2013-01-17 21:37:27 -05:00

228 lines
4.6 KiB

; title_screen.s
; by Vince Weaver <vince _at_ deater.net>
; Draws the title screen in Mode 3
rep #$10 ; X/Y = 16 bit
sep #$20 ; mem/A = 8 bit
; Display to the screen
; Setup Background
; we want the BG1 Tilemap to start at VRAM $F000 (60k)
; Format is
; aaaa aass a is shifted by 10 for address
; ss = size of screen in tiles 00 = 32x32
; 1111 0000
lda #$f0 ; BG1 Tilemap starts at VRAM $F000
sta $2107 ; bg1 src
; aaaa bbbb a= BG2 tiles, b= BG1 tiles
; bbbb<<13
; 0000 0000
; our BG1 tiles are stored starting in VRAM $0000
lda #$00
sta $210b ; bg1 tile data starts at VRAM 0000
; Load Palettes
stz $2121 ; CGRAM color-generator read/write address
ldy #$0200 ; we have 256 colors / 512 bytes
ldx #$0000 ; pointer
lda f:tile_palette, x ; load byte of palette
sta $2122 ; store to color generator
bne copypal
; Load Tile Data
; replace with DMA!
rep #$20 ; set accumulator/mem to 16bit
lda #$0000 ;
sta $2116 ; set adddress for VRAM read/write
; multiply by 2, so 0x0000
ldy #$7000 ; Copy 896 tiles, which are 64 bytes each
; 8x8 tile with 8bpp (four bits per pixel)
; in 2-byte chunks, so
; (896*64)/2 = 28672 = 0x7000
ldx #$0000
lda f:tile_data, x
sta $2118 ; write the data
inx ; increment by 2 (16-bits)
dey ; decrement counter
bne copy_tile_data
; Load TB_FONT Data
; replace with DMA!
; rep #$20 ; set accumulator/mem to 16bit
; lda #$6000 ;
; sta $2116 ; set adddress for VRAM read/write
; ; multiply by 2, so 0xc000
; ldy #$600 ; Copy 96 tiles, which are 32 bytes each
; ; 8x8 tile with 4bpp (four bits per pixel)
; ; in 2-byte chunks, so
; ; (96*32)/2 = 1536 = 0x600
; ldx #$0000
; lda f:tb_font, x
; sta $2118 ; write the data
; inx ; increment by 2 (16-bits)
; inx
; dey ; decrement counter
; bne copy_font_data
; clear background to linear tilemap
lda #$f000 ; we set tilemap to be at VRAM 0xf000 earlier
sta $2116
ldy #$0000 ; clear counters
; store to VRAM
; the bottom 8 bits is the tile to use
; the top 8 bits is vhopppcc
; vert flip, horiz flip o=priority
; p = palette, c=top bits of tile#
; 8-bit color so ppp is 0
; and we have a linear tilemap
; 0000 0000
; vhop ppcc cccc cccc
sta $2118
cpy #$0380 ; 32x28 = 896 = 0x380
bne fill_screen_loop
; Write String to Background
sep #$20 ; set accumulator to 8 bit
; as we only want to do an 8-bit load
; Enable sprite
; sssnnbbb
; ss = size (8x8 in our case)
; nn = name
; bb = base selection, VRAM >> 14
; lda #%00000010 ; point at 0x4000 in VRAM
; sta $2101
; 000abcde
; a = object, b=BG4 c=BG3 d=BG2 e=BG1
; lda #%00010001 ; Enable BG1
lda #%00000001 ; Enable BG1
sta $212c
; disable subscreen
stz $212d
; abcd efff
; abcd = 8 (0) or 16 width for BG1234
; e = priority for BG3
; fff = background mode
lda #$03
sta $2105 ; set Mode 3
; a000 bbbb
; a = screen on/off (0=on), ffff = brightness
lda #$0f
sta $2100 ; Turn on screen, full Brightness
; lda #$81 ; Enable NMI (VBlank Interrupt) and joypads
; sta $4200 ;
; repeat forever
; stp?
bra overflowing
.segment "HIGHROM"
;.include "tbfont.inc"
.include "tb1_title.tiles"