Vince Weaver b77a08de38 snes: fix sprite copy routine
urgh the 8/16 bit rep/sep strikes again
2013-01-21 12:05:57 -05:00

289 lines
5.2 KiB

; Page zero locations
ball_x = $0000
.setcpu "65816"
.segment "STARTUP"
rep #$20 ; mem/A = 16 bit
; Setup VBLANK routine
sei ; disable interrupts
lda #level1_vblank
sta vblank_vector
cli ; enable interrupts
sep #$20 ; mem/A = 8 bit
; Setup Background
; Setup Sprite
; Load Palette for our sprite
; Sprite Palettes start at color 128
lda #128
sta $2121 ; Start at START color
lda #^sprite_palette ; Using ^ before the parameter gets its bank.
ldx #sprite_palette ;
ldy #(16 * 2) ; 2 bytes for every color
; In: A:X -- points to the data
; Y -- Size of data
php ; Preserve Registers
sep #$20
stx $4302 ; Store data offset into DMA source offset
sta $4304 ; Store data bank into DMA source bank
sty $4305 ; Store size of data block
stz $4300 ; Set DMA Mode (byte, normal increment)
lda #$22 ; Set destination register ($2122 - CGRAM Write)
sta $4301
lda #$01 ; Initiate DMA transfer
sta $420B
plp ; Restore registers
; Load sprite data to VRAM
lda #$80
sta $2115
ldx #$0000 ; DEST
stx $2116 ; $2116: Word address for accessing VRAM.
lda #^sprite_data ; SRCBANK
ldx #sprite_data ; SRCOFFSET
ldy #$0100 ; SIZE
; In: A:X -- points to the data
; Y -- Number of bytes to copy (0 to 65535) (assumes 16-bit index)
php ; Preserve Registers
sep #$20
stx $4302 ; Store Data offset into DMA source offset
sta $4304 ; Store data Bank into DMA source bank
sty $4305 ; Store size of data block
lda #$01
sta $4300 ; Set DMA mode (word, normal increment)
lda #$18 ; Set the destination register (VRAM write register)
sta $4301
lda #$01 ; Initiate DMA transfer (channel 1)
sta $420B
plp ; restore registers
; Init sprites to be offscreen
jsr svmw_move_sprites_offscreen
; Set our sprite active
; assume 544 byte sprite table in $0000
sep #$20 ; mem/A = 8 bit
lda #($0)
sta $0000
lda #(224/2 - 16)
sta $0001
stz $0002
lda #%01110000
sta $0003
; rep #$20 ; mem/A = 16 bit
lda #%01010100
sta $0200
; Enable sprite
; sssnnbbb
; ss = size (8x8 in our case)
; nn = name
; bb = base selection
lda #%00000000
sta $2101
jsr svmw_transfer_sprite
rep #$10
sep #$20
lda #%00010001 ; Enable BG1 and sprites
sta $212C
stz $212d
lda #$0F
sta $2100 ; Turn on screen, full Brightness
; lda #$81 ; Enable NMI (VBlank Intterupt) and joypads
; sta $4200 ;
; all work done in interrupt handler
bra level1_loop
; VBLank Routine
; All the action happens here
php ; save status register
rep #$30 ; Set A/mem=16 bits, X/Y=16 bits (to push all 16 bits)
.a16 ; tell assembler the A is 16-bits
phb ; save b
pha ; save A
phx ; save X
phy ; save Y
phd ; save zero page
sep #$20 ; A/mem=8 bit
lda $4212 ; get joypad status
and #%00000001 ; if joy is not ready
bne l1_joypad_read ; wait
lda $4219 ; read joypad (BYSTudlr)
and #%11110000 ; see if a button pressed
bne done_vblank ; if so, skip and don't move ball
lda #^x_direction ; get bank for x_direction var (probably $7E)
pha ;
plb ; set the data bank to the one containing x_direction
lda ball_x ; get current ball X value
; in the zero page, which is mirrored on SNES
ldx x_direction ; get x_direction 0=right, 1=left
bne ball_left ; if 1 skip ahead to handle going left
ina ; ball_x += 2
cmp #248 ; have we reached right side?
bne done_moving ; if not, keep moving right
ldx #1 ; if so, switch to moving left
bra done_moving
dea ; ball_x -= 2
bne done_moving ; if not at zero, keep moving left
ldx #0 ; hit wall, switchto moving right
sta ball_x ; save ball_x co-ord
stx x_direction ; save x_direction
; Update the sprite info structure (OAM)
lda #$0 ; set data bank back to 0
; Setup DMA transfer to copy our OAM structure in the zero page
; into the actual OAM
stz $2102 ; set OAM address to 0
stz $2103
ldy #$0400
sty $4300 ; CPU -> PPU, auto increment, write 1 reg, $2104 (OAM Write)
stz $4302
stz $4303 ; source offset
ldy #$0220
sty $4305 ; number of bytes to transfer
lda #$7E
sta $4304 ; bank address = $7E (work RAM)
lda #$01
sta $420B ;start DMA transfer
lda $4210 ; Clear NMI flag
rep #$30 ; A/Mem=16 bits, X/Y=16 bits
pld ; restore saved vaules from stack
sep #$20
rti ; return from interrupt
; Sprite Data
; sprite data
.include "sphere.sprite"
; tile data
;.include "tb1.pal"
.segment "BSS"
x_direction: .word 0