/****************************************************************\ \* TOM BOMBEM AND THE INVASION OF THE INANIMATE_OBJECTS */ /* version 2.9.16 26 December 2009 *\ \* by Vince Weaver vince@deater.net */ /* *\ \* Originally written in Pascal and x86 assembly for DOS */ /* using the PCGPE code as an example in 1994 *\ \* Ported to Linux, C, and ggi late 1997-early 1998 */ /* Port continued to SDL in June of 2000 *\ \* This source is released under the GPL */ /****************************************************************/ #define TB1_VERSION "2.9.16" #include #include /* for calloc */ #include /* for strncpy */ #include #include #include #include "svmwgraph/svmwgraph.h" #include "tb1_state.h" #include "tblib.h" #include "sound.h" #include "graphic_tools.h" #include "help.h" #include "quit.h" #include "story.h" #include "credits.h" #include "about.h" #include "loadsave.h" #include "options.h" #include "playgame.h" int command_line_help(int show_version,char *runas) { if (!show_version) { printf("Usage: %s [-curses] [-double] [-fullscreen] [-nosound]" " [-version] [-?]\n\n",runas); printf(" -curses : play in color text-mode\n"); printf(" -double : play in 640x480 mode\n"); printf(" -fullscreen : play in fullscreen mode (if available)\n"); printf(" -nosound : disables sound within game\n"); printf(" -opengl : play in openGL mode\n"); printf(" -version : print version\n"); printf(" -? : print this help message\n"); printf("\n"); } return 0; } void vmw_opener(tb1_state *game_state, vmwVisual *virtual_1) { int x; for(x=0;x<256;x++) { vmwLoadPalette(game_state->graph_state,0,0,0,x); /* 0=black */ } /* Do the VMW Software Production Logo */ for(x=0;x<=40;x++) { vmwLoadPalette(game_state->graph_state, ((x+20)*4),0,0,100+x); vmwLoadPalette(game_state->graph_state,0,0, ( (x+20)*4 ),141+x); vmwLoadPalette(game_state->graph_state,0, ( (x+20)*4),0,182+x); } /* Set the white color */ vmwLoadPalette(game_state->graph_state,0xff,0xff,0xff,15); vmwFlushPalette(game_state->graph_state); /* Actually draw the stylized VMW */ for(x=0;x<=40;x++) { vmwDrawVLine(x+40,45,2*x,100+x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+120,45,2*x,141+x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+200,45,2*x,141+x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+80,125-(2*x),2*x,182+x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+160,125-(2*x),2*x,182+x,virtual_1); } for(x=40;x>0;x--){ vmwDrawVLine(x+80,45,80-(2*x),140-x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+160,45,80-(2*x),181-x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+240,45,80-(2*x),181-x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+120,45+(2*x),80-(2*x),222-x,virtual_1); vmwDrawVLine(x+200,45+(2*x),80-(2*x),222-x,virtual_1); } vmwTextXY("A VMW SOFTWARE PRODUCTION",60,140, 15,15,0,game_state->graph_state->default_font,virtual_1); if ((game_state->sound_possible) && (game_state->music_enabled)) { playSound(); } vmwBlitMemToDisplay(game_state->graph_state,virtual_1); pauseawhile(5); vmwFadeToBlack(game_state->graph_state,virtual_1,0); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { int i,grapherror,reloadpic=0; int ch,barpos,time_sec; int graphics_target=VMW_SDLTARGET; FILE *fff; char *dir_name,options_file[BUFSIZ]; vmwVisual *virtual_1,*virtual_3;//*virtual_2 tb1_state *game_state; vmwFont *tb1_font; struct timeval time_info; struct timezone dontcare; printf("\nTom Bombem v%s by Vince Weaver vince@deater.net\n",TB1_VERSION); printf(" http://www.deater.net/weave/vmwprod/tb1\n\n"); /* Setup the game state */ if ( (game_state=calloc(1,sizeof(tb1_state)))==NULL) { printf("You are seriously low on RAM!\n"); return 3; } /* Some sane defaults */ game_state->level=0; game_state->shields=0; game_state->score=0; game_state->virtual_1=NULL; //game_state->virtual_2=NULL; game_state->virtual_3=NULL; game_state->sound_possible=1; game_state->music_enabled=1; game_state->sound_enabled=1; game_state->sound_volume=5; game_state->music_volume=5; game_state->default_double_size=0; game_state->default_fullscreen=0; /* Load saved defaults, if any */ dir_name=check_for_tb1_directory(game_state,0); if (dir_name==NULL) { printf(" + No ~/.tb1 directory. Using default options.