $05,$ae,$00 ; cursor pos in menu
msg3: .byte $05,$b0,"SURE? ",$00
msg3: .byte $05,$b0,"SURE? ",$00
.dword .time ; embed POSIX build time
; Boot4X - the boot portion of the program
.proc boot4x
@ -426,4 +445,9 @@ lp1: lda bootmsg,x
.byte "No bootable device."
msglen = * - bootmsg - 1
.ifdef EN_XMODEM
.include "inc/xmodem.s"
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
; options
EN_XMODEM = 1 ; comment out to disable XModem support
; hardware
rombank = $c028
butn0 = $c061
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
; XMODEM/CRC Sender/Receiver for the 65C02/ROM 4X
; Adapted from Routines by By Daryl Rictor Aug 2002
; originally found at http://www.6502.org/source/io/xmodem/xmodem.txt
; Original source header commentary:
; A simple file transfer program to allow transfers between the SBC and a
; console device utilizing the x-modem/CRC transfer protocol. Requires
; ~1200 bytes of either RAM or ROM, 132 bytes of RAM for the receive buffer,
; and 12 bytes of zero page RAM for variable storage.
; This implementation of XMODEM/CRC does NOT conform strictly to the
; XMODEM protocol standard in that it (1) does not accurately time character
; reception or (2) fall back to the Checksum mode.
; (1) For timing, it uses a crude timing loop to provide approximate
; delays. These have been calibrated against a 1MHz CPU clock. I have
; found that CPU clock speed of up to 5MHz also work but may not in
; every case. Windows HyperTerminal worked quite well at both speeds!
; (2) Most modern terminal programs support XMODEM/CRC which can detect a
; wider range of transmission errors so the fallback to the simple checksum
; calculation was not implemented to save space.
; Files transferred via XMODEM-CRC will have the load address contained in
; the first two bytes in little-endian format:
; offset(0) = lo(load start address),
; offset(1) = hi(load start address)
; offset(2) = data byte (0)
; offset(n) = data byte (n-2)
; Subsequent blocks
; offset(n) = data byte (n)
; One note, XMODEM send 128 byte blocks. If the block of memory that
; you wish to save is smaller than the 128 byte block boundary, then
; the last block will be padded with zeros. Upon reloading, the
; data will be written back to the original location. In addition, the
; padded zeros WILL also be written into RAM, which could overwrite other
; data.
; MG's changes & notes for this implementation:
; entry/exit routines
; support routines to support AppleSoft and monitor load/save and r/w commands
; Receive address in header only respected if A1L/H = 0
; length is written in header as well, in order to not leak AppleSoft RAM
; Requires 8 bytes of additional stack to save $00-$07, total about 9+10=19 bytes
; needed. The main entry to the xmodem routine checks this.
; No prompting or messages, but status codes written on upper right corner of screen
; Use 'C02 opcodes in places
; Optimize code.
; Allow user to cancel xfer with ESC key.
; Send ETX when done with send.
; move magic numers out of code
;-------------------------- The Code ----------------------------
; zero page variables (adjust these to suit your needs)
; we will save and restore ZPSTART+n values to stack
lastblk = ZPSTART+0 ; flag for last block
blkno = ZPSTART+1 ; block number
errcnt = ZPSTART+2 ; error counter 10 is the limit
bflag = ZPSTART+3 ; block flag
crc = ZPSTART+4 ; CRC lo byte (two byte variable)
crch = ZPSTART+5 ; CRC hi byte
retry = ZPSTART+6 ; retry counter
retry2 = ZPSTART+7 ; 2nd counter
A1L = $3C
A1H = $3D
ptr = A1L ; data pointer (two byte variable)
ptrh = A1H ; " "
A2L = $3E
A2H = $3F
eofp = A2L ; end of file address pointer (2 bytes)
eofph = A2H ; " " " "
; AppleSoft ZPs
PRGEND = $AF ; end of program
TXTTAB = $67 ; start of program
VARTAB = $69 ; start of variables (usually same as PRGEND)
LINNUM = $50 ; line number, usable as temporary storage
FIXLINKS = $D4F2 ; AppleSoft routine to re-link program
PRERR = $FF2D ; print "ERR" and beep
STLOC = $427 ; text page location for status
KBD = $C000 ; keyboard
KBDSTR = $C010 ; keyboard strobe
; Error values
ENOERR = $00 ; no error
ENOSTK = $D0 ; not enough free stack
EFAILED = $FF ; failed due to too many errors
ECANCEL = $FE ; transfer cancelled
EMMBLK = $FC ; block number complement mismatch
EBLKMM = $FD ; block number mismatch
; comment out if going to //c firmware
start_retries = 20 ; number of ~3s timeouts to allow for transfer to start
; 20 = ~1 minute, which is more than enough.
