; ; tb1_snes.s -- Tom Bombem SNES in 65c816 Assembly v 0.1 ; ; by Vince Weaver ; Page zero locations ;LOGOH EQU $F9 .setcpu "65816" .segment "STARTUP" ; Called at Reset (Startup) Time Reset: ; Run the initialization code ; as the hardware state is unknown at reset .include "snes_init.s" ;================================ ; Get Ready to Go ;================================ phk ;make sure Data Bank = Program Bank plb cli ;enable interrupts ;============================================== ;============================================== ; DONE INITIALIZATION ;============================================== ;============================================== start_program: jsr display_opening ; jsr display_title jsr level_1 .include "title_screen.s" .include "opening.s" .include "level_1.s" .include "svmwgraph.s" ;============================================================================ wram_fill_byte: .byte $00 .segment "CARTINFO" .byte "TOM BOMBEM 1 " ; Game Title (21 bytes) .byte $21 ; ROM Layout ; 0x20:LowRom ; 0x21:HiRom ; 0x30/0x31:FastRom .byte $00 ; Cartridge Type (00 == only ROM) .byte $09 ; ROM Size (2^N KB) .byte $00 ; RAM Size .byte $01 ; Country Code (1=NTSC,2=PAL) .byte $00 ; License Code (0=unassigned) .byte $00 ; Version .include "checksum.inc" .word $0,$0 ; unknown? ; Interrupt Vectors! .word $0000 ; Native:COP .word $0000 ; Native:BRK .word $0000 ; Native:ABORT vblank_vector: .word $0000 ; Native:NMI .word $0000 ; .word $0000 ; Native:IRQ .word $0000 ; .word $0000 ; .word $0000 ; Emulation:COP .word $0000 ; .word $0000 ; Emulation:ABORT .word $0000 ; Emulation:NMI .word .LOWORD(Reset) ; Emulation:RESET .word $0000 ; Emulation:IRQ/BRK