source_rom = "iic+_rom5.bin" dest_rom = "iic+_rom5x.bin" rom_base = 0xc000 source_files ='*.s') desc "Default: clean and build it" task :default => [:clean, :assemble, :build_rom] do sh "ls -l #{dest_rom}" end desc "Clean object files" task :clean do sh "rm -f #{dest_rom}" sh "rm -f *.o65" sh "rm -f *.o65.lbl" end desc "Assemble all source files" task :assemble => source_files.ext('.o65') rule ".o65" => ".s" do |t| sh "xa -c -o #{} -l #{}.lbl #{t.source}" end desc "Build ROM" task :build_rom => [:assemble] do puts "Building ROM image..." obj_files ='*.o65') rom = obj_files.each do |t| if t =~ /B(\h)_(\h{4})/ bnum = $1.to_i(16) badd = $2.to_i(16) addr = bnum * 16384 + badd - rom_base fc = fl = fc.bytes.count puts "Loading #{t} into bank #{bnum} @ $#{badd.to_s(16)}, file addr $#{addr.to_s(16)}, len $#{fl.to_s(16)} (#{fl})" nzc = 0 fc.each_byte do |b| nzc += 1 if rom.getbyte(addr) != 0 rom.setbyte(addr, b) addr += 1 end puts "\tNote: patched over #{nzc} nonzero bytes!" if nzc > 0 else puts "I dont know where to load #{t}" end end File.write(dest_rom, rom) puts "ROM image done: #{dest_rom}" end desc "Build SST27SF512 Image" task :sf512 => [:build_rom] do sh "cat #{dest_rom} #{dest_rom} > sf512_#{dest_rom}" end