; non-zero page variables and buffers
Rbuff = $0200+256-132 ; temp 132 byte receive buffer, don't cross page boundary
; placed over input buffer.
; tables and constants
; see further down for CRC tables
; XMODEM Control Character Constants
SOH = $01 ; start block
EOT = $04 ; end of text marker
ACK = $06 ; good block acknowledged
NAK = $15 ; bad block acknowledged
CAN = $18 ; cancel (not standard, not supported)
CR = $0d ; carriage return
LF = $0a ; line feed
ESC = $1b ; ESC to exit
; XMODEM other constants
MAXERRS = 10 ; max # of errors before failure (from spec)
CPMEOF = $1A ; CP/M EOF char, which is the correct padding
;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start of Program ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
; Xmodem/CRC transfer routines
; By Daryl Rictor, August 8, 2002
; v1.0 released on Aug 8, 2002.
; MG's IIc version released ~Sep/Oct 2018
.org $4000
; use jmps here for testing on IIe/SSC because IIe mon doesn't
; disassemble 'C02 opcodes.
jmp monread
jmp monwrite
jmp asftload
; asftsave follows
; AppleSoft BASIC save/load
asftsave: jsr asftprgio
jsr xmentry ; AppleSoft tape code doesn't check for errors, either
; //c aux bank code
jmp swrts2
asftload: jsr asftprgio ; current length does not matter
jsr xmentry
lda A2L ; A2L/H have exact end address
ldy A2H ; regardless of appended junk
sty VARTAB+1
jmp FIXLINKS ; re-link the program
; //c aux bank code
lda #>(FIXLINKS-1)
lda #<(FIXLINKS-1)
jmp swrts2
; set up A1L/H and A2L/H for applesoft program save/load
; this is exactly what AppleSoft does for tapes
asftprgio: lda TXTTAB
ldy TXTTAB+1
sta A1L
sty A1H
ldy VARTAB+1
sta A2L
sty A2H
monwrite: sec
jsr xmentry
bcs monerr
; //c aux bank code
jmp swrts2
monread: clc
jsr xmentry
bcc monok
; //c aux bank code
lda #>(PRERR-1)
lda #<(PRERR-1)
jmp swrts2
; Enter this routine with the beginning address stored in the zero page address
; pointed to by ptr & ptrh and the ending address stored in the zero page address
; pointed to by eofp & eofph.
; Carry set = save, clear = load
xmentry: php ; Save carry status to select op
tsx ; see if enough room on stack
cpx #ZPEND+10
bcs :+ ; yes, go ahead
plp ; otherwise restore saved status
lda #ENOSTK ; flag not enough stack
sec ; and error out
: jsr ACIA_Init ; set up ACIA
plp ; and get carry status back
ldx #ZPEND ; save ZP locations we are trashing on stack
savelp: lda ZPSTART,x
bpl savelp
lda STLOC ; and save char in the screen loc we use
bcs dosend
jsr XModemRcv
bra skip1
dosend: jsr XModemSend
skip1: tay
sta STLOC ; fix screen
ldx #ZPEND ; restore ZP locations
restlp: pla
bpl restlp
cmp #$01 ; carry reflects error status
; MG's modified Daryl Rictor XModem routines follow:
XModemSend: lda #$17 ; 'W' inverse
lda #start_retries
sta errcnt ; will count retries left
stz lastblk ; set flag to false
lda #$01
sta blkno ; set block # to 1
Wait4CRC: lda #$ff ; 3 seconds
sta retry2 ;
jsr GetByte ;
bcs :+
lda #'W' ; 'W' flashing
jsr ChkCancel ; see if user wants to cancel
dec errcnt
bne Wait4CRC
beq can1
: bcc Wait4CRC ; wait for something to come in...