\n"); } else { sprintf(options_file,"%s/options.tb1",dir_name); fff=fopen(options_file,"r"); if (fff==NULL) { printf(" + No ~/.tb1/options.tb1 file. Using defaults.\n"); } else { printf(" + Reading options from ~/.tb1/options.tb1\n"); fscanf(fff,"%i %i %i %i %i %i", &game_state->sound_enabled, &game_state->music_enabled, &game_state->sound_volume, &game_state->music_volume, &game_state->default_double_size, &game_state->default_fullscreen); fclose(fff); } } /* Parse Command Line Arguments */ i=1; while(idefault_fullscreen=1; break; case 'c': graphics_target=VMW_CURSESTARGET; break; case 'd': game_state->default_double_size=1; break; case 'n': game_state->sound_possible=0; printf(" + Sound totally disabled\n"); break; case 'o': graphics_target=VMW_OPENGLTARGET; break; default : command_line_help(0,argv[0]); printf("Unknown Option: %s\n\n",argv[i]); return 5; } } else { command_line_help(0,argv[0]); printf("Unknown Option: %s\n\n",argv[i]); return 5; } i++; } /* Find the Data */ /* FIXME : User Defined Path Info*/ if ( (fff=fopen("./data/tb1_data_files_here","r"))!=NULL) { strncpy(game_state->path_to_data,"./data/",20); } else if ( (fff=fopen("/usr/local/games/tb1/data/tb1_data_files_here","r")) !=NULL) { strncpy(game_state->path_to_data,"/usr/local/games/tb1/data/",40); } else { char tempst[200]; sprintf(tempst,"%s/.tb1/data/tb1_data_files_here",getenv("HOME")); if ( (fff=fopen(tempst,"r"))!=NULL) { sprintf(game_state->path_to_data,"%s/.tb1/data/",getenv("HOME")); } else { printf("ERROR! Could not find tb1 data!\n"); printf(" Checked ./data, /usr/local/games/tb1/data\n"); printf(" and %s/.tb1/data\n\n",getenv("HOME")); return 9; } } printf(" + Found tb1 data in %s\n",game_state->path_to_data); /* LEGACY OPERATION BOTTLECAP STUFF---> *\ \* --> You are not meant to understand this <-- */ /* No 9-22-94 Back to yes 10-6-94 uh_oh 2-21-95 *\ \* gone for real long time 10-12-95 */ /* 11-95 not AMG, but AAT *\ \* 3-96 oh well... gave up on AAT finally */ /* 5-11-96 Now MLP... *\ \* 9-22-2000 :( */ /* 3-25-2002 Now KRG ;) */ /* Randomize random number generator */ srandom(time(NULL)); printf(" + Seeding random number generator...\n"); /* Load/Detect sound */ if (game_state->sound_possible) { if (initSound(game_state->path_to_data)<0) { game_state->sound_possible=0; } /* Load fanfare Music */ if (game_state->sound_possible) { loadSound(tb1_data_file("music/vmwfan.mod",game_state->path_to_data)); } printf(" + Loaded sounds...\n"); } /* Setup Graphics */ if (!game_state->default_double_size) { if ( (game_state->graph_state= vmwSetupSVMWGraph(graphics_target, 320,200, 0,1, game_state->default_fullscreen, 1))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Couldn't get display set up properly.\n"); return VMW_ERROR_DISPLAY; } } else { /* We are double-sized */ if ( (game_state->graph_state= vmwSetupSVMWGraph(graphics_target, 640,480, 0,2, game_state->default_fullscreen, 1))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Couldn't get display set up properly.\n"); return VMW_ERROR_DISPLAY; } } /* Load the tom bombem font */ game_state->graph_state->default_font= vmwLoadFont(tb1_data_file("tbfont.tb1", game_state->path_to_data),8,16,256); printf(" + Loaded tb1 font...\n"); /* Allocate the 3 virtual screens */ if ((game_state->virtual_1=vmwSetupVisual(320,200))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Couldn't get RAM for virtual screen 1!\n"); return VMW_ERROR_MEM; } if ((game_state->virtual_2=vmwSetupVisual(320,400))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Couldn't get RAM for virtual screen 2!\n"); return VMW_ERROR_MEM; } if ((game_state->virtual_3=vmwSetupVisual(320,200))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Couldn't get RAM for virtual screen 3!\n"); return VMW_ERROR_MEM; } printf(" + Allocated virtual screens...