; Improved Apple IIc Plus accelerator firmware ; by M.G. ; Improvements over apple-supplied code: ; * bugs fixed ; * reset+ toggles acclerator on/off rather than setting slow ; * warm reset preserves configured settings ; * additional commands to read/write accelerator speed ; * reset+ configuration menu ; Config menu can be called independently from other alt ; bank firmware, such as ROM 5X ; note that in the current state, the code cannot be inserted ; into the ROM without moving the menu text and the speeds ; table. .ifdef testaccel TESTBLD = 1 .else TESTBLD = 0 ; set to 1 to enable test code that runs in random Apple II hw/emulator at $2000 ; this disables the bank switch and uses the main RAM at $0E00 to simulate the ; MIG RAM. Will configure a Zip Chip as if it were the IIc+ Accelerator. .endif XTRACMD = 0 ; set to 1 to enable extra accelerator speed commands ACCMENU = 1 ; set to 1 to enable accelerator menu ADEBUG = 0 ; turn on debugging (copies registers to $300 whenever they are set) .psc02 .if TESTBLD ; test build of accel code spdpct = 1 .else .include "iic+.defs" .endif ; zero page ZPAGE = $00 COUNTER = ZPAGE+0 ; used as a generic counter for loops CALLSP = ZPAGE+1 ; stack pointer at call time COMMAND = ZPAGE+2 ; command to execute UBFPTRL = ZPAGE+3 ; user buffer pointer - low byte UBFPTRH = ZPAGE+4 ; ditto - high byte EXITCOD = ZPAGE+5 ; exit code from command ; stack STACK = $0100 ; I/O IOPAGE = $C000 KBD = IOPAGE+$00 KBDSTR = IOPAGE+$10 ZIP5A = IOPAGE+$5A ZIP5B = IOPAGE+$5B ZIP5C = IOPAGE+$5C ZIP5D = IOPAGE+$5D ZIP5E = IOPAGE+$5E ZIP5F = IOPAGE+$5F ; MIG .if ::TESTBLD MIGBASE = $0E00 .else MIGBASE = $CE00 .endif MIGRAM = MIGBASE PWRUPB0 = MIGRAM+0 ; powerup byte PWRUPB1 = MIGRAM+1 ; powerup byte ACWL = MIGRAM+2 ; accelerator control word - low, also ZIP $C05C reg ACWH = MIGRAM+3 ; accelerator control word - high KBDSAVE = MIGRAM+4 ; saved keystroke ZIP5CSV = MIGRAM+5 ; configured $C05C register ZIP5DSV = MIGRAM+6 ; configured $C05D register ZIP5ESV = MIGRAM+7 ; configured $C05E register ZIP5FSV = MIGRAM+8 ; configured $C05F register ZPSAVE = MIGRAM+$10 ; 8 zero page values saved here MIGPAG0 = MIGBASE+$A0 ; MIG set page 0 MIGPAGI = MIGBASE+$20 ; MIG increment page ; fixed values PWRUPV0 = $33 PWRUPV1 = $55 ESCKEY = $9B TABKEY = $89 ; routines we use WAIT = $FCA8 AUXWAIT = $FCB5 NORMAL = $FC27 SWRTS2 = $C784 .if ::TESTBLD .org $2000 lda #$00 pha jsr ACCEL rts .else .org $FD00 .endif .proc ACCEL bra accel1 jmp AMENU accel1: php sei phy phx bit MIGPAG0 bit MIGPAGI bit MIGPAGI ; save used ZP locations ldx #$07 @loop: lda ZPAGE,x sta ZPSAVE,x stz ZPAGE,x dex bpl @loop ; get command & any parameters tsx txa tay iny lda STACK+6,x sta COMMAND cmp #$05 ; read accelerator - first command with pointer parameter stx CALLSP bcc noparm ; no parameter command lda STACK+7,x sta UBFPTRL lda STACK+8,x sta UBFPTRH iny iny inx inx noparm: inx txs ldx CALLSP lda #$05 sta COUNTER @loop: lda STACK+5,x sta STACK+5,y dex dey dec COUNTER bne @loop lda COMMAND .if ::XTRACMD cmp #$09 ; bad command number? .else cmp #$07 .endif bcc docmd ; no, do command lda #$01 sta EXITCOD bra acceldn docmd: asl a ; calculate jump table offset tax jsr dispcmd ; dispatch command acceldn: lda EXITCOD pha ; restore zero page contnets ldx #$07 @loop: lda ZPSAVE,x sta ZPAGE,x dex bpl @loop ; fixed bug pla plx ply plp clc cmp #$00 beq doexit sec doexit: .if ::TESTBLD rts .else jmp SWRTS2 .endif dispcmd: jmp (cmdtable,x) .endproc ; ACCEL ; Initialize Accelerator (undocumented) .proc AINIT ; give time