cmp #'C' ; is it the "C" to start a CRC xfer?
beq SetstAddr ; yes
cmp #ESC ; is it a cancel? <Esc> Key
bne Wait4CRC ; No, wait for another character
can1: jmp SxCancel ; cancel
SetstAddr: lda #'S'
lda #MAXERRS ; max # of errors
sta errcnt ; initialize error counter
ldy #$00 ; init data block offset to 0
ldx #$06 ; preload X to Receive buffer
lda #$01 ; manually load blk number
sta Rbuff ; into 1st byte
lda #$FE ; load 1's comp of block #
sta Rbuff+1 ; into 2nd byte
lda ptr ; load low byte of start address
sta Rbuff+2 ; into 3rd byte
lda ptrh ; load hi byte of start address
sta Rbuff+3 ; into 4th byte
sec ; now compute length - 1
lda eofp
sbc ptr
sta Rbuff+4
lda eofph
sbc ptrh
sta Rbuff+5
bra LdBuff1 ; jump into buffer load routine
LdBuffer: lda lastblk ; Was the last block sent?
beq LdBuff0 ; no, send the next one
lda #EOT ; yes, done!
jsr Put_Chr ; send EOT
lda #ENOERR ; flag no error
LdBuff0: ldx #$02 ; init pointers
ldy #$00 ;
inc blkno ; inc block counter
jsr BlkStatus ; put current block on screen
lda blkno ;
sta Rbuff ; save in 1st byte of buffer
eor #$FF ;
sta Rbuff+1 ; save 1's comp of blkno next
LdBuff1: lda (ptr),y ; save 128 bytes of data
sta Rbuff,x ;
LdBuff2: sec ;
lda eofp ;
sbc ptr ; Are we at the last address?
bne LdBuff4 ; no, inc pointer and continue
lda eofph ;
sbc ptrh ;
bne LdBuff4 ;
inc lastblk ; Yes, Set last byte flag
LdBuff3: inx ;
cpx #$82 ; Are we at the end of the 128 byte block?
beq SCalcCRC ; Yes, calc CRC
lda #CPMEOF ; Fill rest of 128 bytes with CP/M EOF (^Z)
sta Rbuff,x ;
beq LdBuff3 ; Branch always
LdBuff4: inc ptr ; Inc address pointer
bne LdBuff5 ;
inc ptrh ;
LdBuff5: inx ;
cpx #$82 ; last byte in block?
bne LdBuff1 ; no, get the next
SCalcCRC: jsr CalcCRC
lda crch ; save Hi byte of CRC to buffer
sta Rbuff,y ;
iny ;
lda crc ; save lo byte of CRC to buffer
sta Rbuff,y ;
Resend: ldx #$00 ;
jsr ChkCancel ; see if user wants to cancel
lda #SOH
jsr Put_Chr ; send SOH
SendBlk: lda Rbuff,x ; Send 132 bytes in buffer to the console
jsr Put_Chr ;
inx ;
cpx #$84 ; last byte?