\n"); /* To ease typing burden */ virtual_1=game_state->virtual_1; //virtual_2=game_state->virtual_2; virtual_3=game_state->virtual_3; tb1_font=game_state->graph_state->default_font; /* The "fancy" opener */ vmw_opener(game_state,virtual_1); /* Load menu music */ if (game_state->sound_possible) { stopSound(); loadSound(tb1_data_file("music/weave1.mod",game_state->path_to_data)); } /* Load palette */ grapherror=vmwLoadPicPacked(0,0,virtual_1,1,0, tb1_data_file("tbomb1.tb1", game_state->path_to_data), game_state->graph_state); if (grapherror) { return -1; } /* Bit of a hack to load proper unfade colors */ vmwFadeToBlack(game_state->graph_state,virtual_1,1); /* Load Title Picture */ grapherror=vmwLoadPicPacked(0,0,virtual_1,1,1, tb1_data_file("tbomb1.tb1", game_state->path_to_data), game_state->graph_state); /* Copy the picture over */ vmwFlipVirtual(virtual_3,virtual_1,320,200); vmwUnFade(game_state->graph_state,virtual_1); /* Main Menu Loop */ while(1) { /* If virtual_3 was over-written, re-load it */ if (reloadpic) { if ((game_state->sound_possible) && (game_state->music_enabled)) { loadSound(tb1_data_file("music/weave1.mod", game_state->path_to_data)); } grapherror=vmwLoadPicPacked(0,0,virtual_3,1,1, tb1_data_file("tbomb1.tb1", game_state->path_to_data), game_state->graph_state); reloadpic=0; } vmwFlipVirtual(virtual_1,virtual_3,320,200); /* Play the menu-music */ if ((game_state->sound_possible) && (game_state->music_enabled)) { playSound(); } vmwBlitMemToDisplay(game_state->graph_state,virtual_1); /* Don't show the menu until keypress/15s */ pauseawhile(15); barpos=0; vmwTextXY("F1 HELP",0,190,9,7,0,tb1_font,virtual_1); coolbox(117,61,199,140,1,virtual_1); vmwBlitMemToDisplay(game_state->graph_state,virtual_1); ch=0; while(ch!=VMW_ENTER){ if (barpos==0) { vmwTextXY("NEW GAME",123,67,32,0,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } else { vmwTextXY("NEW GAME",123,67,32,7,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } if (barpos==1) { vmwTextXY("OPTIONS",123,77,32,0,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } else { vmwTextXY("OPTIONS",123,77,32,7,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } if (barpos==2) { vmwTextXY("ABOUT",123,87,32,0,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } else { vmwTextXY("ABOUT",123,87,32,7,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } if (barpos==3) { vmwTextXY("LOAD GAME",123,97,32,0,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } else { vmwTextXY("LOAD GAME",123,97,32,7,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } if (barpos==4) { vmwTextXY("STORY",123,107,32,0,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } else { vmwTextXY("STORY",123,107,32,7,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } if (barpos==5) { vmwTextXY("CREDITS",123,117,32,0,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } else { vmwTextXY("CREDITS",123,117,32,7,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } if (barpos==6) { vmwTextXY("QUIT",123,127,32,0,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } else { vmwTextXY("QUIT",123,127,32,7,1,tb1_font,virtual_1); } vmwBlitMemToDisplay(game_state->graph_state,virtual_1); /* If at title screen too long, run credits */ gettimeofday(&time_info,&dontcare); time_sec=time_info.tv_sec; while( ((ch=vmwGetInput())==0)) { usleep(30); gettimeofday(&time_info,&dontcare); if (time_info.tv_sec-time_sec>40) { if (game_state->sound_possible) stopSound(); credits(game_state); ch=VMW_ENTER; barpos=9; reloadpic=1; break; } } /* Change menu position based on key pressed */ if ((ch==VMW_DOWN)||(ch==VMW_RIGHT)) barpos++; if ((ch==VMW_UP) || (ch==VMW_LEFT)) barpos--; if (ch==VMW_F1) {barpos=10; ch=VMW_ENTER;} /*F1*/ if (ch=='n') barpos=0; /*N*/ if (ch=='o') barpos=1; /*O*/ if (ch=='a') barpos=2; /*A*/ if (ch=='l') barpos=3; /*L*/ if (ch=='s') barpos=4; /*S*/ if (ch=='c') barpos=5; /*C*/ if (ch=='q') barpos=6; /*Q*/ if (ch==VMW_ESCAPE){ /* escape */ barpos=6; ch=VMW_ENTER; } if(barpos==7) barpos=0; if(barpos<0) barpos=6; } if (game_state->sound_possible) stopSound(); /* Run whatever it was that the person pressed */ switch (barpos) { case 0: playthegame(game_state); reloadpic=1; break; case 1: options(game_state); reloadpic=1; break; case 2: about(game_state); reloadpic=1; break; case 3: loadgame(game_state); reloadpic=1; break; case 4: story(game_state); reloadpic=1; break; case 5: credits(game_state); break; case 6: barpos=quit(game_state); break; case 10: help(game_state); reloadpic=1; break; } } }