snes: more work on missile sprite movement

This commit is contained in:
Vince Weaver 2013-01-29 17:05:01 -05:00
parent 72ea76cfa9
commit b35021a073
2 changed files with 47 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
.word $a2bd ; Complement of checksum
.word $5d42 ; Unsigned 16-bit sum of ROM
.word $a1f3 ; Complement of checksum
.word $5e0c ; Unsigned 16-bit sum of ROM

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@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ joypad1_pressed_h = $0b
joypad1_held = $0c
joypad1_held_h = $0d
sprite_l = $10
sprite_h = $11
HISCORE_1 = $cb
HISCORE_2 = $cc
HISCORE_3 = $cd
@ -261,51 +264,49 @@ level_1:
sep #$20 ; mem/A = 8 bit
; setup ship sprite
; Xxxxxxxxx yyyyyyy cccccccc vhoo pppN
lda #104
sta $0200 ; set sprite 0 X to 0
lda #104 ; set shipx to 104
sta $0200 ;
lda #192 ; set sprite 0 Y to 100
lda #192 ; set shipy to 192
sta $0201
stz $0202 ; set sprite 0
stz $0202 ; set ship sprite to 0
; 0010 0000
; no flip, priority 2, N=0 palette=0 (128)
lda #$20
lda #$20 ; no flip, priority 2, N=0 palette=0 ($20)
sta $0203
; set sprites 1,2,3 to be missiles
lda #100
sta $0204
sta $0205
lda #12 ; sprite location 13
sta $0206
sta $020a
sta $020e
lda #$20
sta $0207
sta $020b
sta $020f
; X high bit = 0 for sprite 0
; sprite size = 1 (larger)
lda #%01010110
sta $0400
; Enable sprite
; set sprites 8,9,10,11 to be missiles
lda #12 ; sprite location 13
sta $0202 + 4*8
sta $0202 + 4*9
sta $0202 + 4*10
sta $0202 + 4*11
lda #$20 ; pal=0, priority=2, flip=none
sta $0203 + 4*8
sta $0203 + 4*9
sta $0203 + 4*10
sta $0203 + 4*11
; Enable sprites
; sssnnbbb
; sss = size (011 = 16x16 and 32x32)
; nn = name
@ -378,8 +379,8 @@ do_new_game:
;; set up struct pointers
ldx #.LOWORD(missile_0) ; setup missle struct pointer
; ldx #.LOWORD(missile_0) ; setup missle struct pointer
ldx #.LOWORD(enemy_0) ; setup enemy struct pointer
@ -1768,6 +1769,12 @@ laser_hit:
; Move Missiles
; Missiles are 8,9,10,11 in sprite table
; ldy #$0 ; point to missile[0]
; lda (MISSILE_PL),Y ; get missile[y]
@ -1949,15 +1956,15 @@ fire_missiles:
; iny ; point to missile[y].x
lda #8
adc shipx ; missile[y].x=shipx+3
sta $0204
adc shipx ; missile[y].x=shipx+8
sta $0220
; iny ; point to missile[y].y
lda #190 ; set to 16
sta $0205
lda #190 ; set to 190
sta $0221
lda $0400
and #~$4
sta $0400
lda $0402
and #.LOBYTE(~$1)
sta $0402
; jmp done_fire_missiles