bne SendBlk ; no, get next
lda #$FF ; yes, set 3 second delay
sta retry2 ; and
jsr GetByte ; Wait for Ack/Nack
bcc Seterror ; No chr received after 3 seconds, resend
cmp #ACK ; Chr received... is it:
beq LdBuffer ; ACK, send next block
cmp #NAK ;
beq Seterror ; NAK, inc errors and resend
cmp #ESC ;
beq SxCancel ; Esc pressed to abort
; fall through to error counter
Seterror: lda #'E'
dec errcnt ; dec error counter
bne Resend ; resend block if not zero
jsr Flush ; yes, too many errors, flush buffer,
ChkCancel: lda KBD ; see if ESC has been hit by user
cmp #ESC|$80
beq :+ ; yep, so cancel transfer
rts ; nope, as we were
: pla ; drop caller address
sta KBDSTR ; clear keyboard strobe
lda #ESC ; send escape
jsr Put_Chr ; to the remote end
SxCancel: jsr Flush ; flush receive stream
lda #ECANCEL ; and indicate a transfer cancelled
XModemRcv: lda #$12 ; 'R' inverse
lda #start_retries
sta errcnt ; will count retries left
lda #$01
sta blkno ; set block # to 1
sta bflag ; set flag to get address from block 1
StartCrc: lda #'C' ; "C" start with CRC mode
jsr Put_Chr ; send it
lda #$FF
sta retry2 ; set loop counter for ~3 sec delay
lda #$00
sta crc
sta crch ; init CRC value
jsr GetByte ; wait for input
bcs GotByte ; byte received, process it
jsr ChkCancel
lda #'R' ; flashing
dec errcnt ; next try
bne StartCrc ; resend "C" if more tries
beq SxCancel ; otherwise cancel send
StartBlk: jsr ChkCancel ; see if user wants to quit first
lda #$FF ;
sta retry2 ; set loop counter for ~3 sec delay
jsr GetByte ; get first byte of block
bcc StartBlk ; timed out, keep waiting...
GotByte: cmp #ESC ; quitting?
bne GotByte1 ; no
lda #ECANCEL ; Error code in "A" of desired
rts ; YES - do BRK or change to RTS if desired
GotByte1: cmp #SOH ; start of block?
beq BegBlk ; yes
cmp #EOT ;
bne BadCrc ; Not SOH or EOT, so flush buffer & send NAK
jmp RDone ; EOT - all done!
BegBlk: ldx #$00
GetBlk: lda #$ff ; 3 sec window to receive characters
sta retry2 ;
GetBlk1: jsr GetByte ; get next character
bcc BadCrc ; chr rcv error, flush and send NAK
GetBlk2: sta Rbuff,x ; good char, save it in the rcv buffer
inx ; inc buffer pointer
cpx #$84 ; <01> <FE> <128 bytes> <CRCH> <CRCL>
bne GetBlk ; get 132 characters
ldx #$00 ;
lda Rbuff,x ; get block # from buffer
cmp blkno ; compare to expected block #
beq GoodBlk1 ; matched!
jsr Flush ; mismatched - flush buffer and then exit
lda #EBLKMM ; put error code in "A" if desired
rts ; unexpected block # - fatal error - BRK or RTS
GoodBlk1: eor #$ff ; 1's comp of block #
inx ;
cmp Rbuff,x ; compare with expected 1's comp of block #
beq GoodBlk2 ; matched!
jsr Flush ; mismatched - flush buffer and then do BRK
lda #EMMBLK ; put error code in "A" if desired
rts ; bad 1's comp of block#
GoodBlk2: jsr CalcCRC ; calc CRC
lda Rbuff,y ; get hi CRC from buffer
cmp crch ; compare to calculated hi CRC
bne BadCrc ; bad crc, send NAK
iny ;
lda Rbuff,y ; get lo CRC from buffer
cmp crc ; compare to calculated lo CRC
beq GoodCrc ; good CRC
BadCrc: jsr Flush ; flush the input port
lda #'E'
lda #NAK ;
jsr Put_Chr ; send NAK to resend block
jmp StartBlk ; start over, get the block again
GoodCrc: jsr BlkStatus ; Display block # mod 8
ldx #$02 ;
lda blkno ; get the block number
cmp #$01 ; 1st block?
bne CopyBlk ; no, copy all 128 bytes
lda bflag ; is it really block 1, not block 257, 513 etc.
beq CopyBlk ; no, copy all 128 bytes
lda ptr ; check if ptr is 0
eor ptr+1
beq DoAddr ; it is, take address from block
inx ; otherwise skip first byte of load address
bne Blk1Done ; and go skip second and keep user's load address
DoAddr: lda Rbuff,x ; get target address from 1st 2 bytes of blk 1
sta ptr ; save lo address
inx ;
lda Rbuff,x ; get hi address
sta ptr+1 ; save it
Blk1Done: inx ; move to length lo byte
lda Rbuff,x ; get lo byte
adc ptr ; and compute end address
sta eofp ; put where caller can get to it
inx ; move to length hi byte
lda Rbuff,x ; get hi byte
adc ptrh ; finish end address compute
sta eofph ; put where caller can get to it
inx ; point to first byte of data
dec bflag ; set the flag so we won't get another address
CopyBlk: ldy #$00 ; set offset to zero
CopyBlk3: lda Rbuff,x ; get data byte from buffer
sta (ptr),y ; save to target
inc ptr ; point to next address
bne CopyBlk4 ; did it step over page boundary?