for user to hit key ldx #$03 @loop: lda #$FF .if ::TESTBLD jsr WAIT .else jsr AUXWAIT .endif dex bne @loop ; now read keyboard lda KBD sta KBDSAVE ; check powerup bytes lda PWRUPB0 cmp #PWRUPV0 bne coldst lda PWRUPB1 cmp #PWRUPV1 beq warmst coldst: lda KBDSAVE ora #$80 sta KBDSAVE jsr MIGINIT warmst: lda KBDSAVE cmp #ESCKEY bne doinit ; toggle accelerator speed lda ACWH ; kept in ACWH eor #$08 ; toggle bit 4 sta ACWH doinit: jsr AUNLK ; unlock registers jsr ASETR1 ; set registers jsr ALOCK ; lock accelerator ; set powerup bytes lda #PWRUPV0 sta PWRUPB0 lda #PWRUPV1 sta PWRUPB1 .if ::ACCMENU ; now handle keyboard for menu lda KBDSAVE cmp #TABKEY bne initdn sta KBDSTR jsr AMENU .endif initdn: lda ACWH and #$08 beq exinit ; 0 if accel enabled .if ::TESTBLD lda #$4e sta $0500 sta KBDSTR .else jmp NORMAL .endif exinit: rts .endproc ; AINIT ; initialize values in MIG RAM .proc MIGINIT ldx #$03 @loop: lda IREGV,x sta ZIP5CSV,x dex bpl @loop lda IACWL sta ACWL lda IACWH sta ACWH rts .endproc ; MIGINIT ; conditionally enable accelerator according to bit 4 of Y register .proc ACOND tya and #$08 bne ADISA ; otherwise fall through .endproc ; ACOND ; enable accelerator .proc AENAB lda #$08 sta ZIP5B trb ACWH rts .endproc ; AENAB ; disable accelerator .proc ADISA lda #$08 sta ZIP5A tsb ACWH rts .endproc ; ADISA ; lock accelerator registers .proc ALOCK lda #$A5 sta ZIP5A lda #$10 tsb ACWH lda #$80 trb ACWH ; z flag is 0 if bit 7 was 0 bne :+ ; if DHiRes was off bit ZIP5E ; otherwise make sure it is on bra :++ : bit ZIP5F ; make sure it is off : rts .endproc ; ALOCK ; unlock accelerator registers .proc AUNLK lda $c07f ; RdDHiRes - bit 7 = 1 if off, 0 if on and #$80 tsb ACWH ; put in ACWH lda #$5A sta ZIP5A sta ZIP5A sta ZIP5A sta ZIP5A lda #$10 trb ACWH rts .endproc ; AUNLK ; read accelerator .proc AREAD ldy #$00 lda ACWL sta (UBFPTRL),y iny lda ACWH sta (UBFPTRL),y rts .endproc ; AREAD ; write accelerator .proc AWRIT lda #$40 trb ACWH ; clear writable bits ldy #$00 lda (UBFPTRL),y tax iny lda (UBFPTRL),y and #$40 ; all other bits reserved ora ACWH ; merge in existing ACWH less the bits we cleared above tay ;jsr AUNLK ; Apple code unlocks in write command, prob a bug. ;jsr ASETR ;jsr ALOCK ; bug cont'd. ;rts ; fall through .endproc ; AWRIT ; set accelerator registers ; x = new ACWL ; y = new ACWH .proc ASETR ; php ; pha ; phx stx ACWL stx ZIP5CSV sty ACWH lda #$40 ; reset paddle speed trb ZIP5FSV tya and #$40 ; mask paddle speed ora ZIP5FSV ; merge with existing $c05f values sta ZIP5FSV ; and put back ; now set ZIP registers from MIG RAM ;jsr ASETR1 ; plx ; pla ; plp ;rts ; fall through .endproc ; ASETR1 ; set accelerator registers from saved values in MIG .proc ASETR1 ldx #$03 ; set all registers from MIG stx ZIP5B ; turn on accelerator for writing @loop: lda ZIP5CSV,x sta ZIP5C,x .if ::TESTBLD sta MIGRAM+$0c,x ; copy to unused locs for inspection .endif .if ::ADEBUG sta $300,x ; DEBUG .endif dex bpl @loop ldy ACWH ; ACWH jmp ACOND ; leave accelerator in configured state .endproc ; ASETR1 cmdtable: .word AINIT .word AENAB .word ADISA .word ALOCK .word AUNLK .word AREAD .word AWRIT .if ::XTRACMD .word ARSPD .word AWSPD ; get the accelerator speed register .proc ARSPD ldy #$00 lda ZIP5DSV sta (UBFPTRL),y rts .endproc ; ARSPD ; write the accelerator speed register .proc AWSPD ldy #$00 lda (UBFPTRL),y sta ZIP5DSV tay jsr AUNLK sty ZIP5D jsr ALOCK rts .endproc ; AWSPD .endif IACWL: .byte %01100111 ; initial ACWL - same as $C05C IACWH: .byte %01010000 ; initial ACWH - b6 = 1=paddle slow, b4 = reg 1=lock/0=unlock ; b3 = 1=accel disable, rest reserved by apple ; rom5x: b7 = state of DHiRes when accelerator was unlocked IREGV: .byte %01100111 ; Initial $C05C - slots & speaker: b7-b1 = slot speed. b0 = speaker delay .byte %00000000 ; Initial $C05D - $00 = 4MHz .byte %01000000 ; Initial $C05E - b7=0 enable I/O sync, b6=undoc .byte %01000000 ; Initial $C05F - b7=0 enable L/C accel, b6=1 paddle sync (slow) .if ::ACCMENU ; accelerator config menu ; ---------|---------|---------|---------| ; Accel: On Spk Dly: On ; Speed: 4.00 Pdl Dly: On ; .proc AMENU ; do this in case someone else calls us outside of AINIT bit MIGPAG0 bit MIGPAGI bit MIGPAGI ; save ZP locs we are using lda COUNTER pha lda UBFPTRH pha lda UBFPTRL pha amenu1: jsr disp ; disp menu with Accel Off lda ACWH ; get ACWH and #$08 ; check accelerator enabled bne aminp ; if not, go to input ldx #(msg2-msg1) ; rest of menu jsr disp0 ; on screen lda ZIP5CSV ; should be same as ACWL and #$01 ; bit 1 = speaker delay, 1 = enable bne dpdl ; Skip if enabled lda #$e6 ; Change on to off in menu sta $06c6 sta $06c7 dpdl: lda ZIP5FSV ; 5F register has paddle delay and #$40 ; bit 6 = paddle delay (1 = slow) bne dspd ; 1 = on, skip lda #$e6 ; change on to off in menu sta $0746 sta $0747 dspd: lda ZIP5DSV ; Speed in 5D register sta COUNTER ; if it is 4 MHz, this will stay 0 tay beq aminp ; get input since menu already says 4.00 ldx #38 ; # of speeds(20) * 2 - 1 @sloop: lda spdtab,x ; get speed table speed byte tay and #$fc ; mask off irrelevant bits we use for MHz cmp ZIP5DSV ; see if matching beq dspd1 ; if so, display it dex ; otherwise, next entry dex bpl @sloop ; fall through will say 0.00 MHz or 00% dspd1: tya stx COUNTER ; which speed option is selected .if ::TESTBLD stx $0e1f ; DEBUG .endif .if ::spdpct lda #$a0 ; space .else and #$03 ; MHz value ora #$b0 ; to digit .endif sta $072b ; ones (MHz) or 100s (%) inx lda spdtab,x tay lsr lsr lsr lsr ora #$b0 .if ::spdpct sta $072c ; 10s (%) .else sta $072d ; 10ths (MHz) .endif tya and #$0f ora #$b0 .if ::spdpct sta $072d ; 1s (%) .else sta $072e ; 100ths (MHz) .endif aminp: ldy #$00 lda #$60 sta (UBFPTRL),y @kloop: lda KBD bpl @kloop bit KBDSTR ckrtn: cmp #$8d ; return beq exit and #$df ; upper case ckA: cmp #$c1 ; 'A' bne ckrest lda ACWH eor #$08 sta ACWH bra tomenu ckrest: tay lda ACWH ; get ACWH and #$08 ; check accelerator enabled bne tomenu ; if not, do not allow changes tya ckrt: cmp #$95 ; right arrow bne cklt ldx COUNTER dex dex bmi tomenu setspd: lda spdtab,x and #$fc sta ZIP5DSV bra tomenu cklt: cmp #$88 ; left arrow bne ckS ldx COUNTER inx inx cpx #35 ; should stop at 0.67 bcc setspd bra tomenu ckS: cmp #$d3 ; 'S' bne ckP lda ZIP5CSV eor #$01 sta ZIP5CSV sta ACWL bra tomenu ckP: cmp #$d0 ; 'P' bne tomenu lda ZIP5FSV eor #$40 sta ZIP5FSV lda ACWH eor #$40 sta ACWH tomenu: jmp amenu1 ; restore saved values and set accelerator exit: pla sta UBFPTRL pla sta UBFPTRH pla sta COUNTER jsr AUNLK jsr ASETR1 jsr ALOCK jmp dclear disp: jsr dclear inx ldy #$00 disp0: lda msg1,x bne disp1 rts disp1: inx cmp #$20 ; ' ' bcc disp2 eor #$80 sta (UBFPTRL),y inc UBFPTRL bra disp0 disp2: sta UBFPTRH lda msg1,x sta UBFPTRL inx bra disp0 dclear: lda #$a0 ldx #$27 @cloop: sta $0628,x ; line 12 sta $06a8,x ; 13 sta $0728,x ; 14 sta $07a8,x ; 15 dex bpl @cloop rts .if ::TESTBLD .include "accelmenu.h" spdtab: .include "spdtab.h" .else msg1 = ::amenu1 msg2 = ::amenu2 .endif .endproc ; AMENU ; check for run into vector area .assert * < $ffe0, error, "accel5x overran $ffe0" .endif