inc ptr+1 ; adjust high address for page crossing
CopyBlk4: inx ; point to next data byte
cpx #$82 ; is it the last byte
bne CopyBlk3 ; no, get the next one
IncBlk: inc blkno ; done. Inc the block #
lda #ACK ; send ACK
jsr Put_Chr ;
jmp StartBlk ; get next block
RDone: lda #ACK ; last block, send ACK and exit.
jsr Put_Chr ;
jsr Flush ; get leftover characters, if any
rts ;
BlkStatus: lda blkno ; put block # mod 8 in status display
and #$07 ; mod 8
ora #$30 ; convert to inverse digit
sta STLOC ; and put on screen
; I/O Device Specific Routines
; Two routines are used to communicate with the I/O device.
; "Get_Chr" routine will scan the input port for a character. It will
; return without waiting with the Carry flag CLEAR if no character is
; present or return with the Carry flag SET and the character in the "A"
; register if one was present.
; "Put_Chr" routine will write one byte to the output port. Its alright
; if this routine waits for the port to be ready. its assumed that the
; character was send upon return from this routine.
; Here is an example of the routines used for a standard 6551 ACIA.
; You would call the ACIA_Init prior to running the xmodem transfer
; routine.
; //c Modem Port ACIA:
ACIA_Data = $C0A8
ACIA_Status = $C0A9
ACIA_Command = $C0AA
ACIA_Control = $C0AB
SPD_19_2_8N1 = $1F
SPD_115_2_8N1 = $10
ACIA_Init: lda #SPD_115_2_8N1 ; speed/bits/etc.
sta ACIA_Control ; control reg
lda #$0B ; N parity/echo off/rx int off/ dtr active low
sta ACIA_Command ; command reg
rts ; done
; input chr from ACIA (no waiting)
Get_Chr: clc ; no chr present
lda ACIA_Status ; get Serial port status
and #$08 ; mask rcvr full bit
beq Get_Chr2 ; if not chr, done
Lda ACIA_Data ; else get chr
sec ; and set the Carry Flag
Get_Chr2: rts ; done
; output to OutPut Port
Put_Chr: PHA ; save registers
Put_Chr1: lda ACIA_Status ; serial port status
and #$10 ; is tx buffer empty
beq Put_Chr1 ; no, go back and test it again
PLA ; yes, get chr to send
sta ACIA_Data ; put character to Port
RTS ; done
; subroutines
GetByte: lda #$00 ; wait for chr input and cycle timing loop
sta retry ; set low value of timing loop
StartCrcLp: jsr Get_Chr ; get chr from serial port, don't wait
bcs GetByte1 ; got one, so exit
dec retry ; no character received, so dec counter
bne StartCrcLp ;
dec retry2 ; dec hi byte of counter
bne StartCrcLp ; look for character again
clc ; if loop times out, CLC, else SEC and return
GetByte1: rts ; with character in "A"
Flush: lda #$70 ; flush receive buffer
sta retry2 ; flush until empty for ~1 sec.
Flush1: jsr GetByte ; read the port
bcs Flush ; if chr recvd, wait for another
rts ; else done
; CRC subroutines
CalcCRC: lda #$00 ; yes, calculate the CRC for the 128 bytes
sta crc ;
sta crch ;
ldy #$02 ;
CalcCRC1: lda Rbuff,y ;
eor crc+1 ; Quick CRC computation with lookup tables
tax ; updates the two bytes at crc & crc+1
lda crc ; with the byte send in the "A" register
eor crchi,X
sta crc+1
lda crclo,X
sta crc
iny ;
cpy #$82 ; done yet?
bne CalcCRC1 ; no, get next
rts ; y=82 on exit
; The following tables are used to calculate the CRC for the 128 bytes
; in the xmodem data blocks. You can use these tables if you plan to
; store this program in ROM. If you choose to build them at run-time,
; then just delete them and define the two labels: crclo & crchi.
.res $100-(* & $FF)
; low byte CRC lookup table (should be page aligned)
.byte $00,$21,$42,$63,$84,$A5,$C6,$E7,$08,$29,$4A,$6B,$8C,$AD,$CE,$EF
.byte $31,$10,$73,$52,$B5,$94,$F7,$D6,$39,$18,$7B,$5A,$BD,$9C,$FF,$DE
.byte $62,$43,$20,$01,$E6,$C7,$A4,$85,$6A,$4B,$28,$09,$EE,$CF,$AC,$8D
.byte $53,$72,$11,$30,$D7,$F6,$95,$B4,$5B,$7A,$19,$38,$DF,$FE,$9D,$BC
.byte $C4,$E5,$86,$A7,$40,$61,$02,$23,$CC,$ED,$8E,$AF,$48,$69,$0A,$2B
.byte $F5,$D4,$B7,$96,$71,$50,$33,$12,$FD,$DC,$BF,$9E,$79,$58,$3B,$1A
.byte $A6,$87,$E4,$C5,$22,$03,$60,$41,$AE,$8F,$EC,$CD,$2A,$0B,$68,$49
.byte $97,$B6,$D5,$F4,$13,$32,$51,$70,$9F,$BE,$DD,$FC,$1B,$3A,$59,$78
.byte $88,$A9,$CA,$EB,$0C,$2D,$4E,$6F,$80,$A1,$C2,$E3,$04,$25,$46,$67
.byte $B9,$98,$FB,$DA,$3D,$1C,$7F,$5E,$B1,$90,$F3,$D2,$35,$14,$77,$56
.byte $EA,$CB,$A8,$89,$6E,$4F,$2C,$0D,$E2,$C3,$A0,$81,$66,$47,$24,$05
.byte $DB,$FA,$99,$B8,$5F,$7E,$1D,$3C,$D3,$F2,$91,$B0,$57,$76,$15,$34
.byte $4C,$6D,$0E,$2F,$C8,$E9,$8A,$AB,$44,$65,$06,$27,$C0,$E1,$82,$A3
.byte $7D,$5C,$3F,$1E,$F9,$D8,$BB,$9A,$75,$54,$37,$16,$F1,$D0,$B3,$92
.byte $2E,$0F,$6C,$4D,$AA,$8B,$E8,$C9,$26,$07,$64,$45,$A2,$83,$E0,$C1
.byte $1F,$3E,$5D,$7C,$9B,$BA,$D9,$F8,$17,$36,$55,$74,$93,$B2,$D1,$F0
; hi byte CRC lookup table (should be page aligned)
.byte $00,$10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60,$70,$81,$91,$A1,$B1,$C1,$D1,$E1,$F1
.byte $12,$02,$32,$22,$52,$42,$72,$62,$93,$83,$B3,$A3,$D3,$C3,$F3,$E3
.byte $24,$34,$04,$14,$64,$74,$44,$54,$A5,$B5,$85,$95,$E5,$F5,$C5,$D5
.byte $36,$26,$16,$06,$76,$66,$56,$46,$B7,$A7,$97,$87,$F7,$E7,$D7,$C7
.byte $48,$58,$68,$78,$08,$18,$28,$38,$C9,$D9,$E9,$F9,$89,$99,$A9,$B9
.byte $5A,$4A,$7A,$6A,$1A,$0A,$3A,$2A,$DB,$CB,$FB,$EB,$9B,$8B,$BB,$AB
.byte $6C,$7C,$4C,$5C,$2C,$3C,$0C,$1C,$ED,$FD,$CD,$DD,$AD,$BD,$8D,$9D
.byte $7E,$6E,$5E,$4E,$3E,$2E,$1E,$0E,$FF,$EF,$DF,$CF,$BF,$AF,$9F,$8F
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; End of File
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